What college math classes could i take in high school?

In summary: Secondly, if this kid is really serious about wanting to get ahead in math, he should take the time to ask questions of his professors outside of class. Thirdly, if this kid is really serious about wanting to get ahead in math, he should try to find a job that allows him to take classes in math during the day. Fourthly, if this kid is really serious about wanting to get ahead in math, he should try to find a job that allows him to take classes in math during the day.
  • #1
So this summer I'm thinking about taking some community college classes so my summer isn't a total waste. I've taken precalc, ap physics b, and ap chemistry. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas of which classes would be mo

Applied Physics
General Physics and Calculus 1
College Algebra
Calculus and Analytical Geometry 1
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra

I'm not sure which require calculus but I have a basic grasp already of fundamentals and I'm teaching myself more.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
glen37 said:
So this summer I'm thinking about taking some community college classes so my summer isn't a total waste. I've taken precalc, ap physics b, and ap chemistry. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas of which classes would be mo

Applied Physics
General Physics and Calculus 1
College Algebra
Calculus and Analytical Geometry 1
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra

I'm not sure which require calculus but I have a basic grasp already of fundamentals and I'm teaching myself more.
you can safely take calc 1, linear algebra, and physics 1. college algebra is like alg 1 + 2 from high school so you got that covered already.
  • #3
will physics 1 be anything i haven't learned from ap physics B?
  • #4
nope but you're going to have to take in anyway so you might as well get it over
  • #5
glen37 said:
will physics 1 be anything i haven't learned from ap physics B?

If it's calculus based, maybe---it might be easier to tell if you post course descriptions, you might also want to post one for physics II, which should be things you haven't seen from ap physics b.
  • #6
alright we'll i don't think I'm going to take physics over the summer anyway. would calc1 and linear algebra be fine to take at the same time? Over the summer I'm not going anywhere so i have the time.
  • #7
glen37 said:
alright we'll i don't think I'm going to take physics over the summer anyway. would calc1 and linear algebra be fine to take at the same time? Over the summer I'm not going anywhere so i have the time.

Umm, you could do this. Traditionally linear algebra comes after both calc I and calc II, but it's not really necessary to know derivatives or integrals for 95% of the material in LA.
  • #8
ok thanks for the help. i already know derivatives and integrals too.
  • #9
Why would you do this? I mean if you take all of these classes over the summer then what are you going to do when your regular school starts up again? There's no rush to take these classes...

Try getting a job and enjoying summer it sucks when you don't get 3 months of the year off, enjoy it.
  • #10
lol i'd rather take math classes than have a job. I'm a senior in high school next year and i just like math.
  • #11
don't listen to feldoh. take the classes. a job sucks much more than coursework
  • #12
Ultimately, it's your decision but I would advise you to study calculus more in-depth on your own time. You claim to have the basics of calculus down and judging from your classes in school, I doubt you would benefit much from a CC calculus course.

Ask yourself if you are really willing to study more advanced math in-depth. Going through a calculus text like Spivak and using this forum wisely is a viable option. It all depends on how responsible you are for your own learning.
  • #13
snipez90 said:
Ultimately, it's your decision but I would advise you to study calculus more in-depth on your own time. You claim to have the basics of calculus down and judging from your classes in school, I doubt you would benefit much from a CC calculus course.

Ask yourself if you are really willing to study more advanced math in-depth. Going through a calculus text like Spivak and using this forum wisely is a viable option. It all depends on how responsible you are for your own learning.
no, no it's not. it's nearly impossible to make clear all but the simplest concepts without on one conversation.

take the class, read spivak, ask your professor questions outside of class. even if you feel you don't learn it completely and need to retake it, you'll breeze through it the second time.

why in the world would any tell this kid not to do this? i was, and still am, so jealous of the kids who were able to do this in high school and thereby get a head start on the truly interesting stuff in math in uni.
  • #14
What, dude you are giving some pretty misinformed advice.

First of all, it's not "nearly impossible" to make clear of the concepts. I was in a similar position as the OP two years ago as a junior in HS and if he's not lazy, he can easily self-study calculus.

From your statements, I conclude that you haven't actually read Spivak. It's probably a hell of a lot more conversational than a CC teacher would be.

There's no need to retake it if he learns it well the first time. Maybe you should put your jealousy aside and weigh the benefits and detriments of taking a CC calc course. Seriously, what is the point of taking a course that surely would not be using a wonderful text like Spivak (I wouldn't put all my faith behind the teacher either) and then reading Spivak at the same time? This is ridiculous. Just reading a text like Spivak and thinking about the problems will help the OP become a better problem-solver WHILE learning calculus.
  • #15
As someone who self-studied calculus, I'm with snipez90. It was pretty straightforward, and if one has trouble with a concept then forums can explain things well. CC math courses are fine if you want to prove you've been taking math classes after finishing all the courses at a high school but generally go too slow for someone who wants a challenge.
  • #16
Linear algebra is my advice.
  • #17
snipez90 said:
What, dude you are giving some pretty misinformed advice.

First of all, it's not "nearly impossible" to make clear of the concepts. I was in a similar position as the OP two years ago as a junior in HS and if he's not lazy, he can easily self-study calculus.

From your statements, I conclude that you haven't actually read Spivak. It's probably a hell of a lot more conversational than a CC teacher would be.

There's no need to retake it if he learns it well the first time. Maybe you should put your jealousy aside and weigh the benefits and detriments of taking a CC calc course. Seriously, what is the point of taking a course that surely would not be using a wonderful text like Spivak (I wouldn't put all my faith behind the teacher either) and then reading Spivak at the same time? This is ridiculous. Just reading a text like Spivak and thinking about the problems will help the OP become a better problem-solver WHILE learning calculus.
actually I've read spivak's calculus on manifolds. my grand point is WHAT POSSIBLE detriment could there be? there's nothing ridiculous about my suggestion. at the stage that he's at he needs feedback at least. a book will not provide that for him. discussion with a live professor will. and these forums are terrible. there's a reason why professor's use chalkboards and speak during classes instead of just transcribing text onto those boards. there are simply certain concepts that require more than words to intimate.
qntty said:
As someone who self-studied calculus, I'm with snipez90. It was pretty straightforward, and if one has trouble with a concept then forums can explain things well. CC math courses are fine if you want to prove you've been taking math classes after finishing all the courses at a high school but generally go too slow for someone who wants a challenge.
that's a silly presumption. unless you've attended the cc he will attend and taken the class he will take by the professor he study under you can't claim any such thing. my physics class at CC were 10 fold better than any I've taken at uni.
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  • #18
Just my two cents: Get Calc I and II done so you can start with some cool math, like ODE's in College. I think Stewart's book is really good, it might not be as rigorous as Spivak but for the first time through I think you'll learn everything you need.
  • #19
ice109 said:
don't listen to feldoh. take the classes. a job sucks much more than coursework

Funny thing is to take classes they cost money. Colleges won't let you go for free...

Get a job it will give you people skills (well most jobs) which in my opinion is a big problem for a lot of people. If you still want to study self-studying is the way to go.
  • #20
community colleges let me take some for free as a high schooler. i agree that i want to have some proof that I've taken advanced math classes so i can get started with more fun stuff in college, even if i could learn it from a book. Also i want something more structured so i can get it done with and not start reading a book and stop halfway through.
  • #21
Oh even better spend tax payer money...
  • #22
people skills are overated
  • #23
Feldoh said:
Oh even better spend tax payer money...

so you're against public education?
  • #24
glen37 said:
so you're against public education?

It's a bit off-topic but yes I am...
  • #25
I wouldn't recommend taking a calculus class over the summer if you've had no exposure to it. Summer classes can be very fast paced since they only last two or three months.
  • #26
I think that while self-studying is definitely beneficial, it is also harder and it requires much more self-discipline and time. One of the advantages of actually taking a course is that the professor has already digested the information and can explain the concepts in a more concise and perhaps clearer way.
My advice would be to take the course when you have the chance and if you run out of courses to take, then resort to self-studying. Of course, doing both at the same time would be ideal.

FAQ: What college math classes could i take in high school?

1. What are some common college math classes offered in high school?

Some common college math classes offered in high school include Calculus, Statistics, and Linear Algebra.

2. Can I take college-level math classes in high school?

Yes, many high schools offer Advanced Placement (AP) or Dual Enrollment courses that count for college credit.

3. How do I know if I'm ready for a college math class in high school?

You should have a strong foundation in basic math concepts and have completed prerequisite courses. Talk to your math teacher or school counselor for guidance.

4. What is the benefit of taking college math classes in high school?

Taking college math classes in high school can save you time and money in college, as you can earn college credit while still in high school. It can also demonstrate to colleges that you are challenging yourself academically.

5. Will taking college math classes in high school affect my GPA?

It depends on your school's policies. Some high schools give extra weight to college-level courses, while others do not. It's best to check with your school to see how these courses will impact your GPA.

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