Why Is Atom Stable When Valence Shell Is Filled With 8 Electrons?

  • Thread starter Dual Op Amp
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In summary, atoms are more stable when their valence shell is filled with eight electrons. This is due to the energetics of filling a valence shell, which makes it chemically inert. However, the 8 electron rule is only applicable to early elements on the periodic table, as more complex elements follow an 18-electron rule. The reason for this stability is not fully understood, but it is observed in both empirical and quantum mechanical explanations.
  • #1
Dual Op Amp
I have looked every where, my encyclopia set, the search engine even a different post on this forum, but I just can't find out why an atom is more stable, when the valence shell is filled with eight electrons.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dr. Transport answered this question in the Atoms, Molecules, and Solids forum - filling a valence shell is energetically favorable as seen by the physics of atoms and molecules. Its chemical inertness is a consequence of the filled valence shell - to either remove or attach an electron is far too costly in terms of the energetics.

The 8 electron rule is only valid for atoms and molecules in the early part of the periodic table (excluding, of course, hydrogen and helium). If you should in the course of your life study inorganic and organometallic chemistry, you will find mention of an "18-electron rule," which states that 18 valence electrons is the desired end result. This is because the d-orbitals become far more important in the chemistry of such atoms and compounds.
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  • #3
As my P chem professor always used to say, science doesn't answer the question why but how.
  • #4
My Dad asked me this very question once and the only answer I could give him is that's just the way it is. I think that this is just an empirical observation, there isn't a particular reason. Isn't that also the case with the quantum mechanical explanation? Quantum mechanics is made to model the observed behavior of molecules.

If someone thinks I am wrong here and there is a solid quantum explanation for this, I would love to know too!

FAQ: Why Is Atom Stable When Valence Shell Is Filled With 8 Electrons?

1. Why is it important for the valence shell to be filled with 8 electrons for an atom to be stable?

The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a full outer shell with 8 electrons. This is because a full valence shell is energetically favorable and leads to a more stable configuration for the atom.

2. How does the number of valence electrons affect an atom's stability?

The number of valence electrons determines how likely an atom is to form bonds with other atoms. If the valence shell is not full, the atom will be more reactive and likely to form bonds in order to achieve a full outer shell and become more stable.

3. Can an atom be stable if its valence shell is not filled with 8 electrons?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the octet rule. For example, atoms in the first row of the periodic table (such as hydrogen and helium) only require 2 electrons in their valence shell to achieve stability. Additionally, elements in the third row and below can have expanded valence shells and hold more than 8 electrons.

4. Why is the octet rule only applicable to elements in the second row of the periodic table?

The octet rule is based on the number of orbitals and energy levels in the second row of the periodic table. Elements in this row have a total of 8 orbitals, allowing for the maximum number of electrons in the valence shell to be 8. Elements in higher rows have more orbitals available, so they can hold more than 8 electrons in their valence shell.

5. How does the stability of an atom relate to its reactivity?

An atom that is stable (with a full valence shell) will be less reactive because it does not need to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve stability. On the other hand, atoms with incomplete valence shells will be more reactive as they try to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable configuration.
