Does paying Google for ads guarantee a top ranking in search results?

In summary, Google has a pay service called Adsense which allows websites to be displayed in the sponsored links section of the page. This service does not affect the normal search index. Google also has a new book service called Google Print where books from various universities are scanned and made available for online searching. This service is currently in beta but looks promising. The conversation also delved into inside jokes and the idea that technology may have exceeded humanity.
  • #1
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Is it true that websites that pay google money, will end up in the top of the ranking when doing a search?
Computer science news on
  • #2
Google's pay service is Adsense. In no way does this service reflect what is displayed in its search results. Adsense allows you to be put in the sponsered links section of the page. Unlike, msn, yahoo and numerous other search engine, google doesn't like to polute their results with junk.

Btw have you used google's new book service? They are borrowing books from various universites and scanning them online so you can quickly search through them.

Here is an example of "War and Peace":

It is currently in beta, but looking very promising
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  • #3
the new service looks cool :)
  • #4
See, I knew I was right :approve: although SOMEONE... is not convinced :rolleyes:
  • #5
You mean he hasn't yet learned you're always right?! All the more reason to deprecate him. :wink:
  • #6
Ha!...I will have to start reading the Gen. Tech. (and Software! :wink:) forums more often. :smile:
  • #7
Hurkyl said:
You mean he hasn't yet learned you're always right?!
*sigh* just now we and a friend had a 3 hour discussion that Heisenberg proved that when a tree falls in an empty forest it won't make a sound, since humans create their own reality :rolleyes: ...he's still in the process of learning I'm always right, but enough on that :rolleyes: it would be a boring world if there would be no one to disprove you :-p
  • #8
Heh, there is no point in being right unless there is someone around to be wrong!
  • #9
A man goes deep into the forest where his wife/gf cannot hear him.
If he voices an opinion...
Is he still wrong?

  • #10
Google seems to be coming up with a lot of new services everytime. I guess that is what will google above the other emerging engines.

I am trying to understand where the other posts after the google thing are leading. I'm totally lost.
  • #11
Mentors are just crazy. :smile:
  • #12
Aren't inside jokes great? :biggrin:
  • #13
Hurkyl said:
Aren't inside jokes great? :biggrin:

I don't think these jokes are inside anymore.
  • #14
joke? sounds like a war to me.
  • #15
This Google Print sounds like they are saying "hey, now you can search for books on and from already accessible online libraries straight from your trusted name in online searching service: GOOGLE!" :biggrin:

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity
--Albert Einstein
  • #16
Google's pay per placement is called adwords, adsense is the technology behind the text ads here. Think of it as adwords is for the advertisers and adsense is for the publishers. Also something to remember is that fact that adword campaigns don't affect the normal search index. It only affects how it's shown in the "sponsored link" column on google.

FAQ: Does paying Google for ads guarantee a top ranking in search results?

1. How does Google ranking affect my website's ability to make money?

Google ranking plays a crucial role in determining the visibility of your website in search engine results pages. The higher your website ranks, the more likely it is to be clicked on by users, leading to increased traffic and potential for conversions and revenue.

2. Can I pay Google to improve my website's ranking and make more money?

While Google does offer paid advertising options like Google Ads, these do not directly impact your website's organic ranking. Google's algorithm determines organic ranking based on factors such as website content, user experience, and backlinks.

3. How long does it take for a website to start making money through Google ranking?

The time it takes for a website to start making money through Google ranking can vary greatly and is dependent on several factors. These include the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your website's content, and your website's overall SEO strategy.

4. Can I improve my website's Google ranking without spending money?

Yes, it is possible to improve your website's Google ranking without spending money on paid advertising. This can be achieved through implementing effective SEO strategies, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks from reputable sources.

5. How often does Google update its ranking algorithm?

Google's ranking algorithm is constantly evolving, with small updates occurring almost daily and major updates happening a few times a year. It is important to stay up-to-date with these changes and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly in order to maintain or improve your website's ranking.
