Determining the commutation relation of operators - Einstein summation notation

In summary, this problem involves expanding epsilons in terms of deltas when there are six differing indices, but there is a method to do it that requires only four indices.
  • #1
Determining the commutation relation of operators -- Einstein summation notation

Homework Statement

Determine the commutator [itex] [L_i, C_j] [/itex].

Homework Equations

[itex]L_i = \epsilon_{ijk}r_j p_k[/itex]
[itex]C_i = \epsilon_{ijk}A_j B_k[/itex]
[itex] [L_i, A_j] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ijk} A_k[/itex]
[itex] [L_i, B_j] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ijk} B_k[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

To be clear, the goal of this procedure is to become familiar with Einstein summation notation. That said, I've broken open [itex]C_j = \epsilon_{jmn}A_m B_n[/itex] and expanded the commutator accordingly. My problem is opening up [itex]L_i[/itex] in a meaningful way that gives me a nice identity with four deltas. Will I have to expand two epsilons with 6 different indices into deltas, or is there any way to get the epsilons to share an index that will give me the result (which I know to be [itex] [L_i, C_j] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ijk}C_k[/itex])?
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  • #2

Well, since the two free indices i and j are expressedly independent you can't set i=j (it's more interesting to calculate the commutator for two specific terms than the sum anyway). And the other four indices are already contracted, so you can't contract them with either i or j. You will just have to use all six indices.
  • #3

Hypersphere said:
Well, since the two free indices i and j are expressedly independent you can't set i=j (it's more interesting to calculate the commutator for two specific terms than the sum anyway). And the other four indices are already contracted, so you can't contract them with either i or j. You will just have to use all six indices.

That's super ugly. We really only talked about expanding epsilons in terms of deltas when there were four differing indices, not six. Is there a method to do this problem that requires using only four indices?
  • #4

jmcelve said:
That's super ugly. We really only talked about expanding epsilons in terms of deltas when there were four differing indices, not six. Is there a method to do this problem that requires using only four indices?

It's not pretty, I agree, but then again the Levi-Civita symbol is what you use to hide the ugly things. It's possible to group the terms somewhat, but you can't remove degrees of freedom unless you now that one or more of the vector components happen to be zero... Just be happy that you don't work in four dimensions.
  • #5

Hypersphere said:
Just be happy that you don't work in four dimensions.

Noted. Thanks for the help.

FAQ: Determining the commutation relation of operators - Einstein summation notation

1. What is the commutation relation of operators?

The commutation relation of operators is a mathematical concept that describes how two operators, which represent physical quantities, behave when applied to a system in different orders. It is denoted by [A,B] and is defined as AB - BA.

2. How is the commutation relation of operators determined?

The commutation relation of operators is determined by using the principles of quantum mechanics and the properties of the operators involved. It can also be derived from the fundamental commutator relation [x,p] = iħ, where x is the position operator and p is the momentum operator.

3. What is Einstein summation notation?

Einstein summation notation, also known as Einstein notation or tensor notation, is a compact way of writing and manipulating mathematical expressions involving tensors, which are multidimensional arrays of numbers. It uses the summation symbol (Σ) and indices to represent repeated indices in an expression.

4. How is Einstein summation notation used to determine the commutation relation of operators?

In determining the commutation relation of operators, Einstein summation notation is used to simplify and express the operators in terms of their components. This makes it easier to manipulate and derive the commutation relation using the properties of the operators and the fundamental commutator relation.

5. Why is determining the commutation relation of operators important?

Determining the commutation relation of operators is important in quantum mechanics because it helps us understand the behavior of physical quantities and how they are related to each other. It also allows us to make predictions about the outcomes of measurements and calculations in quantum systems, which are essential for many applications in physics and other fields.

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