Cryogenically Treated Vacuum Tubes

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
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In summary, cryogenic treatment of tubes is a process that involves tempering them in a deep freeze, resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting product with improved sonic qualities such as lower noise floor, lower distortion, extended frequency response, and increased resolution and transparency. This process is commonly used for other metal products and has been found to have positive effects on vacuum tubes as well. Personal experiences and testimonials suggest that the difference in sound output between cryogenically treated and untreated tubes is noticeable and significant.
  • #1
Les Sleeth
Gold Member
I am replacing two tubes (ecc88 type) in a preamp device I use with my stereo, and read about "cryogenic treatment." Does anybody know about the value of this? Also, has anyone used that type of tube and personally know what sort of difference it makes (if any) to sound output? Below is what the distributor says about it:

Cryogenic treatment is a process where a product (VACUUM TUBES) is tempered in a deep freeze process(-300F) for 48 hrs. This process produces a permanent change in the metals inside this product making it stronger and longer lasting. Tools, instruments, knives, razor blades, machinery parts have been Cryo Treated for many years.Why do this to tubes?Tubes are mostly metal inside so Cryo treating tubes has the following benefits: permanent change in the metals at the molecular level(more uniform grain structure of metals), longer lasting, tightens internal parts of the tube allowing for more efficient operation.


LOWER NOISE FLOOR,lower distortion, extended frequency response at the extremes, greately increased resolution and transparency. You will hear information from the recording you barely, or never heard before, especially at the back of the stage! Bass response is greatly improved, treble is sweeter but more extended.
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  • #2
The dynamics are greatly improved.

From my own experience, I can attest that cryogenic treatment of tubes does make a noticeable difference in sound output. I've used the ecc88 type of tube after cryogenic treatment and found that the sound was noticeably more detailed, with deeper bass and crisper treble. It was also much quieter than the untreated one.
  • #3

Cryogenically treated vacuum tubes are a relatively new concept in the audio industry, and there is still some debate over their effectiveness. Some audiophiles swear by them, claiming that they can hear a noticeable difference in sound quality when using these tubes in their equipment. Others argue that the effects of cryogenic treatment are minimal and not worth the extra cost.

The theory behind cryogenic treatment is that by exposing the tubes to extremely low temperatures, the metal components inside are permanently changed at a molecular level, resulting in improved performance. This process has been used for many years in other industries, such as in tools and machinery parts, with some success.

In terms of sound quality, the distributor claims that cryogenically treated tubes offer lower noise floor, lower distortion, extended frequency response, increased resolution and transparency, and improved bass response and treble. However, these claims have not been scientifically proven and are largely subjective.

If you are considering using cryogenically treated vacuum tubes, it is important to keep in mind that their effects on sound quality may vary depending on the individual's equipment and listening preferences. It may be worth trying them out for yourself to see if you can hear a difference in your system. Ultimately, the decision to use cryogenically treated tubes should be based on your personal preference and budget.

FAQ: Cryogenically Treated Vacuum Tubes

1. What are cryogenically treated vacuum tubes?

Cryogenically treated vacuum tubes are electronic devices that have undergone a process of extreme cooling to temperatures below -100 degrees Celsius. This process is believed to improve the performance and durability of the tubes.

2. How does cryogenic treatment affect the performance of vacuum tubes?

Cryogenic treatment is thought to reduce the electrical resistance and increase the conductivity of materials in the vacuum tubes. This can lead to improved signal strength and clarity, as well as increased longevity of the tubes.

3. What types of vacuum tubes can be cryogenically treated?

Most types of vacuum tubes can be cryogenically treated, including triodes, tetrodes, pentodes, and diodes. However, the effectiveness of the treatment may vary depending on the specific design and materials used in the tube.

4. How is cryogenic treatment performed on vacuum tubes?

The process of cryogenic treatment involves slowly cooling the vacuum tubes to extremely low temperatures using liquid nitrogen or helium. The tubes are then held at this temperature for a certain period of time before being slowly warmed back to room temperature. This process can take several days to complete.

5. What are the potential benefits of using cryogenically treated vacuum tubes?

Some potential benefits of using cryogenically treated vacuum tubes include improved sound quality, increased durability and longer lifespan, and reduced noise and distortion. However, the effectiveness of cryogenic treatment may vary and is still a topic of debate among scientists and audiophiles.
