Exploring the Past: The Fascinating Concept of Viewing Distant Worlds in Time

  • Thread starter ianpr
  • Start date
In summary: A more sophisticated technology to send the light signal? A longer time delay between observation and the emitted light?etc. Not to mention the fact that the further away an object is, the less light it emits, making it even harder to observe. In summary, signals emitted from distant objects travel only forward in time and cannot be sent back in time to be observed.
  • #1
ok, if when we look at a planet that is say 100000 light years away, and we can see it emitting light, and that light takes 100000 light years to reach us, then is it possible that the planet may not even be there any more? if so i f i was there looking back at erath would i be seeing into the past, like could i be seeing dinosours and stuff walking the earth?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
ianpr said:
ok, if when we look at a planet that is say 100000 light years away, and we can see it emitting light, and that light takes 100000 light years to reach us, then is it possible that the planet may not even be there any more? if so i f i was there looking back at erath would i be seeing into the past, like could i be seeing dinosours and stuff walking the earth?

Yes, all our observations from the cosmos are delayed, some by very long periods of time, e.g. billions of years.

In principle, you could see the dinosaurs. For example if the light emitted by the dinosaurs traveled out into space and was reflected at some mirror millions of lightyears away, and back towards earth. Then you'd see moving images of the dinosaurs from many millions of years ago.

You'r only seeing old moving pictures, you cannot interact with the events taking place in this moving picture, and therefore not influence those events, of course.

So its not really much more interesting than watching an old recording... :-)
  • #3
wow thanks for the reply :-)
  • #4
not that has got me thinking, can this be somehow reversed into seeing into the future? or am i just talking madness?
  • #5
You're welcome!

I should probably mention something more in connection with my example of the cosmic mirror. It is of course too late now to place such a mirror in outer space. You'd have to do it beforehand. RIght now the images of the dinosaurs (the emitted light) are in principle (although increadibly/fantastically weak...) still traveling at the speed of light away from Earth at many millions of lightyears away. It is impossible for us to close that gap, due to the restrictions of special relativity. We'd have to travel faster than light, which is not possible.

Similarly, when you admire yourself in a mirror, standing 0.5m away from it, you are really watching an image of yourself that is around 3 nanoseconds old :-)
  • #6
ianpr said:
not that has got me thinking, can this be somehow reversed into seeing into the future? or am i just talking madness?

There is no scientific evidence that suggests that this would be possible. According to the currently established laws of physics, signals such as light emanating from events only move forward in time. So a signal cannot be sent to the past, to make it possible for someone to see the future.
  • #7
when u say close the gap, do you mean that the light has long gone and is still on the move?, my question then would be can we slow light down down? if light is constant if you get me? then let's make it destination longer, say you used mirrors to deflect it 100 million times round the Earth first then sent it on it way, would that not take longer to get there, i unsderstand the bit you said about you would need to have the mirror in place before hand, just asking would it be possible to slow light down , also i know 100 million times at light speed would not be enougth its just an example? thanks for your time and please tell me if u think i am waisting it and i will leave you be ha ha, thanks again for your time.
  • #8
ianpr said:
when u say close the gap, do you mean that the light has long gone and is still on the move?, my question then would be can we slow light down down? if light is constant if you get me? then let's make it destination longer, say you used mirrors to deflect it 100 million times round the Earth first then sent it on it way, would that not take longer to get there, i unsderstand the bit you said about you would need to have the mirror in place before hand, just asking would it be possible to slow light down , also i know 100 million times at light speed would not be enougth its just an example? thanks for your time and please tell me if u think i am waisting it and i will leave you be ha ha, thanks again for your time.

Yup, it is possible in principle to "save" an image for future observation by letting the emanated light signal reflect e.g. between parallel mirrors. But in practice, it will be impossible, for many reasons. You'd need perfect mirrors, a near perfect vacuum, a perfect setup of perfectly stationary mirrors, etc. But in principle it is possible, if everything is "ideal". Which it never is...
  • #9
torquil said:
Yup, it is possible in principle to "save" an image for future observation by letting the emanated light signal reflect e.g. between parallel mirrors. But in practice, it will be impossible, for many reasons.
Just make a photograph, much simpler.
  • #10
ty again
  • #11
Passionflower said:
Just make a photograph, much simpler.

Agreed. Hence my comment above about the "light signal from the far past" not being much better than looking at a recording.
  • #12
do u think by using your (You'd need perfect mirrors, a near perfect vacuum) u could trap light in a box then u could in theory see these images from the 0.5m like looking into a mirror,.....passion where on Earth ar u goona be able to take a photo of a moving dinosour? as in a real 1?
  • #13
ianpr said:
do u think by using your (You'd need perfect mirrors, a near perfect vacuum) u could trap light in a box then u could in theory see these images from the 0.5m like looking into a mirror,.....passion where on Earth ar u goona be able to take a photo of a moving dinosour? as in a real 1?

You won't be able to capture any light from a real dinosaur by any method, since that light is too far away from us and moving away at the speed of light. But you could in principle capture light from some current event, and use it a hundred millions years later, by the methods mentioned. Again, just in principle... :-) If you want to avoid the usual simple techniques for storing images (camera etc).
  • #14
no i mean say u shined a torch into a box of perfect mirrors and shut the box... arrr i see... u can't shut the box fast enough. was going to say and trap it, i know mirrors absorb a fraction of the light there for over time it will be gone, but say perfect mirrors?
  • #15
but if you could shut that box, maybe this is for another place on here i am not sure,

FAQ: Exploring the Past: The Fascinating Concept of Viewing Distant Worlds in Time

1. What is the concept of exploring the past in distant worlds in time?

The concept of exploring the past in distant worlds in time is the idea of using scientific methods and technology to study and understand events and civilizations that existed in the past. This can include studying ancient artifacts, geological data, and other evidence to piece together a picture of what life was like in the past.

2. Why is it important to explore the past in distant worlds in time?

Exploring the past in distant worlds in time allows us to gain a better understanding of our own history and the evolution of our planet. It also helps us to learn from past mistakes and make informed decisions for the future. Additionally, studying the past can lead to new discoveries and advancements in science and technology.

3. What techniques are used to explore the past in distant worlds in time?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to explore the past in distant worlds in time. These include radiocarbon dating, geological analysis, satellite imagery, and DNA analysis. They also utilize interdisciplinary approaches, such as combining archaeological and historical data, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the past.

4. Can exploring the past in distant worlds in time help us understand extraterrestrial life?

Yes, exploring the past in distant worlds in time can provide valuable insights into the potential for extraterrestrial life. By studying the evolution of life on Earth and the conditions that allowed it to thrive, scientists can make predictions about the possibility of life on other planets and the conditions it may require.

5. How does the concept of exploring the past in distant worlds in time relate to the concept of time travel?

The concept of exploring the past in distant worlds in time is closely related to the concept of time travel, as both involve looking back in time and studying events that have already occurred. However, exploring the past in distant worlds in time is based on scientific evidence and methods, whereas time travel is more of a theoretical concept that has not been proven to be possible.

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