Automorphism group of field extension

In summary, we can prove that G = Aut(M) is isomorphic to V_4 by constructing automorphisms that send i to -i and sqrt(2) to itself, and also by sending i to i and sqrt(2) to -sqrt(2). These automorphisms are the only ones that can exist based on the properties of minimal polynomials and the fact that the automorphisms must be Q-automorphisms. Therefore, the structure of G is the same as the structure of V_4, proving that they are isomorphic.
  • #1
Take [tex]M = Q(i, \sqrt{2} )[/tex]. Prove that G = Aut(M) is isomorphic to [tex]V_4[/tex]

I have some ideas but I don't know how to justify them:

Consider [tex]K(i)[/tex] with [tex]K = Q(\sqrt{2})[/tex]. The the minimal polynomial of i over K equals to X^2 + 1. I know the fact that if x is a zero of a polynomial P and f is an automorphism, then f(x) is also a zero of P. Also, if f is in Aut(M), then it is a Q-automorphism, so it is the identity on the elements of Q. We can now construct an automorphism by sending i to -i and sqrt(2) to itself. Ofcourse we can also have the identity automorphism. Now by looking at [tex]L(\sqrt{2})[/tex] with [tex]L = Q(i)[/tex], with minimal polynomial X^2 - 2, we find an automorphism by sending i to i and sqrt(2) to - sqrt(2). If we just look at M itself, we find that the minimal polynomial equals (X^2 + 1)(X^2 - 2), and find and automorphism by sending i to -i and sqrt(2) to -sqrt(2).

Now by looking at the compositions of the automorphisms we get the structure of V_4. The only problem I have is to show that we can't have any more automorphims than the ones I found.
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  • #2
You just said that if x is a zero of P, and f is an automorphism, then f(x) is a zero of P. x² + 1 only has two roots, so it must either send i to i or -i, and something similar is true for where 21/2 is sent. Now if f is any automorphism, and m is any element of M, then isn't f(m) uniquely determined by where 1, i, and 21/2 are sent? In fact, since 1 is sent to 1, f(m) is uniquely determined by where i and 21/2 are sent.

FAQ: Automorphism group of field extension

1. What is an automorphism group of a field extension?

An automorphism group of a field extension is a group of automorphisms, or functions that preserve the structure and operations of the field, that map the field onto itself. It is denoted as Aut(K/F) where K is the field extension and F is the base field.

2. What is the significance of the automorphism group of a field extension?

The automorphism group of a field extension provides important information about the field and its structure. It can be used to determine the degree of the field extension, the Galois group of the extension, and the existence of certain subfields.

3. How is the automorphism group of a field extension related to the Galois group?

The Galois group of a field extension is a subgroup of the automorphism group of the extension. It consists of the automorphisms that fix the base field F. The Galois group is important in determining the solvability of polynomials over the field extension.

4. Can the automorphism group of a field extension be infinite?

Yes, the automorphism group of a field extension can be infinite. This occurs when the field extension has an infinite degree, meaning that it has infinitely many elements. An example of this is the field of real numbers.

5. How is the automorphism group of a field extension related to field embeddings?

The automorphism group of a field extension is closely related to field embeddings. A field embedding is a homomorphism from one field to another. The automorphism group of a field extension consists of all the field embeddings from the field extension to itself. This relationship is important in the study of field theory and Galois theory.
