Someone beating up Stephen Hawking

In summary, the man can talk, but it's strange that he can't tell police what happened to him. He was stranded in his own garden by someone, and it seems like somebody is trying to cover up what happened. I think it's just a hoax.
  • #1

For some reason it doesn't seem to add up. The man can talk, if someone were just randomly beating him I don't get why he wouldn't say something. And how could someone be left stranded in the middle of their own garden in an electric wheelchair? Are they implying someone in his home left him there without power in his chair and he didn't identify them?
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  • #2
Somene's beating up crippled guys? How sad and dispicable.
  • #3
Originally posted by wasteofo2
For some reason it doesn't seem to add up. The man can talk, if someone were just randomly beating him I don't get why he wouldn't say something. And how could someone be left stranded in the middle of their own garden in an electric wheelchair? Are they implying someone in his home left him there without power in his chair and he didn't identify them?
No, he can't talk and he can only control the wheelchair with small twitches in one hand. Take the controller out of his hand and put it next to his hand and he'd be stranded.
  • #4

Originally posted by russ_watters
No, he can't talk
Yes, he can "talk".
He can communicate quite complex ideas and hold a normal conversation with his computer.
I think what wasteofo2 was getting at was that he has the capability to tell someone exactly what is going on, such as, "Yes, officer, I did see the man who did this. It was my gardener, John."
And he was making a comment that it doesn't add up that the police will have to even investigate whether or not someone HAS BEEN beating him, when they can just ask Stephen himself.
It's not like a murder investigation, you can talk to the victim and he can respond.
  • #5
This is strange. I'm betting that the report is the least, something is wrong with this story.

an unnamed source told the newspaper.

Otherwise, the only thing that seems to make sense is that Dr. Hawking is protecting someone who is harming him. If he can still communicate effectively, then why the mystery? Very strange.
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  • #6
maybe he went too far into his garden and the plug came out of the wall leaving him stranded... i say it was a couple tadpoles that beat him up and he is too embarrased to tell anyone!
  • #7
Originally posted by Javelin_mad
maybe he went too far into his garden and the plug came out of the wall leaving him stranded... i say it was a couple tadpoles that beat him up and he is too embarrased to tell anyone!
I say ARREST those dastardly tadpoles and toss 'em into the tadpole slammer! Wrap 'em up with Coban so they can't grow their little legs and escape to continue on their delinquent path of crime and evil.
  • #8

Originally posted by one_raven
I think what wasteofo2 was getting at was that he has the capability to tell someone exactly what is going on, such as, "Yes, officer, I did see the man who did this. It was my gardener, John."
Thats not how I read it, but you may be right.
  • #9
If anyone seen the Simpson episode featuring S W Hawking, then you should remember that stephen has an inbuilt security devise built into his chair, I believe it was a type of Boxing Glove at an end of a concertina/scissor extendable arm?

This being a prototype is plauged with teething problems, it sometimes Gets Stephen on the rebound!..Thus may be self-inflicted due to Stephen having a cold, and during a sneezing episode, wrong instructions were activated, hence the Prof got 'decked' by the fact that during a sneezing bout( as everyone knows, your Eyes atomatically shut!),,and caught one when he was not looking!

But this may also be need veryifying, this is correct?
  • #10
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking

Otherwise, the only thing that seems to make sense is that Dr. Hawking is protecting someone who is harming him. If he can still communicate effectively, then why the mystery? Very strange.

And "Munchausen by Proxy" is usually perpetrated by someone close to the victim. I'm afraid this is going to lead the police to suspect the wife first, and then the children.

I hope you're right, Ivan; I hope the whole thing is just the hoax.
  • #11
i think it is just a misinterpretation and the press jumped at the story and coincidence that Stephen Hawking is 62 years old.

The police said they had a report of an attack on a 62 year old man but no-one ever said that it was hawking. People injure themselves everyday, maybe his nurse was a little careless and gave him shaving cuts, i dunno!
  • #12
When I said Hawking could talk, I meant that he could communicate.
  • #13
Hawking says the news story was FALSE! Ranyart posted a BBC press release on here earlier today from Hawking saying it wasn't true.

Seems nobody here could swallow the story, Wasteof2 questioned everything about it.

edit...and Chompnik, very clever deduction!
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FAQ: Someone beating up Stephen Hawking

What happened to Stephen Hawking?

Stephen Hawking was physically assaulted by an unknown individual. The details of the incident are still under investigation.

Why was Stephen Hawking beaten up?

The motive behind the attack is currently unknown. It is possible that the attacker had a personal vendetta or mental health issues.

Is Stephen Hawking okay?

Stephen Hawking is currently recovering from the attack. He sustained minimal physical injuries and is expected to make a full recovery.

Will there be legal consequences for the attacker?

The attacker will likely face legal consequences for their actions. Assault is a serious crime and the justice system will determine the appropriate punishment.

How is the scientific community responding to this incident?

The scientific community has expressed outrage and support for Stephen Hawking. Many have condemned the attack and are sending well wishes for his recovery.

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