Explosives in a Vacuum - The Science Behind It

  • Thread starter drcathyc
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In summary, explosives can work in a vacuum as they contain their own oxidizing substances and do not require oxygen from the atmosphere. Some chemical reactions, such as the reaction between sugar and Potassium Chlorate, do not require outside oxygen to proceed. Explosives are highly explosive because the fuel and oxidant are intimately mixed together.
  • #1
[SOLVED] explosives in a vacuum

Someone recently told me that explosives wouldn't work in a hard vacuum, that oxygen is required. Is this true? I know fire requires oxygen, but wouldn't there be some chemical reactions that don't require oxygen that can cause an explosive release of energy?

I'm a science fiction writer and want to make sure I get my science right (to the best of my ability!):smile:
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
In most explosives, the fuel and oxidizer and closely mixed together…it does not require outside Oxygen to burn.

Although Oxygen gas is a common oxidizing substance which is used in the combustion of many fuels (such as in the example of a camp fire), it is not the only oxidizer.

Take, for example, the reaction between sugar (sucrose) and Potassium Chlorate,
C12H22O11 + KClO3 --> CO2 + H2O + KCl
In this case (when properly balanced), no Oxygen from the atmosphere is required for the reaction to proceed, all of the ‘oxygen’ the reaction needs is present in the oxidizer…in this case, solid Potassium Chlorate.
If this reaction is preformed under the proper conditions (i.e. reactants thoroughly mixed, confined space, small particle size, …) it can lead to an explosion.
  • #3
drcathyc said:
Someone recently told me that explosives wouldn't work in a hard vacuum, that oxygen is required. Is this true? I know fire requires oxygen, but wouldn't there be some chemical reactions that don't require oxygen that can cause an explosive release of energy?

I'm a science fiction writer and want to make sure I get my science right (to the best of my ability!):smile:

In addition to what correctly said mrjeffy321, what you say is true only in the case in which there is an explosion with fuel in eccess with respect to oxidant, for example if a container of gasoline explodes: there will be a lot of gasoline not previously mixed with air, so most of the fuel will burn _after_ the initial explosion, making the total explosion more powerful when the fuel finds the oxygen during its expansion in the air.

However an "explosive" is a substance or mix of substances where fuel and oxidant are very intimately mixed together (or inside the same molecule), so it won't need air at all; that fact is one of the reasons it's explosive...
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  • #4
If I understand it correctly, nitroglycerin is a self-contained chemical reaction. The solid molecule is very unstable. When jostled, it rearranges itself in another configuration of lower energy. The new configuration is that of several gases, all of which, partly because of the released heat and partly because they are gases, want to expand very rapidly.
  • #5
Thanks for the help here. I was pretty certain the other person was wrong in what she said (in regard to a story I had written), but I wanted to make sure.

FAQ: Explosives in a Vacuum - The Science Behind It

1. How do explosives behave in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, the lack of air molecules means that there is no medium for the explosive shock wave to travel through. As a result, the explosion will not produce a loud sound or create a visible shockwave. However, the explosive materials will still release energy and heat, causing damage to any nearby objects.

2. Can an explosion occur in outer space?

Yes, an explosion can occur in outer space. While there is no oxygen to fuel a fire, there are still other gases and materials that can combust and create an explosion. In fact, explosions in space can be even more dangerous as there is no atmosphere to dissipate the force of the explosion.

3. How do explosives work in a vacuum?

Explosives work by rapidly releasing energy in the form of heat and pressure. In a vacuum, the lack of air molecules means that the shock wave cannot travel as easily, but the explosive materials will still rapidly expand and release energy, causing damage to objects in its path.

4. Are there any differences in the type of explosives used in a vacuum vs. in air?

Yes, there are some differences in the type of explosives used in a vacuum compared to in air. Explosives designed for use in a vacuum may need to be more powerful to compensate for the lack of air molecules to carry the shock wave. Additionally, the lack of oxygen may require different ingredients in the explosive material to ensure it can still combust.

5. Can an explosion in a vacuum be used as a propulsion system?

Yes, explosions in a vacuum can be used as a propulsion system. This is because the rapid release of energy creates a force in the opposite direction, propelling the object forward. This principle is used in rocket engines and other forms of propulsion for spacecraft.
