Graphite Resistance: Exploring Why Graphite Heats in Center & Light Retracts

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the resistance of graphite decreases as it heats up, causing the center of the material to heat up first due to its shape and the flow of electricity. As the graphite melts, the light emitted from it retreats towards the center due to the decrease in resistance. Further experiments and measurements are needed to fully explain these phenomena.
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Homework Statement

As graphite heats, the resistance of electrons flowing through it in a circuit decreases. 12 volts of electricity was run through a rheostat and through a small strip of mechanical pacer 'lead' to observe the state of the 'lead' as the resistance of the rheostat was decreased. When the graphite ('lead' strip) heated up it would release light from the center of the graphite. This light intesified and spread outwards towards the end of the graphite. After a while the light would retract towards the center right before the graphite melted in the center.

Homework Equations

Why does the graphite heat up in the center of the graphite first?
Why does the light retract towards the center of the graphite right before the center melts?

The Attempt at a Solution

I have hypothesised that because gravity is acting upon the center of the graphite, that it is weakest there as the ends of the graphite are supported. So when it heats, the graphite begins to break slightly, which then decreases the cross-sectional area at that point. This is why the light begins to dim and retract until the graphite completely breaks killing the circuit. This does not explain why it heats in the center first.

I would greatly appreciate any oppinions or help.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your observations and hypotheses. I would like to offer some insights and potential explanations for the phenomena you observed.

First, it is important to note that the resistance of a material is directly related to its temperature. In the case of graphite, as it heats up, the atoms in the material vibrate more and this creates more resistance for the electrons to flow through. This is why the resistance decreases as the graphite heats up.

Now, as for why the center of the graphite heats up first, it could be due to the distribution of heat within the material. Since the electrons have to travel through the entire length of the graphite, the center may experience more resistance and therefore more heat compared to the ends.

Another factor to consider is the flow of electricity itself. As the electrons flow through the graphite, they collide with the atoms and transfer some of their energy, which contributes to the heating of the material. This flow of electricity may also be concentrated more in the center of the graphite due to its shape and the way the circuit is set up.

As for the light retraction towards the center, it could be due to the decrease in resistance as the graphite melts. As the material melts, it becomes more conductive and the resistance decreases, causing the light to dim and retract towards the center.

However, I would also like to suggest that further experiments and measurements are needed to fully understand and explain these phenomena. For example, measuring the temperature distribution along the length of the graphite and monitoring the flow of electricity could provide more insights.

I hope this helps in your understanding and research. Best of luck in your studies!

FAQ: Graphite Resistance: Exploring Why Graphite Heats in Center & Light Retracts

1. What is graphite resistance?

Graphite resistance refers to the ability of graphite, a form of carbon, to withstand high temperatures and resist changes in its physical properties. It is commonly used in heating elements, as it can maintain its shape and conductivity even at very high temperatures.

2. Why does graphite heat in the center?

Graphite heats in the center due to its unique structure. It is made up of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, with weak bonds between the layers. When electricity is passed through graphite, the electrons move freely between the layers, causing friction and generating heat in the center of the material.

3. How does light retract affect graphite resistance?

Light retract, or the reflection of light, does not have a direct effect on graphite resistance. However, if the graphite is being used in a heating element, light retract may cause uneven heating due to the uneven distribution of light. This can lead to hot spots and potential damage to the heating element.

4. What factors can affect graphite resistance?

Several factors can affect graphite resistance, including temperature, pressure, and the purity of the graphite. Higher temperatures can increase the resistance of graphite, while impurities or defects in the graphite can decrease its resistance. Pressure can also impact the electrical conductivity of graphite, which in turn affects its resistance.

5. What are some common applications of graphite resistance?

Graphite resistance is commonly used in heating elements for various industrial applications, such as in furnaces, ovens, and electric heaters. It is also used in the production of steel and other metals, as well as in electronics, aerospace, and automotive industries. Additionally, graphite resistance is used in the production of pencils, lubricants, and other consumer products.
