Why do cell phones make my speakers buzz?

In summary, the conversation discusses the phenomenon of hearing a buzzing sound from a radio alarm clock just before a cell phone rings, and how this can disrupt factory systems. It also mentions the potential for this to occur with text messages or calls, and the amusing aspect of the phone's vibrations causing the mouse pointer to move. The conversation concludes by speculating that this may be due to bandwidth limitations.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I noticed recently that just before my cell phone rings I can hear a 100 Hz or so buzzing from the speaker of a certain radio alarm clock of mine. I have also seen this sort of thing take down factory systems when standing near unprotected control centers. I know one factory engineer that this caused no end of grief until they figured out what was happening.

Not to perpetuate the EM health risk myths as this only involves the ringer circuit, but I find this a little amusing and worthy of mention.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
it is even funnier if you put your mobile on the mouse cord, the pointer starts moving before receiveing a call...
  • #3
my monitor shakes.
  • #4
Yes, I can hear whenever someone receives a phone text message or call: my speakers will start beeping :-p or when I was in the US calling home I would notice the same thing in the line :rolleyes:

I guess they're running out of bandwiths?

FAQ: Why do cell phones make my speakers buzz?

1. What are the potential health risks associated with cell phone use?

There is currently no conclusive evidence that cell phone use directly causes health problems. However, some studies have suggested a possible link between long-term, heavy cell phone use and certain types of cancer, but more research is needed to confirm this.

2. Can cell phones cause interference with medical devices?

Cell phones can potentially interfere with certain medical devices, such as pacemakers or hearing aids. However, modern cell phones are designed to minimize this risk and most medical devices are shielded against interference.

3. Is it safe to use a cell phone while driving?

Using a cell phone while driving can be dangerous and is a leading cause of distracted driving accidents. It is recommended to avoid using cell phones while driving and to pull over if you need to make a call or send a text.

4. How can I reduce my exposure to cell phone radiation?

You can reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation by using hands-free devices, such as Bluetooth headsets, and by keeping your phone away from your body when it is not in use. Some cell phones also have a "low radiation" mode that reduces the amount of radiation emitted.

5. Do cell phones emit harmful radiation?

Cell phones emit a type of radiation called radiofrequency (RF) energy, which is a type of non-ionizing radiation that is generally considered safe for humans. However, long-term, heavy use of cell phones may have potential health risks, although more research is needed to fully understand the effects of cell phone radiation.

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