Classical vs. Quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector

In summary, the Pauli-Lubanski spin 4-vector S is used as an operator in quantum mechanical calculations and represents the physical spin angular momentum in a classical sense. In the particle's rest frame, the spatial components of S correspond to the spin angular momentum 3-vector components. However, when S is Lorentz boosted, the time component is no longer zero and it is unclear if the spatial components still represent the spin angular momentum 3-vector or have a different meaning. It is suggested to examine the transformation of the relativistic total angular momentum tensor in its rest frame in terms of the LS vector to gain a better understanding.
  • #1
I have a few basic questions about the Pauli-Lubanski spin 4-vector S.

1. I've used it in quantum mechanical calculations as an operator, that is to say each of the components of S is a matrix operator that operates on an eigenvector or eigenspinor. But my question is about the utility of S in a classical sense, that is to say it represents the physical spin angular momentum. For example, in an electron's rest frame, is the spin 4-vector for the case spin-up along the z-axis given by S = (0, 0, 0, h/2) and for spin-down along x we have S = (0, -h/2, 0, 0) etc?

2. I know that in the particle's rest frame S = (0, Sx, Sy, Sz) where the spatial components are the spin angular momentum 3-vector components. However, when we Lorentz boost S, the time component is no longer zero. In this boosted case, do the 3 spatial components still give the spin angular momentum 3-vector (analogous to the case for 4-momentum where the 3 spatial components always give the 3-momentum), or do the spatial components now mean something else? The reason I'm not sure is that some 4-vectors, e.g. 4-velocity, have spatial components that do not represent 3-velocity at all since they may be superluminal, etc.

Thanks for any help on this!
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  • #2
You should try to express the relativistic total angular momentum tensor in it's rest frame in terms of the LS vector. Then look how this tensor transforms under boosts!
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FAQ: Classical vs. Quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector

1. What is the difference between classical and quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector?

Classical interpretation of spin 4-vector refers to the understanding of spin as a vector quantity in classical mechanics, where it represents the angular momentum of a rotating object. In quantum mechanics, spin 4-vector has a different interpretation, as it represents an intrinsic property of particles and is related to their angular momentum and magnetic moment.

2. How does the classical interpretation of spin 4-vector differ from the quantum interpretation?

The main difference lies in the underlying theories. Classical mechanics describes the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics is used to describe the behavior of subatomic particles. In classical mechanics, spin 4-vector is a measurable quantity, while in quantum mechanics, it is a fundamental property of particles with no classical analog.

3. Can the classical and quantum interpretations of spin 4-vector be reconciled?

No, the two interpretations cannot be reconciled. They are based on fundamentally different principles and describe different aspects of the physical world. However, they are both valid in their respective domains of application.

4. What experiments have been conducted to support the quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector?

Many experiments have been conducted to support the quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector, including the Stern-Gerlach experiment, which demonstrated the quantized nature of spin. Other experiments, such as the Bell test and the delayed-choice quantum eraser, have also provided evidence for the quantum nature of spin.

5. How does the quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector impact our understanding of the universe?

The quantum interpretation of spin 4-vector is an important aspect of quantum mechanics, which is a fundamental theory that describes the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. It has led to many groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements, and has greatly expanded our understanding of the universe and the behavior of matter at a fundamental level.

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