Condensation points in a separable metric space and the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem

In summary, Baby Rudin's homework statement is that a separable metric space is second countable if it has an at most countable base, and that Lindelof's Theorem implies that every subset of a separable metric space has at least countably many condensation points. Baby Rudin's attempt at a solution is to prove that a separable metric space is second countable, and that the set of all non-condensation points of a separable metric space is at most countable.
  • #1
EDIT: I figured out my error, so don't worry about reading through all of this unless you find it an interesting problem

Homework Statement

This is Baby Rudin's exercise 2.27:


Instead of proving for R^k, I did it for an arbitrary separable metric space X, as outlined by professor George Bergman in his exercises to supplement Baby Rudin (

Here is what Bergman specifically says:

I don't so much want a solution as I do an answer as to whether I messed up a step somewhere, since my result implies a more general form of the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem; namely, any subset of a separable metric space can be partitioned into two disjoint sets, one of which is perfect and the other at most countable. I have always seen it stated only for closed subsets of complete separable spaces, but I never used the fact that the subset was closed nor that the space was complete in my answer, so I think I may be wrong.

Homework Equations

A metric space is separable if it contains an at most countable dense subset.
The concept of a base of a metric space (defined in post below)
A metric space is second countable if it has an at most countable base
Lindelof's Theorem
A set is perfect if it is closed and contains no isolated point.

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's the way I approached it. I'll just do an outline in this post, and then post my work for each step in the following posts. X will be a separable metric space, E will be an uncountable subset of X, and P will be the set of condensation points of E in X.

1) Since X is separable, X is second countable (e.g., it has an at most countable base).
2) Since X is a second countable metric space, every open cover of E has an at most countable subcover (Lindelof's Theorem).
3) P, the set of condensation points of E, is closed.
4) Every uncountable subset of a separable metric space has uncountably many condensation points.
5) P has no isolated point.
6) P is perfect.
7) If E is uncountable, then E\P, the set of all non-condensation points of E, is at most countable.
8) Hence, E is the union of the disjoint sets P and E\P, where P is perfect and E\P is at most countable. (whoops... messed up here)
9) Therefore, every subset of a separable metric space is the union of a (possibly empty) perfect set and a set which is at most countable.
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  • #2
1) Since X is separable, X is second countable (e.g., it has an at most countable base).

Here's the definition of a base:


Here's my proof of this result (I'll post an image instead of re-writing the LaTeX source, since I use a lot of user-defined commands in my LaTeX code):


Note I also proved a second countable metric space is separable, but didn't post that part since it's not relevant here.
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  • #3
2) Since X is a second countable metric space, every open cover of one of E has an at most countable subcover (Lindelof's Theorem).

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  • #4
3) P, the set of condensation points of E, is closed.

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  • #5
4) Every uncountable subset of a separable metric space has uncountably many condensation points.

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  • #6
5) P has no isolated point.
6) P is perfect

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  • #7
7) If E is uncountable, then E\P, the set of all non-condensation points of E, is at most countable.

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  • #8
8) Hence, E is the union of the disjoint sets P and E\P, where P is perfect and E\P is at most countable, from 7).
  • #9
9) Therefore, every subset of a separable metric space is the union of a (possibly empty) perfect set and a set which is at most countable.

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  • #10
I ask because it seems too general, considering Rudin asks the reader to prove the result #9) under the constraint that the subset is closed. Is my result wrong, or did Rudin just want the reader to prove an easier version? Knowing Rudin and his problems, I'm leaning towards the former. Thanks in advance!
  • #11
One more note on notation:

[tex]B_r(x)[/tex] means the open ball of radius r, centered at point x.


[tex]B_r(x) = \{y \in X\ | \ d(y,x) < r\}[/tex]
  • #12
Eh, never mind. I made a stupid mistake in part 8). P is contained in the set of limit points of E, which is contained in E when E is closed. LOL @ me being tripped up by the easiest part of the problem. At least my intuition that Rudin wouldn't let the reader get away with proving a lesser version of a theorem was dead on.
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FAQ: Condensation points in a separable metric space and the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem

1. What is a separable metric space?

A separable metric space is a mathematical concept used in topology to describe a space with a countable dense subset. This means that the space contains a subset of points that are densely packed and can be used to approximate any point in the space.

2. What is a condensation point?

A condensation point, also known as a limit point, is a point in a set where every neighborhood of the point contains infinitely many points of the set. In other words, no matter how small we make the neighborhood, there will always be points from the set within it.

3. How are condensation points related to separable metric spaces?

In a separable metric space, every point is a condensation point. This is because the dense subset of points can be used to approximate any point in the space, meaning that every neighborhood of a point will contain points from the dense subset.

4. What is the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem?

The Cantor-Bendixon Theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that every closed set in a separable metric space can be written as the union of a perfect set and a countable set. A perfect set is a closed set with no isolated points, while a countable set is a set with a finite or countably infinite number of elements.

5. How is the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem used?

The Cantor-Bendixon Theorem is used in topology and real analysis to study the structure of closed sets in metric spaces. It allows us to break down a closed set into simpler components, making it easier to analyze and understand. It also has applications in other areas of mathematics, such as measure theory and fractal geometry.

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