PF Staff Changes: Hootenanny & Tom Retiring, Redbelly98 & Vanadium_50 Joining

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, Hootenanny and Tom Mattson are retiring from the PF staff. Redbelly98 and Vanadium_50 have been brought in to fill the gaps. Both will still be around the forums, Hootenanny will be focusing on his path to a PhD and Tom has a demanding teaching schedule. Both have put in massive amounts of effort into the forums and it shows. They are and have been important players in how the forums have been shaped the past few years. We hope they return soon!
  • #1
It is my reluctant duty to report that both Hootenanny and Tom Mattson are retiring from the PF staff (we've been assured it's temporary :biggrin:). While both will still be around the forums, Hootenanny will be focusing on his path to a PhD and Tom has a demanding teaching schedule. Both have put in massive amounts of effort into the forums and it shows. They are and haven been important players in how the forums have been shaped the past few years. Again, we hope they return soon!

To help fill in those very large holes left by Hoot and Tom we have brought in some new fresh top talent. Redbelly98 and Vanadium_50 :approve: Congrats guys and welcome!
Physics news on
  • #2
Thanks, Hoot and Tom, and thanks Redbelly and Vanadium.
  • #3
Thank you Hootenanny and Tom Mattson for all your time and effort. Thank you Redbelly and Vanadium for your efforts here already and those to come.
  • #4
:cool: Now if Redbelly98 and Vanadium 50 will show up and report to work. :biggrin:
  • #5
Astronuc said:
:cool: Now if Redbelly98 and Vanadium 50 will show up and report to work. :biggrin:
Uh, oh! Do the Mentor restroom and the Mentor microwave need cleaning?
  • #6
Astronuc said:
:cool: Now if Redbelly98 and Vanadium 50 will show up and report to work. :biggrin:

shhhhh you mean show up for vacation! oh vandy... the janitor's close... I mean hot springs pool is third door on the left :biggrin:
  • #7
Congrats to Redbelly and Vanadium. Another well-deserved honor.

Best wishes to both Tom and Hoot on their endeavors! If only the physicists around here could figure out a way to add more hours to a day, right? :biggrin:
  • #8
Moonbear said:
Congrats to Redbelly and Vanadium. Another well-deserved honor.

Best wishes to both Tom and Hoot on their endeavors! If only the physicists around here could figure out a way to add more hours to a day, right? :biggrin:

They'll be back when the days get longer again.

Welcome Redbelly and Vanadium. And don't worry, I will show you my special, secret trick for cleaning the microwave in the Mentor kitchen. :wink:
  • #9
Thanks everybody! I add my congrats to Vanadium, and good wishes to Hoot and Tom as well.
  • #10
Welcome aboard Redbelly and Vanadium. :smile:

Sorry to see Hoot and Tom leave. :frown:
  • #11
WOOT! Redbelly and Vanadium! I already did my happy dance in the mentor's forum. We are so lucky to have them both!

I am very sad to see Hoot and Tom go even if it's temporary. They both did so much to make this forum what it is today. PLEASE COME BACK SOON!
  • #12
Redbelly and Vanadium are great additions to an already strong mentor group :approve:.

I hope Hoot and Tom aren't gone too long...thanks, guys.
  • #13
Redbelly98 and Vanadium 50 in green. Fantastic!

Earl Grey, black, please.

Many thanks to Hootenanny and Tom Mattson.
  • #14
Congrats Redbelly98 and Vanadium 50.

  • #15
I trust Vanadium will be a great mentor for the parts of the forum I am most familiar with. He has always proven very knowledgeable and rigorous.

Congratulations to the new mentors ! Thanks for taking the duty.
  • #16
Congrats to Vanadium and Redbelly!. I am sure both will do a good work!
  • #17
Great choices for new staff !
  • #18
Thanks and congrats to all four (you can select if you want to be thanked or congratulated) :smile:
  • #19
turbo-1 said:
Uh, oh! Do the Mentor restroom and the Mentor microwave need cleaning?'s the same unit!
  • #20
Those are some big shoes to fill, but, in my experience, Redbelly and Vanadium definitely have big enough feet! (in the metaphorical sense, of course. I know nothing about they're actual feet.)

  • #21
Congrats to Redbelly98 and Vanadium_50 !:smile:

Thanks to Tom and Hoot! Wish them the bests!

PS: But Tom had told me before that he'd never leave PF mentorship:rolleyes:
  • #22
G01 said:
Those are some big shoes to fill, but, in my experience, Redbelly and Vanadium definitely have big enough feet!

What they lack in size, they make up in smelliness.
  • #23
I'd like to add my, somewhat belated, congratulations to both Redbelly and Vanadium. They have both made huge contributions to PF already and I am sure that they will both make excellent mentors.
  • #24
Hoot! You're back!
  • #25
Vanadium 50 said:
Hoot! You're back!
Not permanently, I'm afraid. I only dropped by on my lunch!
  • #26
Hootenanny said:
Not permanently, I'm afraid. I only dropped by on my lunch!

But you came back again to read the reply! I suspect you'll be re-hooked on PF soon. Seriously, though, good luck with your studies-- I hope all goes well.
  • #27
*Lures Hootenanny into a cage* :devil:
  • #28
Kurdt said:
*Lures Hootenanny into a cage* :devil:

He's already the captive of his studies!:biggrin:
  • #29
Kurdt said:
*Lures Hootenanny into a cage* :devil:

What did you use for bait?
  • #30
Math Is Hard said:
What did you use for bait?
A jug of moonshine and a banjo?
  • #31
turbo-1 said:
A jug of moonshine and a banjo?

I think I saw that movie.

  • #32
Best wishes to Hoot and Tom! :smile:

Congrats to Redbelly and Vanadium! :biggrin:
  • #33
Thanks to everyone for all the kind words! I haven't left the forums, I just don't have time to do justice to the title of "PF Mentor". I'm teaching, and studying, and researching, and trying to have a social life and a relationship and it's all pulling me apart at the seams a bit :eek:
  • #34
Tom Mattson said:
Thanks to everyone for all the kind words! I haven't left the forums, I just don't have time to do justice to the title of "PF Mentor". I'm teaching, and studying, and researching, and trying to have a social life and a relationship and it's all pulling me apart at the seams a bit :eek:
You chose having a life in the real world over wearing the tights and cape?

Come back Tom, come back to us...
  • #35
I haven't left, I just won't be as visible. I will be posting her a lot in the near future, but it will be to pick people's brains rather than contribute :redface: If anyone misses me too terribly you can hook up with me on myspace, or better yet facebook (I'm logged on to fb all the time).
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