Sequence of continuous functions vs. Lebesgue integration

In summary, the conversation discusses finding continuous functions that satisfy certain conditions such as converging to 0 and having a divergent supremum integral. The speaker suggests using peaked functions, specifically a delta sequence, to satisfy these conditions. They also mention that the integral should converge to 0 and suggest making the functions even narrower to satisfy the third condition.
  • #1
This is a question from Papa Rudin Chapter 2:

Find continuous functions f_{n} : [0,1] -> [0,\infty) such that f_{n} (x) -> 0 for all x \in [0 ,1] as $n -> \infty. \int^{1}_{0} f_n dx -> 0 , but \int^{1}_{0} sup f_{n} dx = \infty.

Any idea? :) Thank you so much!
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  • #2
Try some sort of peaked functions, whose peaks get higher and narrower (and move in some way in [0,1]) as n increases. I'm thinking of something like a delta sequence. these should converge pointwise to zero. Humm, the integral should converge to zero...for ordinary delta sequences the integral is always one, so you might want to make even narrower. the third condidtion should also be satisfied. Maybe I'll try to write it down more explicitly later:smile:
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FAQ: Sequence of continuous functions vs. Lebesgue integration

What is the difference between sequence of continuous functions and Lebesgue integration?

A sequence of continuous functions refers to a series of functions that are continuous in a particular domain. Lebesgue integration, on the other hand, is a method for defining integrals in a more general setting, allowing for integration of more diverse functions than the Riemann integral.

Why is Lebesgue integration important in mathematics?

Lebesgue integration is important because it provides a more generalized and powerful method for integration. It allows for the integration of more complex and diverse functions, and has applications in areas such as probability theory, functional analysis, and differential equations.

How does the convergence of a sequence of continuous functions relate to Lebesgue integration?

In general, the convergence of a sequence of continuous functions to a limit function does not guarantee that the limit function is also integrable. However, the Lebesgue integral has the property of being able to integrate a sequence of functions even if they do not converge pointwise.

Can a sequence of continuous functions converge to a non-continuous function?

Yes, it is possible for a sequence of continuous functions to converge to a non-continuous function. This is because the limit of a sequence of continuous functions may not necessarily be continuous, and the convergence of a sequence of functions does not depend on the continuity of the limit function.

How does Lebesgue integration improve upon the limitations of Riemann integration?

Lebesgue integration improves upon the limitations of Riemann integration by allowing for the integration of a wider class of functions, including functions that are not continuous or have unbounded discontinuities. It also has a more general definition of integration, allowing for the integration of functions over more diverse domains.
