The Disclosure Project - cool stuff about et's ufo's antigravity?

In summary, Dick Cheney denied that he and George Bush wanted to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and argued that the U.S. was not that much better off than Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
  • #1
just watch this its about the disclosure project... cool stuff about et's ufo's...
anyone know where i can get some info on antigravity?
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Physics news on
  • #2
peter444 said:
...anyone know where i can get some info on antigravity?
Well, that's the problem - the "Disclosure Project" doesn't "disclose" much of anything. You have to buy the book. :rolleyes:
  • #3
This is always a touchy area. I don't know about Greer's integrity - he is clearly a true believer at least, maybe a complete scoundrel for all I know - but he does have to make a living. He walked away from a career as an ER doc in order to pursue the UFO stuff; allegedly because he saw one. Many of his witnesses have outstanding credentials.

If he is on the level and at least believes what he says, and I am saying if, I'm sure that at least as much work went into his $25 book as there is in any of my collection of $80 - $120 each physics books - which are really just reproductions of established information. Greer was cutting trails - allegedly. He had to do the research for each chapter. My point: $25 is not a lot of money.
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  • #4
I wonder what would happen if I told Scientific American that I had found the GUT but they had to pay me before I'd show it to them?

No, Ivan, I think $25 is a laughable insult.

As for Greer himself, he's a crackpot of the highest order. Quite possibly mentally ill, he's deep into the paranoid conspiracy theories and, worst of all, highly charismatic. Some info on him and his beliefs
Greer is a charismatic, powerfully-articulate man, probably one of the best public speakers I've ever heard. And I can definitely say that he's probably the best damn liar I ever heard and this possibly makes him, despite his politically correct trappings, the most dangerous of all UFO cult leaders.
Greer's perception of the alien situation incorporates both the sinister and the benevolent: an X-Files type shadow government called PI-40 has become totally independent, above even the President and the Joint Chiefs, and has taken advantage of Roswell-retrieved ET artifacts to create its own secret high-technologies, for example a device which sends special microwave beams into your head causing you to see "exactly what they want you to see"...
The best cult leaders and false gurus mix in a little truth with their concoctions of fantasy -- and Greer has had splendid grounding: he's a former instructor for Transcendental Meditation (TM); one wonders if he was involved in the notorious TM film depicting alleged "levitation" by "TM adepts" -- a film that was easily debunked. He's learned his lesson somewhere; he's careful not to provide anything that can be debunked; no faked "Majestic 12 documents," no vague film footage (not at that recruiting lecture, anyway). He creates his "evidence" in the mind of the listener, or in the minds of those who buy his books; he weaves a story that sounds real, like any good novelist would do.[emphasis added]
Essentially, he's the John Edwards of UFOs.

edit: part of his schtick is zero-point-energy (may as well combine hoaxes, right?). He says he gets technology from aliens and will soon be marketing his zpe device. I'm not holding my breath.
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  • #5
Do you think I could borrow it from my local library? They've got a pretty good 'inter-library loan' scheme, over 20 libraries in the pool (so they say).
  • #6
russ_watters said:
I wonder what would happen if I told Scientific American that I had found the GUT but they had to pay me before I'd show it to them?

Since you don't have the book, how do you know what he claims? Unless things have changed, he is making no claims of a working new technology. I think he may be caught up in a fanatical search for rumored technology.

He has presented highly credible witnesses. Here you can watch the two hour presentation at the Washington press club - for free. In fact there is a lot of free information.

Russ, using cheesy skeptic dot org is no more credible that using Greer as a reference. I don't deny that he's gone off the deep end, he has been for a long time IMO, but that doesn't discredit all that he brings to the table.
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  • #7
Ivan Seeking said:
"And the question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam (Hussein) worth? And the answer is not that damned many.
- Dick Cheney; 1992

I wish politics would be limited to the appropriate boards and that the other boards would not be used by people to do any type of political propaganda (whether it's for one political party or for another). There are boards for that. It's inappropriate here, imho. But of course, that's just my opinion and it will probably be ignored.

  • #8
people making unsubstantiated claims about supposed 'unsubstantiated
claims'...youve got to love the irony of it all : p
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
He has presented highly credible witnesses. Here you can watch the two hour presentation at the Washington press club - for free. In fact there is a lot of free information.
Did those witnesses say anything? Present any evidence? On his website it suggests they don't. Did you watch the video or read the book? My judgement is based on what I see on his website and his credibility...
Russ, using cheesy skeptic dot org is no more credible that using Greer as a reference. I don't deny that he's gone off the deep end, he has been for a long time IMO, but that doesn't discredit all that he brings to the table.
I may need to start a thread on "credibility" - this looks to me like a misuse of the word. First, a caveat - I see no spectrum here with crackpot UFOers on one side and crackpot skeptics (the very term is an oxymoron) on the other as you imply. Perhaps you could construct a spectrum with gullible on one side and closed-minded on the other, but that's not the same thing. The worst hard-core skeptics (me) are simply very demanding and exacting about what type/level/credibility of evidence we'll accept. I see a ray, not a spectrum - at one end you have (but good luck getting the BA to even comment on Greer) and quite a ways down toward the crackpot end (there is no limit to how far they can go) you have sites like Greer's.

For your use of the word "credibility" - the whole point of credibility is that it allows you to make judgements for future reference. Based on Greer's lack of credibility (and that's a pretty generous characterization), you can indeed assume the next thing he brings to the table will be similarly useless. This applies to the cold fusion debate (P&F got the attention they did at the time because of their high credibility - but the knife cuts both ways...), UFO/UFOology debate (eyewitness testimony is the least credible of any type of evidence) and many of our other debates as well. If you mean that you should always listen to everything everyone has to say (to be open minded), credibility plays no role at all.
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  • #10
=russ_watters]Did those witnesses say anything? Present any evidence? On his website it suggests they don't. Did you watch the video or read the book?

Ive read his main body of evidence, he has about 100 ex-government witnesses, some of them hold very impressive positions of rank. Every witness statement is acompanied with the name and position of the person that made the statement. There are also many declassified documents that are supplied.

The thing about Greer's evidence is it stands on it's own merits, if any of his witnesses had been misquoted or Greer had simply fabricated these statements, it wouldn't take long for one of his witnesses to speak out or atempt to sue him. But none of this has happened. I think we can assume that the witnesses are genuine, could the witnesses be lying? its doubtful but its possible, but that's not something that can attributed to Greer.

For your use of the word "credibility" - the whole point of credibility is that it allows you to make judgements for future reference. Based on Greer's lack of credibility (and that's a pretty generous characterization), you can indeed assume the next thing he brings to the table will be similarly useless. This applies to the cold fusion debate (P&F got the attention they did at the time because of their high credibility - but the knife cuts both ways...), UFO/UFOology debate (eyewitness testimony is the least credible of any type of evidence) and many of our other debates as well. If you mean that you should always listen to everything everyone has to say (to be open minded), credibility plays no role at all.

Id like you to define 'credibility' what actually makes a person credible?
Credibility is a very illusive and illusionary thing to my mind.
personally i couldn't care less if Greer looks for faries in his back garden, a lot of physicists are christians and believe in mircles and the power of jesus, does that make their work worthless? of course not.
  • #11
I've seen the video of the presentation they made at capital hill. They do indeed appear to be "credible" witnesses- high ranking air force, boeing insiders, Other Military contractors. People with long service records. The lengths that would be needed to present this if it were a hoax, are considerable. I believe one of the witnesses was a military commander from the very famous sighting in England near a US military base.

I'm not saying it's all fact, but it's definitely a very stong case, and not just something you can just look at and immediately cast aside as bunk.
  • #12
I am very comfortable casting it aside as bunk.

FAQ: The Disclosure Project - cool stuff about et's ufo's antigravity?

1. What is The Disclosure Project?

The Disclosure Project is a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Steven M. Greer in 1993. Its goal is to disclose the truth about the existence and visitation of extraterrestrial beings on Earth through government and military whistleblowers, scientific research, and public education.

2. What kind of evidence does The Disclosure Project present?

The Disclosure Project presents a variety of evidence, including witness testimonies from government and military officials, radar and satellite data, photographs and videos of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

3. How does The Disclosure Project relate to UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

The Disclosure Project is focused on revealing the truth about UFOs and the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth. Its research and evidence suggest that there have been numerous sightings and interactions with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings, and that the government and military have been covering up this information for decades.

4. What is the significance of antigravity in The Disclosure Project?

Antigravity technology is one of the main focuses of The Disclosure Project. It is believed that this technology has been developed and used by governments and militaries in secret, and could potentially be used to travel through space and time. The Disclosure Project aims to reveal this technology and make it available for peaceful and beneficial purposes.

5. How does The Disclosure Project impact society and the scientific community?

The Disclosure Project has sparked debate and controversy within the scientific community and society as a whole. Its claims and evidence challenge the traditional beliefs and understanding of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. It also raises important questions about government secrecy and the potential for advanced technologies that could benefit humanity.

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