Particle in magnetic field, classical and quantum view

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the quantum and classical views of an electron in a magnetic field. From the quantum perspective, the energy is quantized in the z direction, which is consistent with the classical result of circular motion around magnetic field lines. However, the existence of orbits around the field lines is not explicitly stated in the quantum description. The expectation value of the radius is quantized in energy eigenstates, but to get an exact answer, one would need to solve the modified Schroedinger equation or refer to other sources. The Hamiltonian for a particle in a B field is also mentioned, which has similarities to the raising and lowering operators for a simple harmonic oscillator.
  • #1
Hi, I am trying to understand quantum description of electron in B field. What I am looking for is how to relate quantum and classical view?

If in classical treatment electron comes in homogeneous B field, it will go in circular motion around magnetic field lines, with radius R.

From quantum view, we get LHO and quantization of energy. From equation for energy we see that only in z direction (direction along B field) we have dispersion relation for a free electron. That is fine with classical result.

What I cannot see from quantum description, are there orbits around magnetic field lines. Did anyone thought about this, and is there some clear picture about this view?

If electrons are orbiting around B lines, I suppose that radius is quantized? Am I right or wrong?
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  • #2
If electrons are orbiting around B lines, I suppose that radius is quantized? Am I right or wrong?
For energy eigenstates, the expectation value of the radius is quantized, indeed. Those eigenstates are "orbits" around field lines.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply. But I would like to ask you from where you see expression for the radius? I was looking for that, but probably I cannot interpret equations in right way :(
  • #4
The expectation value should be the same as the classical radius for the same energy, maybe with a small correction term. You would have to solve the modified Schroedinger equation (with the B-field in the momentum term) and evaluate this to get an exact answer. Alternatively, look for books where this has been done before.
  • #5
Ok, thanks.. On our QM course professor did not give us any physical picture while lecturing quantum LHO (and e in B), and therefore I was a little bit confused. I will to all the calculations.

Thanks once again :)
  • #6
The Hamiltonian for a particle in a B field is H = (1/2m) p2 where p is the canonical momentum, p = P - eA/c.

Unlike the mechanical momentum, the components of p do not commute: [pi, pj] = (ieħ/c) εijkBk. Specializing to a uniform B field in the z direction, [px, py] = iħm ω where ω = eB/mc. Also [px, H] = iħω py, [py, H] = - iħω px.

Thus defining p± = px ± ipy,

[p±, H] = ± ħω p±
[p+, p-] = 2 ħmω

Normalized correctly, p± satisfy the same commutation relations as the raising and lowering operators for the simple harmonic oscillator.

But note that this oscillation is not between x and p as it is for the SHO, it's between px and py. Which suggests that the particle is following a circular orbit.
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FAQ: Particle in magnetic field, classical and quantum view

What is a particle in a magnetic field?

A particle in a magnetic field refers to a charged particle (such as an electron or proton) that is moving through a region where there is a magnetic field present. The motion of the particle is affected by the magnetic field, causing it to experience a force and change its trajectory.

What is the classical view of a particle in a magnetic field?

In the classical view, a particle in a magnetic field is described using classical mechanics, which is based on Newton's laws of motion. The particle is treated as a point mass with a definite position and velocity, and its motion is affected by the magnetic field according to the Lorentz force law.

What is the quantum view of a particle in a magnetic field?

In the quantum view, a particle in a magnetic field is described using quantum mechanics, which takes into account the wave-like nature of particles at the microscopic level. The particle is described by a wavefunction, and its motion is governed by the Schrödinger equation, which includes the effects of the magnetic field.

How does the behavior of a particle in a magnetic field differ in the classical and quantum views?

In the classical view, the trajectory of the particle is continuous and can be predicted precisely, while in the quantum view, the position and velocity of the particle are described by a probability distribution. Additionally, in the quantum view, the particle can exhibit wave-like behaviors, such as interference patterns, that are not observed in the classical view.

What are some real-world applications of understanding particles in magnetic fields?

Understanding the behavior of particles in magnetic fields is crucial in many fields, such as particle accelerators, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic levitation technology. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of charged particles in space, which is important for space exploration and satellite communication.

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