Why can't we see objects fall into a black hole?

In summary, according to this article, an object falling into a black hole will never actually be seen fall past the event horizon. Only continually approach it.
  • #1
I read somewhere a while ago that if you were to look at an object falling into a black hole you would never see it actually fall past the event horizon, only continually approach it. That sounds very strange, is it true? If it is why so?
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  • #2
The intense gravity causes time from your frame of refenerence to appear to stop.
  • #3
however this is only if you are not falling into the black hole as well, if you are then you won't see it stop.
  • #4
Yes, if you are not initially falling 'into' the black hole, you will never. You will most likely orbit it :P
  • #5
So then what happens if 2 objects fall into a black hole at separate time periods, by the objects view they would enter the black hole at separate times, but by an outside observer the first one would slow down and stop before the event horizon and then the second one would do the same.

So doesn't that mean we see 2 object occupying the same amount of space?
  • #6
Denton said:
So then what happens if 2 objects fall into a black hole at separate time periods, by the objects view they would enter the black hole at separate times, but by an outside observer the first one would slow down and stop before the event horizon and then the second one would do the same.
I think it's not quite correct to say that radially infalling objects appear to "stop" before they reach the event horizon, as viewed by an observer either orbiting a black hole (or being held stationary at some fix radial coordinate outside the hole). In the coordinates of such an observer, the time for an infalling object to reach the horizon is infinite and hence its radial coordinate velocity approaches zero asymptotically. One that was "in front" would however always stay marginally in front.

This may be loosely described as 'stopping' or 'freezing' in place, but I think that super-sensitive observations can always show relative movement.
  • #7
spizma said:
I read somewhere a while ago that if you were to look at an object falling into a black hole you would never see it actually fall past the event horizon, only continually approach it. That sounds very strange, is it true? If it is why so?

Yes, that is correct.

I'm not sure why you think it sounds strange. Since light cannont escape a black hole, you couldn't possibly see the object after it went inside the event horizon. In fact, you can't see the event horizon either - which you can think of as light that is "trapped" in place. You can think of the light in the black hole as running the "Red Queen's race" from Alice in Wonderland - it is running as fast as it can, but it doesn't actually get anywhere.

As an object falls into a black hole and approaches the event horizon, it takes longer and longer for the light to escape. When the object reaches the event horizon, escape is impossible.

For more reading, you might try Ted Bunn's black hole faq:


there are also some good sci.physics.faq entries on black holes.

FAQ: Why can't we see objects fall into a black hole?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This is caused by a large amount of mass being squeezed into a very small space, creating an intense gravitational field.

Can you survive falling into a black hole?

No, it is not possible to survive falling into a black hole. The intense gravitational forces would stretch and compress your body, causing extreme damage. Additionally, the intense radiation and extreme temperatures near the event horizon would be lethal.

What happens when you fall into a black hole?

As you approach the event horizon of a black hole, time and space become distorted. This effect, known as spaghettification, causes your body to be stretched and compressed in different directions. Once you reach the singularity at the center of the black hole, you would be crushed to an infinitely small point.

Can anything escape from a black hole?

Nothing can escape from a black hole, including light. However, some particles and radiation can be emitted from the black hole's event horizon. This is known as Hawking radiation.

What is the fate of someone falling into a black hole?

Once someone falls into a black hole, they will be trapped inside forever. They will not be able to escape or communicate with the outside world. Eventually, they will reach the singularity at the center of the black hole and cease to exist.

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