How Does an RC Circuit Behave Over Time?

Says: In summary, the conversation discusses a question about RC circuits and the behavior of a capacitor after a switch is closed. The deltaVc after the switch is closed is equal to the emf, Qmax can be calculated using the equations Qmax = C*(delta Vc)max = C * E (emf), and the current in this circuit is equal to + dQ/dt. An expression for the current at time t can be found by taking the derivative of Q = Qmax * (1 - e^(-t/tau)), giving the equation dQ/dt = (Qmax/tau)*e^(-t/tau) where tau = RC. Additionally, R plays no role in Qmax.
  • #1
Doin a question based around RC circuits and was in a bit of a bind, lookin for some help.

The capacitor in the figure below begins to charge after the switch closes at t = 0s.

a) what is deltaVc when t >> 0 after switch is closed?

b) what is Qmax in terms of emf, R and C?

c) in this circuit, does I = + dQ/dt or - dQ/dt?

d) find an expression for the current at time t. graph I from t=0 to t=5tau


A) for this part, i just said that when the switch is closed, the emf causes a current to flow and charge to build on the plates of the capacitor. the resistor slows this down but eventually, the plates reach their maximum charge capacity and the potential difference across them is equal to the emf. delta Vc = E (emf)

I believe that is the reason why, any extra info would be helpful

B) Wasn't sure how to do this. I know the equations are Qmax = C*(delta Vc)max = C * E (emf)

also know that Q = Qmax * (1 - e^(-t/tau)) where tau = RC

I'm attempting to relate R, C AND E (emf) all at the same time like the question asks, but i don't think they can be related to Qmax all in one equation.

C) Since this is a 'upside down' decay graph for Q, I = + dQ/dt. The slope is always positive but it decreases to zero as time approaches infinite. it means current is always flowing into the wire until infinite, where current stops flowing.

D) i took the expression, Q = Qmax * (1 - e^(-t/tau)) and took its derivative, dQ/dt, giving me dQ/dt = (Qmax/tau)*e^(-t/tau) where tau = RC.

right direction? totally wrong?
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  • #2
twiztidmxcn said:
Doin a question based around RC circuits and was in a bit of a bind, lookin for some help.

The capacitor in the figure below begins to charge after the switch closes at t = 0s.

a) what is deltaVc when t >> 0 after switch is closed?

b) what is Qmax in terms of emf, R and C?

c) in this circuit, does I = + dQ/dt or - dQ/dt?

d) find an expression for the current at time t. graph I from t=0 to t=5tau


A) for this part, i just said that when the switch is closed, the emf causes a current to flow and charge to build on the plates of the capacitor. the resistor slows this down but eventually, the plates reach their maximum charge capacity and the potential difference across them is equal to the emf. delta Vc = E (emf)

I believe that is the reason why, any extra info would be helpful

B) Wasn't sure how to do this. I know the equations are Qmax = C*(delta Vc)max = C * E (emf)

also know that Q = Qmax * (1 - e^(-t/tau)) where tau = RC

I'm attempting to relate R, C AND E (emf) all at the same time like the question asks, but i don't think they can be related to Qmax all in one equation.

C) Since this is a 'upside down' decay graph for Q, I = + dQ/dt. The slope is always positive but it decreases to zero as time approaches infinite. it means current is always flowing into the wire until infinite, where current stops flowing.

D) i took the expression, Q = Qmax * (1 - e^(-t/tau)) and took its derivative, dQ/dt, giving me dQ/dt = (Qmax/tau)*e^(-t/tau) where tau = RC.

right direction? totally wrong?

This all sounds perfect to me!
(and for question B, it is true that R plays no role in Qmax! So either it was a trick question or they did not realize it when they wrote it. R plays a role in how fast it gets fully charged but not on the max charge itself.


FAQ: How Does an RC Circuit Behave Over Time?

What is an RC circuit?

An RC circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series or parallel. It is used to control the flow of electric current and can be found in many electronic devices such as radios, amplifiers, and filters.

How does an RC circuit work?

An RC circuit works by storing electric charge in the capacitor and then releasing it through the resistor. When a voltage is applied to the circuit, the capacitor charges up until it reaches its maximum capacity. As the capacitor discharges, the resistor limits the flow of current, causing it to decrease over time.

What is the relationship between current and emf in an RC circuit?

The relationship between current and emf (electromotive force) in an RC circuit is described by Ohm's Law, which states that the current (I) is equal to the emf (E) divided by the resistance (R). In other words, the current through the circuit is directly proportional to the emf and inversely proportional to the resistance.

What factors affect the behavior of an RC circuit?

The behavior of an RC circuit is affected by several factors, including the values of the resistor and capacitor, the voltage source, and the initial charge on the capacitor. The type of circuit (series or parallel) and the frequency of the input signal also play a role in determining the behavior of an RC circuit.

What are some real-world applications of RC circuits?

RC circuits have many practical applications in everyday life. They are used in electronic devices such as timers, oscillators, and filters. They are also used in power supplies, motor control circuits, and audio amplifiers. Additionally, RC circuits are commonly used in radio frequency (RF) technology, such as in wireless communication systems and antennas.

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