Energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit

In summary: This is why a battery charger has a "voltage regulator" component that ensures that the battery doesn't overcharge and potentially damage the battery. In summary, the 4.00 V battery is delivering energy to the circuit, while the 15 V battery is only providing a large amount of energy that gets dissipated in the resistors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the energy delivered by the 4.00 V battery in the circuit.
R1=8.8 ohm, R2=2.5 ohm, V=15 volts, [tex]\Delta[/tex]t=3.30 minutes

I have already figured out the correct values and directions (see image) of the currents:

I1=0.84 A, I2=1.39 A, I3=0.56 A

Homework Equations

U=P[tex]\Delta[/tex]t = VI[tex]\Delta[/tex]t

The Attempt at a Solution

I know the correct answer which is: P=VI3[tex]\Delta[/tex]t but I am not convinced with it. What bothers me in it is the current we chose: Isn't I3 the current contributed from both batteries and not the 4.00 V battery's own produced current ? Thus, shouldn't we try to find the current exclusively from the 4 V battery and use that value in our calculations ?
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  • #2
In point of fact, your own calculations show that current is flowing into the 4.00 battery and not out of it. So that battery is absorbing energy (it is being charged), not delivering it!
  • #3
Yes you are totally right, but that absorbed energy is a net energy.

In other words, the 15 V battery provides a large amount energy, part of it gets dissipated in the resistors, but the remainder of this energy is still larger than the energy in the 4-volt energy in magnitude. The fact that currents from both batteries are in opposite direction says that the low-energy battery (the 4-volt one) will be absorbing the net energy.

We want the power from the 4 volt battery only, I mean we want its contribution to the circuit in terms of power without the contribution of the 15 volt battery

I don't really know where the flaw of my reasoning is ...
  • #4
The 4V battery is sinking current (current is flowing into its + terminal). So rather than supplying energy to the circuit, it is absorbing energy and storing it. The magnitude of this energy consumption (looking at the 4V battery alone) is I3*4.00V.
  • #5
But isn't the current that's flowing into its positive terminal the difference between part of I2 that went through the branch and the 4 V's battery's current ?

If this is correct, then calculating the 4 V battery's power means that we need to use the battery's own current

I'm really sorry for my loads of questions and my apparent stubbornness, but I really need to clear this point out.
  • #6
After all the calculations are done, when you finally arrive at the total current I3 in the branch containing the 4V supply (and note that in this case I3 is the actual current that will flow in that branch, it's not a "partial" current, or abstract loop contribution), that is in fact the current that will be either flowing through the battery. If you put an ammeter in series with the battery, you will read the value of I3.

If I3 flows into the battery, then the battery is absorbing energy, not delivering energy to the circuit. If I3 flows into the battery, then there is no sneaky other bit that's flowing out while some other current flows on top of it to hide it. I3 is I3.

Don't be concerned that batteries can act as current sinks as well as sources; A battery will source or sink any amount of current required in order to maintain its designated potential difference. If that means absorbing current via its + terminal instead of sending current out via its + terminal, so be it.

If you consider a battery charger, for example, it deliberately forces a controlled amount of "reverse" current into a rechargeable battery, which then absorbs and stores the energy for release later when it powers a circuit.

FAQ: Energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit

1. How does energy flow in a double-battery circuit?

In a double-battery circuit, energy flows from the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the other battery. This creates a continuous flow of energy, allowing the circuit to function.

2. Can the energy from each battery be added together in a double-battery circuit?

Yes, the energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit can be added together. This is because the batteries are connected in parallel, meaning they have the same voltage and can provide additional current to the circuit.

3. How does the energy from each battery affect the overall output of a double-battery circuit?

The energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit adds to the overall output, resulting in a higher voltage and longer-lasting power supply for the circuit. This is especially useful for devices that require a larger amount of energy to function.

4. Can the energy from each battery vary in a double-battery circuit?

Yes, the energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit can vary. This can be due to factors such as the type and quality of the batteries, as well as the amount of charge remaining in each battery. It is important to use batteries with similar specifications to ensure consistent energy output.

5. How can the energy from each battery be maximized in a double-battery circuit?

The energy from each battery in a double-battery circuit can be maximized by ensuring the circuit is properly designed and all components are functioning efficiently. It is also important to use high-quality batteries and regularly check and replace them when necessary.
