How Do You Integrate x^3 J_0(ax) Over 0 to R?

In summary, a recursion equation can be used to solve the integral \int_{0}^{R} x^5 J_0 (ax) dx with the solution being \frac{4x^4}{a^2}\left[1-\frac{8}{a^2x^2}\right]J_0(ax). However, the solution may not be considered "nice" as it involves a Bessel function and a complicated expression.
  • #1

I am a geologist working on a fluid mechanics problem. Solving the PDE for my problem, this Bessel integral arises:

\int_{0}^{R} x^3 J_0 (ax) dx

where J_0 is the Bessel function of first kind, and a is a constant.

I haven't found the solution in any table or book, and due to my limited background in applied mathematics I don't know how to integrate it by myself.

Does anybody know the solution?

Thanks a lot in advance
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  • #3
mikel said:
I am a geologist working on a fluid mechanics problem. Solving the PDE for my problem, this Bessel integral arises:
\int_{0}^{R} x^3 J_0 (ax) dx
where J_0 is the Bessel function of first kind, and a is a constant.
I haven't found the solution in any table or book, and due to my limited background in applied mathematics I don't know how to integrate it by myself.
Does anybody know the solution?
Thanks a lot in advance

Have you tried plugging into Mathematica:

[tex]\int_0^R x^3 \text{BesselJ[0,ax]}dx[/tex]


Wait a minute, let me just flat-out ask how does one verify that:

[tex]\int_0^R x^3 J_0(ax)dx=\frac{1}{a^2}\left[R^2\left\{2J_2(aR)-aRJ_3(aR)\right\}\right][/tex]

Suppose need to first show:

[tex]\int x^3J_0(x)dx=x^2\left[2J_2(x)-xJ_3(x)\right][/tex]
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  • #4
Integrals of Bessel Functions

Use the recurrence relation:

[tex]J_{n-1}(x) = \frac{2n}{x} J_{n}(x) - J_{n+1}(x)[/tex]

to write the integral as

[tex]\int x^3 J_0(x)dx = \int x^3 (\frac{2}{x} J_{1}(x) - J_{2}(x)) dx
= \int (2 x^2 J_{1}(x) - x^3 J_{2}(x) ) dx[/tex]

then use the relation

[tex] x^n J_{n-1}(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[x^n J_{n}(x)][/tex]

on each of the terms and perform the integration...
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  • #5
May be it's too late, for you...but I've just found the same integral studying heat transmission in don't become mad, i think it's easy:

[tex]\int_0^R x^3 J_0(ax)dx=\frac{1}{a^2}\left[R^2\left\{2J_2(aR)-aRJ_3(aR)\right\}\right][/tex]


[tex]\int_0^R x^3 J_0(ax)dx=\frac{1}{a^2}R^2\left\{2J_2(aR)-(aR)\left[\frac{4}{aR}J_2(aR)-J_1(aR)\right]\right\}=\frac{1}{a^2}R^2\left\{-2J_2(aR)+(aR)J_1(aR)\right\}=

I hope I'm right, if not...let's talk about!
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  • #6
Well I was searching for the normalitation of the bessel funtions, and I found this... It was interesting for me so I realice this integral. First of all, I will make a change:
s= ax \quad \quad ds= a dx \quad \quad x=\frac{s}{a}
Take care of limits
\textrm{If } \quad x=0 \Rightarrow s=0 \textrm{ and if } x=R \Rightarrow s=aR

So this: multiplied for 1 = a/a [tex]\int_{0}^{R} x^3 J_0 (ax) dx \Rightarrow \frac{1}{a}\int_{0}^{R} x^3 J_0 (ax) adx[/tex]

Became this:[tex]\frac{1}{a^4} \int_0^{aR} s^3 J_0 (s) ds[/tex]

Next Step is use [tex] J_{n-1}(x) = \frac{2n}{x} J_{n}(x) - J_{n+1}(x) [/tex]

Taking n=1 [tex]\Rightarrow J_{0}(s) = \frac{2}{s} J_{1}(s) - J_{2}(s) [/tex]

Replacing this in the integral:
\frac{1}{a^4} \int_0^{aR} s^3 J_0 (s) ds = \frac{1}{a^4} \left\{ \int_0^{aR} s^3 \left( \frac{2}{s} J_{1}(s) - J_{2}(s) \right) ds \right\} =
\frac{1}{a^4} \left\{ 2\int_0^{aR} s^2 J_{1}(s) ds - \int_0^{aR} s^3 J_{2}(s) ds \right\}

In this time I use:
\int \frac{d}{ds}[s^n J_{n}(s)] = \int s^n J_{n-1}(s) = \left[s^n J_{n}(s)\right]

\frac{1}{a^4} \left\{ 2\int_0^{aR} s^2 J_{1}(s) ds - \int_0^{aR} s^3 J_{2}(s) ds \right\} =\frac{1}{a^4} \left\{2 s^2 J_{2}(s)\left|_0^{aR} \right. - s^3 J_{3}(s)\left|_0^{aR} \right. \right\} =
\frac{1}{a^4} \left\{ \left( 2 (aR)^2 J_{2}(aR) - 0 \right) - \left( (aR)^3 J_{3}(aR) -0\right) \right\}
So getting the 1/a4 inside.

\frac{2}{a^2} R^2 J_2(aR) -\frac{1}{a} R^3 J_3(aR)

And That's it :) cheers! ... Good look with that work.
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  • #7
I am looking for the solution of \int_{0}^{R} x^5 J_0 (ax) dx
Any ideas about a closed form solution?
  • #8
We can obtain a recursion equation for it, which in this case can be solved... The answer is not too "nice" though... ;)

[tex]S_n=\int x^n J_0(ax)\; dx[/tex]
In your case n=5.

For bessel functions we now the following recursions :


So we have:

[tex]S_n=\int x^n J_0(ax)\; dx= \frac{1}{a}\int x^{n-1}axJ_0(ax)\; dx = \frac{1}{a}\int x^{n-1}\frac{d}{dx}\left(xJ_1(ax)\right)\;dx = \frac{1}{a}\left[x^{n-1}\cdot x J_1(ax) -\int (n-1) x^{n-2}\cdot x J_1(ax) \;dx\right]= [/tex]

[tex]=\frac{x^n}{a}J_1(ax)+\frac{n-1}{a^2}\int x^{n-1}\cdot\left(-aJ_1(ax)\right)\; dx = \frac{x^n}{a}J_1(ax)+\frac{n-1}{a^2}\int x^{n-1}\cdot\left(\frac{dJ_0(ax)}{dx}\right)\; dx = [/tex]

[tex]= \frac{x^n}{a}J_1(ax) + \frac{n-1}{a^2}\left[x^{n-1}J_0(ax)-\int (n-1) x^{n-2} J_0(ax)\; dx\right] = \frac{x^n}{a}J_1(ax) +\frac{n-1}{a^2}x^{n-1}J_0(ax)-\frac{(n-1)^2}{a^2}\underbrace{\int x^{n-2}J_0(ax)\;dx}_{S_{n-2}} [/tex]

Where we used integration by parts twice.

So we obtained the following recursion:

[tex]S_n=\frac{x^n}{a}J_1(ax) +\frac{n-1}{a^2}x^{n-1}J_0(ax)-\frac{(n-1)^2}{a^2}S_{n-2}[/tex]

for n=1 we have:

[tex]S_1=\int xJ_0(ax)\;dx = \frac{1}{a}\int axJ_0(ax)\; dx = \frac{x}{a} J_1(ax) [/tex]

Using the the recursion for n=5 will be after manipulation:

[tex]S_5 = \int x^5 J_0(ax) \; dx = \frac{4x^4}{a^2}\left[1-\frac{8}{a^2x^2}\right]J_0(ax) +\frac{x^5}{a}\left[1-\frac{16}{a^2x^2}+\frac{48}{a^4x^4}\right]J_1(ax)[/tex]
  • #9
Hi Thaakisfox

Thanks a lot. This will take me some time to digest !


  • #10
To solve some problems I was looking for integrals of Bessel functions.
In the end I decided to make my own table.
It can be found here:

Perhaps it is still of some use.
I am still working to add some more integrals.
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  • #11
Can you turn the formula into tex format?
  • #12
I am interested in finding weighting function in Orthogonal Bessel Functions (w(x)) .

I have considered many books but they do not explained how can we obtain it.
I know there are 2 different bessel functions in this case and each have special weighting function in orthogonal condition.
Could anybody help me please?
Best regards
  • #13
I am interested in finding weighting function in Orthogonal Bessel Functions (w(x)) .

I have considered many books but they do not explained how can we select or obtain it.
I know there are 2 different bessel functions in this case and each have special weighting function in orthogonal condition.
Could anybody help me please?
Best regards
  • #14
Off topic:
Im seeing posts from '05 '07 '08 '09 '10 and '12. That's a lot of resurrections.
  • #15
To think this thread was created 7 years ago to the day..crazy necro

FAQ: How Do You Integrate x^3 J_0(ax) Over 0 to R?

What is the integral of Bessel function?

The integral of Bessel function is a mathematical function used in the study of wave phenomena and other areas of physics. It is defined as the area under the curve of a Bessel function from 0 to x.

How is the integral of Bessel function calculated?

The integral of Bessel function is calculated using various techniques, such as integration by parts, substitution, and special functions. It can also be approximated using numerical methods.

What is the significance of the integral of Bessel function?

The integral of Bessel function has many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. It is commonly used in the solution of differential equations, signal processing, and in the study of heat transfer and diffusion.

What are some properties of the integral of Bessel function?

The integral of Bessel function has many important properties, such as linearity, symmetry, and recurrence relations. It also has a special connection to other mathematical functions, such as the gamma function and the hypergeometric function.

Are there any practical uses for the integral of Bessel function?

Yes, the integral of Bessel function has many practical uses. It is used in the analysis of electromagnetic fields, in the design of electronic circuits, and in the study of vibrations and oscillations. It is also used in the field of optics, particularly in the study of diffraction and interference patterns.
