Were most of you fully matured by your age 25

  • Thread starter Benzoate
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In summary, the conversation is about the level of maturity and financial status of individuals in their mid-twenties to thirties. Most people in the current generation are maturing at a later age compared to previous generations, and many have returned to live with their parents after college. It is also common for individuals to have multiple jobs within a short period of time. The person speaking feels sad and frustrated about still feeling immature and being on a fixed income at their age. They also discuss their childhood and how they have always felt more mature than their peers. The conversation ends with the topic of growing up and whether or not it is necessary or desired.
  • #1
or at 5 years later after you graduated college? Were most of you certain in what direction you wanted head to for the rest of your life? Were most of you fully matured by the end of your senior year in college (if a lot of you went to college that ) or were most of you unsure what you wanted to do after college as you might have been in your freshman year ? I think most people in my generation are maturing at later and later ages compared to previous generations . I know this for a fact because a lot of my friends who already graduated from college are returning home to stay with their parents for awhile. In addition , people of my generation usually work at ten jobs for within a 4 year time span. I am at the end of what is supposed to be my senior year , and even though I changed a lot since my freshman year , well I changed (or rather developed) my own set of personal beliefs and philosophies that probably will remained unchanged for the remainder of my life , I still feel like an 18 year old .

By 25 or at least before you turned 30 years old , were you still on a fixed income as most of probably have been as an undergrad , or were you able to fullfill your desires due to your desired income and therefore not on the same fixed income you were on as an undergrad?
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  • #2
I feel a little sad, angry, and ...something[don't know how to describe, maybe a loser] since at my age I am still like this [you and others should know best, they just never trust what they see, until they heard of the fullblown symptom from...neighbors, This used to be what I mentioned via message notes before I left Tulsa]
Believe me, stop saying people's acts are childish, imatured. I suppose everyone is the same, sometimes s/he has to call someone kid because he could not compete with him about something, the final solution is to insult that way. What if one like to always act kiddily against you, is it over if you just say he is immatured then ignore his opinions ? I am not in contact with big business plans or plots for some big corps.
  • #3
In the weeks and days before my fourth birthday my parents must have built up the event as if it were the best thing that would ever happen in the whole world. You won't be three anymore they probably assured me. I would have a party and a cake and presents and best of all, I would be four. And I bought into the hype. Becoming four was my ambition. And yet, on the morning of that day, I woke up and set about my business having forgotten what was in store for me. When you're four, you're like that I guess.

When I went into the living room there was a tricycle in the middle of the room. You couldn't fail to notice it and I didn't try. It was large. It was shiny red. It had multicolored tassels hanging from the handles. My brother was 8 at the time. He was a gentle and quiet soul, but I didn't know that. To me he was a rival for all the good things in life. I thought it was his and I asked my mother where he got it. She said it was mine, my birthday present. Children of that age thinks the world revolves around them anyway, but I can't remember any other moment of my life that I felt it as keenly as then.

She baked a birthday cake too. A pineapple upside down cake with two caramelized slices of canned pineapple on what had been the bottom of the cake and was now the top. She had taken it out of the oven and onto a platter and showed it to me very proud of what she had done. Now I didn't know anything about caramelized at that time, to me it was just burnt. I looked askance at the cake and asked her if I don't eat the cake, can I still be four. Obviously, I was unclear on the concept. My mother was always a liberal in such matters and told me I didn't need to eat it, I would still be four. I accepted this and was reassured by it. But she was wrong, I am still that three year old boy.

I was babied until the age of 18 and then told to hit the road and make it on my own (my roads scholarship). I started pretending I was an adult and now at 58 I'm still pretending.
  • #4
Can we make this into a poll? I'd really like to know what the general trend is. I am going to be turning 21 in about 6 months and I'm a lot more mature that before but I think I agree with the OP. I am seriously not sure if Ill ever grow up fully. I am not even sure if I want to grow up fully.
  • #5
Most people graduate from college by age 22 if they go full time immediately after high school, some people here have gotten their PhD's by age 26. So it just depends on if the person takes some time off or goes full blast.

I was born old. I was extremely mature as a child and rarely associated with other children, they just didn't have the same interests I did.

I was never wild, never rebelious, never did anything stupid. I wasn't into drugs or partying. I don't regret never being wild because it's just not in my nature and it's something I never enjoyed.

I can't relate to what Lonton said. I never got upset about what other kids did when I was little because I just wouldn't associate with them. The kids I grew up with respected and liked me, and I was always nice to everyone, I just kept my distance, with rare exceptions. When I got into my teens I had such a reputation with the neighborhood moms for being smart and mature that everyone wanted to be my friend because if they told their parents they were with me, their parents never objected. The scenarios were - Kid: "Why can't I go? Evo's going to be there." Parent: "Oh, well if Evo's going to be there, then that's ok". I got dragged to a lot of parties. :rolleyes:

Funny that one of the smartest people I know here was very wild when he was younger, I am amazed that he didn't get killed, and he got his PhD at 25-26.
  • #6
I've never felt fully grown up. But ever since age 20 or so I felt like I was as grown up as I would ever get. Then 10 years will go by, and I realize I've grown up a lot in those 10 years. It is constantly like that, and I'm 47 now.

So while I feel as grown up at 47 as I can be, experience tells me that when I'm 57 I may feel different about my 47-year-old self.
  • #7
I am not still not matured even though I have all the following qualities :cry:

Evo said:
I never got upset about what other kids did when I was little because I just wouldn't associate with them. The kids I grew up with respected and liked me, and I was always nice to everyone, I just kept my distance, with rare exceptions. When I got into my teens I had such a reputation with the neighborhood moms for being smart and mature that everyone wanted to be my friend because if they told their parents they were with me, their parents never objected.

I haven't discovered the full criteria for evaluating the maturity. It sounds like a relative concept. So, kids today might be more matured today because they have better understand of the world than any other generation.
  • #8
Evo said:
I never got upset about what other kids did when I was little because I just wouldn't associate with them. The kids I grew up with respected and liked me, and I was always nice to everyone, I just kept my distance, with rare exceptions. When I got into my teens I had such a reputation with the neighborhood moms for being smart and mature that everyone wanted to be my friend because if they told their parents they were with me, their parents never objected.

Same thing here with the neighbourhood parents.

Unfortunately, I know I wasn't a good influence. :cool:
  • #9
Define "matured".
  • #10
I'm going to be 21 in March, and honestly I echo what RedBird is saying. When I'm 31 and I look back on this current time, I will probably for most things ask myself what the hell I was thinking. So much has changed from within me and around me from when I was 11 to present day that I'm asking the same question about my 11 year old self. In fact, it's so bad that I don't even think I want to associate with my 11 year old self, but that's life. You live and you learn.
  • #11
Benzoate said:
By 25 or at least before you turned 30 years old , were you still on a fixed income as most of probably have been as an undergrad , or were you able to fullfill your desires due to your desired income and therefore not on the same fixed income you were on as an undergrad?
What do you mean with 'matured'? I get the sense it's about owning a house with a white-picket fence, a dog, a wife and children (not literally, but at least about settling down and doing the things you are supposed to when you grow up)?
  • #12
I started pretending I was an adult and now at 58 I'm still pretending.

hehehe yep. Many times I still feel like I'm pretending. I'm 52.

Looking back I would say I recognized myself as an Adult at about age 33.
  • #13
WarPhalange said:
Define "matured".

It is hard to define it when we need to classify people based on it.

It is easier to classify acts as mature or immature but again it depends upon the time frame, society, and many other variables that we are observing.

Personally, I go with the definitions that have least number of variables in it and are universal.

Same thing for "adults"...
  • #14
Monique said:
What do you mean with 'matured'? I get the sense it's about owning a house with a white-picket fence, a dog, a wife and children (not literally, but at least about settling down and doing the things you are supposed to when you grow up)?

The types of maturity I am talking about is emotional maturity and financial maturity . I supposed a person who would reach complete financial maturity when that person has a good credit history, is able to buy a house if they desire one , where the person is far beyond the financial status of a typical college student. For emotional maturity, it sort of hard to defined completely. I guess emotional maturity would tie into character development and changes in your personality over the past 10 years or so.
  • #15
By the time I was 25, I was in charge of the construction of one the largest apartment complex projects in the state. 10 buildings with a common building/post office, and over 300 apartments. I started out as an inspector for the architect, and I found a lot of problems, so the owner of the project complained that I was slowing down his project and the architect fired me. I told the superintendent of the General Contractor that I wouldn't be back Monday and said goodbye. He told me to come in Monday anyway, and I figured he would find something for me to do. Starting that day, I was the clerk of the project, making quality inspections, keeping time-cards, making payrolls, watching material usages and waste, and tracking project completion percentages (we were paid partly on that guideline). When the Asst. Superintendent was pulled off onto another project, I took his duties as well, and when the Superintendent was pulled off for a project in Boston, I became the Superintendent for the remainder of the project, including that hellacious "punch-listing" process in which everything has to be inspected and certified for final turn-over to the owner. When the project was over, the CFO tried to get me to move to the Boston area. He offered to send me to constructor's school (a necessary certification to build any building taller than 5 stories in Boston) and get me and my wife started with financing on a house. I turned him down because I HATE Boston and Eastern Mass!

At age 24, I was an uncertified soil scientist chasing construction jobs around, and a year and half later, I was running the largest non-industrial construction project in the region. Was I mature at 25? Nope. I was focused, hard-working, and able to juggle a hundred tasks at once, but I have learned a lot more since then. Hell, I'm more mature at 56 than I was a 50, in part due to learning how to deal with some adversities. Maturity is a process, not a goal.
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  • #16
turbo-1 said:
Maturity is a process, not a goal.

I remember trying to emphasize same point in another thread that was about first year college students.

But here, I was thinking about people who were more matured than every one around them, were concerned more for society than making their own homes safe, and helped bring a positive change to the world!
Galileo, Gandhi, .. are few.
  • #17
I agree with turbo-1, that maturity is a process. I was always independent and at 20 moved out of the country for three years, so I guess I matured mostly during that time, but I think the future still has a lot in store for me so I don't think that I can say that I am fully matured yet. Ask me again when I turn 60 :smile:
  • #18
We never stop growing. At 26, when Tsu and I got married, I thought I was all grown up. Now, looking back, I was just a kid.

Getting older is somewhat like getting a Ph.D.: You understand less and less about more and more until finally you understand nothing about everything.
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
Getting older is somewhat like getting a Ph.D.: You understand less and less about more and more until finally you understand nothing about everything.

I was going to say something very close to that. I know how more stuff works, now; I know how to behave in a wider variety of situations and can pass that information along. But maturing and understanding? Gads. I don't know what mature feels like. I thought I did when I was 16, and at 45 I have no clue. I don't feel that old, but then again, everyone says that as they age. I feel less "mature" now than I did in my 20s, but now I'm more comfortable in my own skin and less worried about trying to appear grown-up.

"Understanding" is a whole ballgame unto itself. I know it's trite, but really and for true, understanding gets more and more difficult as you age and know more.

In the opening post, Benzoate wrote: well I changed (or rather developed) my own set of personal beliefs and philosophies that probably will remained unchanged for the remainder of my life

and to that I can virtually promise you that your personal beliefs and philosophies are nowhere near so stuck, yet, that they will remain unchanged for the remainder of your life.
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  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
Getting older is somewhat like getting a Ph.D.: You understand less and less about more and more until finally you understand nothing about everything.

I think you have that backwards...:confused:

I hope you have that backwards...:eek:
  • #21
As I have posted on my office door, "I'll never grow up!" :biggrin: The older you get, the more you realize maturity is over-rated. It just means having to be responsible for a lot of crappy things. But, I don't think that means having life all figured out already and never making mistakes or having fun or changing your mind, it just means that you get to take responsibility for your own mistakes and deal with them yourself.

Being set in your ways isn't mature, it's just stubborn. I agree with Georgina that sometimes part of maturity is being comfortable enough with yourself that you can readily admit you've made mistakes or changed your mind and don't worry what others will think.

So, yeah, I think at 25 I was pretty independent and set in my ways (i.e., stubborn), but perhaps not yet as fully mature as I was sure I was then.
  • #22
I'm still looking forward to puberty.
  • #23
tribdog said:
I'm still looking forward to puberty.

Have you started menstruating yet?
  • #24
rootX said:
It is hard to define it when we need to classify people based on it.

It is easier to classify acts as mature or immature but again it depends upon the time frame, society, and many other variables that we are observing.

Personally, I go with the definitions that have least number of variables in it and are universal.

Same thing for "adults"...

So how do you define "mature"?
  • #25
WarPhalange said:
So how do you define "mature"?

Here's one of my attempts:

But here, I was thinking about people who were more matured than every one around them, were concerned more for society than making their own homes safe, and helped bring a positive change to the world!

e.g. Galileo, Gandhi, etc. ..

If all following societies (wrt timeline) feels thankful to the action of that person then that person must be matured.

But it is hard to say someone is matured when you have non universal and time dependent definition.
Like not all married people are mature neither are people who have children or homes or have financial security.
  • #26
So being mature means people are thankful for your actions?
  • #27
WarPhalange said:
So being mature means people are thankful for your actions?

I couldn't come up with better definition.
But, obviously thinking about the society welfare than one's own personal affairs is more mature.
  • #28
Unless your personal affairs happen to include taking care of your kids.
  • #29
I stopped being grown up when I started my PhD. Since then, I regress more and more in childish behaviour :-p
  • #30
vanesch said:
I stopped being grown up when I started my PhD. Since then, I regress more and more in childish behaviour :-p

are you being serious? Did you just suddenly become nostalgic for childhood?
  • #31
WarPhalange said:
Define "matured".
When you no longer want to have sex, you are supposed to be fully sex-matured
  • #32
[i don't mean to teach] i mean mature is or should be categorized to be used at the right time and place and on the right person. we will always find a mistake in whatever someone is doing, just how we look at it also shows a sign of our maturity, ignoring this just let's the matter go far endlessly
  • #33
lonton said:
When you no longer want to have sex, you are supposed to be fully sex-matured

HahA!:smile: I hope that never happens to me!
  • #34
lonton said:
When you no longer want to have sex, you are supposed to be fully sex-matured

Does wanting to, but not getting any still count?

FAQ: Were most of you fully matured by your age 25

1. What is the significance of being fully matured by age 25?

Being fully matured by age 25 is significant because it marks the end of the developmental stage known as emerging adulthood. This is when individuals typically experience significant physical, emotional, and social changes, and are expected to take on more responsibilities and make important life decisions.

2. Is there a specific age at which most people are considered fully matured?

No, there is no specific age at which individuals are considered fully matured. Developmental milestones and maturity levels can vary greatly among individuals and are influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, environment, and life experiences.

3. Can someone still be considered fully matured if they are over the age of 25?

Yes, someone can still be considered fully matured even if they are over the age of 25. While 25 is often seen as the end of emerging adulthood, maturity is an ongoing process and individuals can continue to develop and mature throughout their lives.

4. Are there any negative consequences for not being fully matured by age 25?

There is no one set of consequences for not being fully matured by age 25. However, individuals who struggle with certain developmental tasks during emerging adulthood may experience difficulties in areas such as relationships, career development, and overall well-being.

5. Is there anything that can be done to speed up the process of becoming fully matured?

There is no way to speed up the process of becoming fully matured, as it is a natural and individualized process. However, engaging in activities such as self-reflection, seeking guidance and support from others, and actively working towards personal growth and development can aid in the maturity process.
