Vorticity and Flux of Vector Field ##\vec{f}## Explained

  • Thread starter Jhenrique
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In summary, the quantity of vorticity, represented by the curl operation on a vector field, measures the local circulation of the field. The divergence operation on the same vector field can be used to measure the local flux, with the term "divergence" commonly used to describe it. However, in the context of a fluid, the divergence of the velocity field can also be referred to as sinks and sources, with sinks representing negative divergence and sources representing positive divergence. In the standard literature, the terms "vorticity" and "divergence" are commonly used to describe these quantities, but there may be other theoretical interpretations and classifications for them.
  • #1
The quantity ##\vec{\omega} = \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{f}## is called vorticity and is the measure of the local circulation of the vector field ##\vec{f}##.

So, given the same vector field ##\vec{f}##, is possible measure the local flux by ##\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{f}##. This quantity has some special name?
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  • #2
You mean other than "divergence"?
  • #3
Matterwave said:
You mean other than "divergence"?

I'm thinking so-so like way:
The curl operation results the vorticity, so the divergence operation results the ... ?
  • #4
The divergence results in the...divergence...why would you need another word for it, when you have a perfectly good word already?

The "vorticity" you mention as a name is only valid for the curl of the velocity field of a fluid. A general curl is called a curl...

For a fluid, the divergence of the velocity would be sinks or sources I suppose. Sinks being negative divergence and sources being positive divergence.
  • #5
"Vorticity" isn't just a name, is a quantity! Source and sink are just qualitative considerations, I'd want a physical quantity for the divergence of the velocity of a fluid.
  • #7
Incompressible is analogous of irrotational...
  • #8
Tell you what, why don't you come up with a name for it, and tell us how useful this classification is, and maybe we'll all use it.

In the standard literature the terms WBN and I gave you are basically it.
  • #9
Matterwave said:
Tell you what, why don't you come up with a name for it, and tell us how useful this classification is, and maybe we'll all use it.

In the standard literature the terms WBN and I gave you are basically it.

Really! Mathematical quantities that haven't physical application isn't useful. But, how I like very much of math, always exist a theoretical interetering for anything.

FAQ: Vorticity and Flux of Vector Field ##\vec{f}## Explained

1. What is vorticity in a vector field?

Vorticity is a measure of the local rotation of a vector field. It is a vector quantity that describes the tendency of a fluid or gas to rotate around a certain point. In other words, it is the curl of the vector field at a given point.

2. How is vorticity calculated?

Vorticity is calculated using the cross product of the velocity vector and the gradient of the velocity vector. This can be represented mathematically as follows:

$$ \vec{\omega} = \nabla \times \vec{v} = \begin{vmatrix} \hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \\ v_x & v_y & v_z \end{vmatrix} $$

3. What is flux in a vector field?

Flux is a measure of the flow of a vector field through a surface or boundary. It is a scalar quantity that describes the amount of flow passing through a given area. It is calculated by taking the dot product of the vector field and the surface normal vector.

4. How is flux calculated?

Flux is calculated using the dot product of the vector field and the surface normal vector. This can be represented mathematically as follows:

$$ \Phi = \int\int_S (\vec{f}\cdot\hat{n}) dS $$

5. What is the relationship between vorticity and flux in a vector field?

The relationship between vorticity and flux in a vector field is described by the Kelvin-Stokes theorem, which states that the line integral of the vector field around a closed curve is equal to the surface integral of the curl of the vector field over the surface enclosed by the curve. In other words, the vorticity at a point is equal to the flux through a surface surrounding that point. This relationship is important in understanding the behavior of fluids and gases in motion.
