Elastic collision find max height

In summary: The masses in the equation must cancel out so that the total mass of the two blocks is the same after the collision.
  • #1
I am having a lot of difficulty with this problem:
Consider a frictionless track as shown in Figure P6.48. A block of mass m1 = 4.20 kg is released from A. It makes a head on elastic collision at B with a block of mass m2 = 10.5 kg that is initially at rest. Calculate the maximum height to which m1 rises after the collision.

My plan was to use (KE+PE)i=(KE+PE)f, somehow.
I know that at the time of release block A has 205.8 J of potential energy, from PE=mgy, but I need the final velocity in order to use the conservation equation.
I found the velocity before the collision using (delta y)=.5(Vyo+Vy)t, and got 9.9m/s for Block A, B is at rest.
Then I tried to figure out the velocity after the collision, using (m1v1+m2v2)i = (m1v1+m2v2)f
I had (4.2 x 9.9)= (m1v1+m2v2)f, so m2v2f=41.58-m1v1, and that is where I seem to be stuck, I can't figure out how to carry on or if I am even right up to this point. Any tips are EXTREMELY appreciated!
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  • #2
In the case of an elastic collision, except linear momentum, kinetic energy is also conserved. Use that fact, too. After finding the speed of the first mass after the colision, use the fact that the work m1g*h done by gravity equals the change of kinetic energy from the moment after the colision to the moment when v1 equals 0 (i.e. the moment the mass m1 obtains its maximum height h).
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  • #3
I don't think I understand what the next step would be, I haven't been able to get as far as finding the velocity right after the collision. The initial PE (mgy) was 205.8 J, so I know that the KE at the bottom (right after collision) must equal that, but how do I tell the difference in that from the KE it had right before the collision, when it was also at 0 elevation? I tried setting it up with the values right before the collision as (.5mv^2 + mgy)i, which is (.5 x 4.2 x 9.9^2 + 0) equal to at where the max height would be, (.5mv^2 + mgy)f, which would be (.5 x 4.2 x 0 + 4.2 x 9.8), and when I solved for y I got 5.00, which isn't right, that was my initial height, I seem to be doing something circular. Can you explain what my next step should be?
  • #4
Nevermind, I just got it, sorry. I used v1i + v1f = v2i + v2f and set v2f equal to (v1i + v1f), since v2i is zero, and solved to get -4.24 m/s for the velocity after collision, then used the KE=PE rule to solve for the height, 0.92 m.
Thanks for the tips!
One question: the equation above, v1i + v1f = v2i + v2f, was given in lecture and appears in the book, but I really don't understand it, how do the masses cancel out of the blocks are inequal?

FAQ: Elastic collision find max height

1. What is an elastic collision?

An elastic collision is a type of collision in which the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved. This means that the total energy before the collision is equal to the total energy after the collision.

2. How do you calculate the maximum height in an elastic collision?

The maximum height in an elastic collision can be calculated using the equation h = (V^2sin^2θ)/(2g), where V is the initial velocity, θ is the angle of the collision, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

3. Can the maximum height in an elastic collision be negative?

No, the maximum height in an elastic collision cannot be negative. This is because the maximum height is a measure of the vertical distance reached by the object, and negative values do not have a physical meaning in this context.

4. How does the angle of collision affect the maximum height in an elastic collision?

The angle of collision does affect the maximum height in an elastic collision. The maximum height will be higher if the angle of collision is closer to 90 degrees, and lower if the angle is closer to 0 degrees.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of calculating the maximum height in an elastic collision?

The accuracy of calculating the maximum height in an elastic collision can be affected by factors such as air resistance, friction, and the elasticity of the objects involved in the collision. These factors can cause energy to be lost or transferred during the collision, resulting in a deviation from the calculated maximum height.

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