Action potential of a skeletal muscle fibre,where is calcium?

In summary, the conversation discusses the role of calcium channels in the contraction of skeletal muscles. While calcium channels are involved in the action potential of cardiac muscles, they do not play a direct role in the contraction of skeletal muscles. Instead, the dihydropyridine receptor acts as a voltage sensor and communicates with the ryanodine receptor on the sarcoplasmic reticular membrane to release stored calcium for muscle contraction. This means that skeletal muscles can contract without the need for external calcium.
  • #1

Now I follow this pic, there is no mention of opening of calcium channels anywhere. So how do skeletal muscles contract, without calcium. Incontrast action potential of a cardiac muscle has plateu phase and calcium channel involvement. Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
Much of the following refers to skeletal muscle only - At the end plate - the conneection between the motor nerve and the muscle - ACh is released by the neuron and the nictotinic receptors (Nm) on the muscle membrane open in response. This non selective cation channel allows the influx of sodium predominantly (although it is quite permeable to K too) which results in depolarization of the muscle membrane under the end plate. The action potential propogates throughout the muscle membrane, including the t tubules (invaginations of the plasma membrane than run deep into the cell interior) by opening of voltage sensitive Na channels (that can be blocked by tetrodotoxin).
There is very close association between the sarcoplasmic reticular membrane and the t tubule (which is an extension of the plasma membrane). The SR basically acts as a calcium resevoir, so a large store of calcium. The t tubule membrane has a voltage sensor, the dihydropyridine receptor - which is basically a calcium channel. But - they are not the source of calcium for contraction. So they are voltage sensors but it is not a calcium influc through this channel that stimulates contraction. Instead, the dihydroporidine sensitive Ca channel senses the depolarization of the t tubule - because of the opening of the voltage gates Na channels - and communicates this depolarization to the SR membrane. On the SR membrane there are ryanodine receptors (which are also calcium channels). Basically, the dihydropiridine receptor on the t tubule is in very close apposition to the ryanodine receptor on the SR membrane. So the depolarization of the t tubule (by the Na channels) is sensed by the dihydropiridine calcium channel and it then passes that information directly to the ryandoine receptor on the SR - which causes the ryanodien receptor to open and calcium to spill out of the SR into the myoplasm. There seems to be direct protein to protein interaction between the dihydropiridine receptor/channel and the ryanodine receptor/channel complex.

It is interesting that the dihydropiridine receptor/channel can conduct calcium - but it is not here as a calcium channel - it is here as a voltage sensor and to pass that info to the ryanodine receptor - which releases stored calcium. Hence skeletal muscle can contract in the absence of external calcium, i.e. has all the calcium it requires to contract stored within the cell.

So the short answer to your question - calcium channels do not confer excitability (i.e. do not contribute to the propogation of the depolarization) in skeletal muscle cells. This is different in cardiac muscle where the sustained depolarization is due to calcium entry - not Na entry as you see in your figure here.
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  • #3
mtc1973 said:
Much of the following refers to skeletal muscle only - At the end plate - the conneection between the motor nerve and the muscle - ACh is released by the neuron and the nictotinic receptors (Nm) on the muscle membrane open in response. This non selective cation channel allows the influx of sodium predominantly (although it is quite permeable to K too) which results in depolarization of the muscle membrane under the end plate. The action potential propogates throughout the muscle membrane, including the t tubules (invaginations of the plasma membrane than run deep into the cell interior) by opening of voltage sensitive Na channels (that can be blocked by tetrodotoxin).
There is very close association between the sarcoplasmic reticular membrane and the t tubule (which is an extension of the plasma membrane). The SR basically acts as a calcium resevoir, so a large store of calcium. The t tubule membrane has a voltage sensor, the dihydropyridine receptor - which is basically a calcium channel. But - they are not the source of calcium for contraction. So they are voltage sensors but it is not a calcium influc through this channel that stimulates contraction. Instead, the dihydroporidine sensitive Ca channel senses the depolarization of the t tubule - because of the opening of the voltage gates Na channels - and communicates this depolarization to the SR membrane. On the SR membrane there are ryanodine receptors (which are also calcium channels). Basically, the dihydropiridine receptor on the t tubule is in very close apposition to the ryanodine receptor on the SR membrane. So the depolarization of the t tubule (by the Na channels) is sensed by the dihydropiridine calcium channel and it then passes that information directly to the ryandoine receptor on the SR - which causes the ryanodien receptor to open and calcium to spill out of the SR into the myoplasm. There seems to be direct protein to protein interaction between the dihydropiridine receptor/channel and the ryanodine receptor/channel complex.

It is interesting that the dihydropiridine receptor/channel can conduct calcium - but it is not here as a calcium channel - it is here as a voltage sensor and to pass that info to the ryanodine receptor - which releases stored calcium. Hence skeletal muscle can contract in the absence of external calcium, i.e. has all the calcium it requires to contract stored within the cell.

So the short answer to your question - calcium channels do not confer excitability (i.e. do not contribute to the propogation of the depolarization) in skeletal muscle cells. This is different in cardiac muscle where the sustained depolarization is due to calcium entry - not Na entry as you see in your figure here.

Thanks. You always pass on great information :smile:

FAQ: Action potential of a skeletal muscle fibre,where is calcium?

1. What is the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber?

The action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber is a brief electrical signal that travels along the length of the muscle fiber, causing it to contract. This signal is generated by the movement of ions across the cell membrane.

2. How is the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber generated?

The action potential is generated by the movement of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane. When a nerve impulse reaches the muscle fiber, it causes a change in the electrical charge of the cell, which triggers the opening of ion channels and the flow of ions in and out of the cell.

3. Where is calcium involved in the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber?

Calcium plays a crucial role in the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber. It is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a specialized organelle within the muscle fiber. When the action potential reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum, it triggers the release of calcium ions, which then bind to proteins in the muscle fibers and initiate muscle contraction.

4. How does the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber lead to muscle contraction?

As mentioned before, the action potential triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These calcium ions then bind to proteins called troponin and tropomyosin, which are located on the actin filaments of the muscle fibers. This binding causes a change in the shape of these proteins, allowing myosin (found on the myosin filaments) to bind to actin and initiate muscle contraction.

5. What happens to calcium after the action potential of a skeletal muscle fiber?

After the action potential has passed and muscle contraction has occurred, the calcium ions are actively transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This allows the muscle fibers to relax and return to their resting state. The calcium ions are then ready to be released again when another action potential is generated.

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