Natural selection or Societal selection?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of natural selection within human society and whether artificial enhancements, such as breast implants, can still be considered a form of natural selection. It is agreed that there is no separate category for societal selection, but rather it is recognized as a part of natural selection. Sexual selection is also mentioned as a factor in the evolution of certain traits, even though it may seem to go against natural selection. The conversation also touches on the idea that evolution has no purpose, but rather just exists, and that nature selects for traits that increase an individual's chances of passing on their genes. Overall, it is concluded that natural selection and sexual selection work together to shape the genetic makeup of a species.
  • #1
This is just a curiosity that I am confused about; is natural selection within human society still considered natural selection? I am confused in that people are no longer focusing on natural features so much as artificially "enhanced" features.

Is an artificial enhancement resulting in offspring still considered to be a form of natural selection, or is there a new category of "societal selection"?
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  • #2
There is no new category, but it is definitely recognised. It still coutns as natural selection, but there is also a type of cultural evolution that also happens: This feeds back into the natural selection, and they alter each other.

For instance, people could ahve a genetic disposition to like...bright colours, or whatever, and so they fall in love with someone who wears a lot of bright make up. They are selecting an artificial feature, but it also affects the genetic makeup of the offspring.
  • #3
I believe it would fit under the category of sexual selection. Since, I doubt there are any pressures that are life threatening. And things like breast implants could acutally reduce the survival of the individual.

  • #4
Originally posted by nautica
I believe it would fit under the category of sexual selection. Since, I doubt there are any pressures that are life threatening. And things like breast implants could acutally reduce the survival of the individual.


Why should natural selection have to be "life-threatenting"?
  • #5
Originally posted by Mentat
Why should natural selection have to be "life-threatenting"?

If it does not keep the organism from reproducing, then it will not be selected against.

  • #6
Originally posted by Mentat
Why should natural selection have to be "life-threatenting"?

I mean, "why should the pressures be life-threatening, for it to be called natural selection"?
  • #7
Only that sexual selection goes against natural selection. Logically, flamboyant colors ect... could cause the survival rate of a spp to be lower; therefore, selecting the trait out before reproduction. But, this trait is elaborated upon due to the selection by females (in most cases).

  • #8
Originally posted by nautica
Only that sexual selection goes against natural selection. Logically, flamboyant colors ect... could cause the survival rate of a spp to be lower; therefore, selecting the trait out before reproduction. But, this trait is elaborated upon due to the selection by females (in most cases).


Actually, since natural selection works at the level of the species, and not the individual, and since the whole point of existing, in a Darwinian world, is to reproduce more of your kind, the advantages of flamboyant colors in some species may outweigh the disadvantages, right?
  • #9
Yes, that is my point. But, it is not considered natural selection it is considered sexual selection, which, even Mr. Darwin himself believed to go against natural selection.

  • #10
I fail to understand how "sexual selection" goes against "natural selection"..

In fact, i fail to see any "selecting" at all. The individuals with traits that are beneficial will survive, because they are the beneficial, which is judged by the fact they survive. Someone help me here..
  • #11
If preditors are around, the spp would "perfer" a nuetral color so that it can go unoticed by the preditor. In sexual selection males are chosen based on elaborate, unnecisary traits, which, like I said, goes against natural selection.

  • #12
Originally posted by nautica
If preditors are around, the spp would "perfer" a nuetral color so that it can go unoticed by the preditor. In sexual selection males are chosen based on elaborate, unnecisary traits, which, like I said, goes against natural selection.


I still disagree. In a natural selection framework, there's no point in saving your own life, if it comes at the expense of lessening your chances of producing progeny.
  • #13
No point?

Evolution has not point. It just is.

Nature selects out disadvantages, which lessens the individuals fitness (in a reproduction sense) Elaborate colors or fancy feathers, ect... would clearly be a disadvantage to a spp, and would be selected out, unless of course, it increased that indivuals fitness through sexual selection, which is the case.

  • #14
This is the definition of natural selection

The differential reproduction of alleles in response to random selection processes, occurring from one population to the next over several generations; it results is an increase in the occurrence of some alleles and the decrease in the occurrence of others.

So if you have something that attrack the female and helps you in getting laid compare to the others, you will be selected. You migth kill sooner but you got laid more than the others. Therefore you increase you chance on passing you genes.
  • #15
BUT, the "selector" is the opposite sex - NOT nature, preditors, ect...

  • #16
Originally posted by nautica
No point?

Evolution has not point. It just is.

Nature selects out disadvantages, which lessens the individuals fitness (in a reproduction sense)...

Exactly, in a reproductive sense. Sexual selection would then be a very important part of natural selection on the level of more dominant species, wouldn't it?
  • #17
Originally posted by nautica
BUT, the "selector" is the opposite sex - NOT nature, preditors, ect...


A creature of the same species but opposite sex is in no way disqualified as being the "selector" least not from the definition that iansmith gave.

FAQ: Natural selection or Societal selection?

1. What is natural selection?

Natural selection is a process in which certain individuals of a species are better adapted to their environment and therefore have a greater chance of survival and reproduction. This leads to the passing on of advantageous traits to future generations.

2. How does natural selection work?

Natural selection works through a combination of random genetic mutations and selective pressures from the environment. These mutations create variation within a species, and the environment determines which traits are advantageous for survival and reproduction.

3. What is societal selection?

Societal selection is a concept that suggests human society and culture can act as a form of selection, influencing the traits that are deemed desirable or advantageous. This can lead to changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time.

4. How does societal selection differ from natural selection?

Societal selection differs from natural selection in that it is driven by cultural and societal factors, rather than environmental pressures. It also tends to act on a shorter timescale, as societal preferences and values can change more rapidly than environmental conditions.

5. Can societal selection have negative effects on a population?

Yes, societal selection can have negative effects on a population if the traits selected for are not actually advantageous in terms of survival and reproduction. This can lead to a decrease in genetic diversity and potentially harm the long-term viability of a species.

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