How does turbulence affect the boundary layer and create drag on swimsuits?

In summary, the conversation discusses the connection between the behavior of water on swimsuits and golf balls, as well as the role of turbulence in the boundary layer and its effect on drag. The conversation also touches on the potential use of golf ball-like surfaces on airplane wings. The use of links as sources for further information is also mentioned.
  • #1
hi, I'm just currently doing some research on swimsuits and how they work. i have found that 1 type of swimsuit makes water "stick" to the suit longer so the water doesn't separate and cause drag. i notice this is very similar to how golf balls work with the dimples making the air stick longer to the Boundary Layer. my question is, how does a turbulent boundary layer get the water to "stick" longer to the suit? wouldn't it be the other way around, turbulent making the water come off more quickly? also how exactly does water seperating from the boundary layer create drag? btw if there are any great websites to refer me to would be very helpful

Physics news on
  • #3
thanks, but the question still remains, why does turbulent flow make water "stick" to the boundary layer?
  • #4
As far as I know turbulence pressurizes additionally the boundary layer against the wall. Also dynamic viscosity is virtually increased due to the turbulent stresses (turbulent viscosity). One could think of the contrary behaviour, but the external eddies enhances the more grip of the layer.

I have another question: if a turbulent layer has less drag, why do not the wings are shaped like the surface of golf balls?. I mean with those small holes on the surface.

I've tried to give you a <more humanitarian> answer than that posted a little above. I assume you have googled a bit before coming here, so that answering you with links to encyclopedias is... :zzz:

FAQ: How does turbulence affect the boundary layer and create drag on swimsuits?

What is the boundary layer?

The boundary layer is a thin layer of fluid near a solid surface where the effects of viscosity and friction are significant. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in fluid velocity from the surface to the outer flow.

What is the importance of the boundary layer?

The boundary layer is important because it affects the flow properties, such as velocity and pressure, near a solid surface. It also plays a crucial role in heat and mass transfer processes, and can have significant effects on the overall performance of a system.

What factors affect the thickness of the boundary layer?

The thickness of the boundary layer is affected by several factors, including the fluid properties (such as viscosity and density), the flow velocity, and the geometry of the solid surface. Roughness of the surface and presence of obstacles can also influence the thickness of the boundary layer.

How is the boundary layer classified?

The boundary layer can be classified as either laminar or turbulent. In a laminar boundary layer, the fluid particles move in smooth, parallel layers, whereas in a turbulent boundary layer, the fluid particles move in a chaotic, irregular manner. The type of boundary layer is determined by the fluid properties and flow conditions.

How is the boundary layer important in aerodynamics?

In aerodynamics, the boundary layer is important because it affects the drag and lift forces on an object. A thicker boundary layer can result in increased drag, while a thinner boundary layer can lead to reduced drag and improved aerodynamic performance. Understanding and controlling the boundary layer is crucial in designing efficient and effective aircraft and other aerodynamic systems.
