What will improve Republicans chances next time?

In summary, the changes that the speaker would like to see in Republicans include having a clear job creation and economic growth plan, removing individuals who hold controversial beliefs, being more diplomatic in foreign affairs, and being more welcoming to minority groups. They also suggest prioritizing fiscal issues over social issues and being open to compromise on tax policies. Additionally, they mention the importance of dissociating from religious influences and standing for smaller government and lower taxes, while being willing to be flexible when necessary.
  • #71
mathwonk said:
I suspect Republicans would be a lot more believable on "lower taxes" arguments if they would agree that high earners like Romney should pay at the same tax rate as middle class families pay, not half.
Whether the Romneys paid their "fair" share is a dicey issue. What's "fair"?

The Romneys had a low effective tax rate for two primary reasons. They donated a lot to charitable organizations and their income derived almost entirely from capital gains. Do you want to eliminate the charitable deduction? Most (all?) charities do not want that to happen. Should long term capital gains be taxed the same as income? There are a number of reasons why the answer to that question has to be no. That said, six months is not "long term" by any sane definition of "long term". For example, the inflation argument for why capital gains must be treated differently than income falls to pieces with that six month cutoff between short and long term capital gains.The referenced post is a red herring. The Republicans are not going to improve their chances next time around (the subject of this thread) by making themselves look just like the Democrats. The Democrats already own the center left and points leftward. The Republicans need to stay true to their roots or there is no point in having two parties. The problem in my opinion is that the current makeup of the Republican party has forced the center right to vote Democratic.
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  • #72
russ_watters said:
So then how can say the Bush tax cuts didn't help you?

You're really knitpicking here. There's an obvious difference for me between making 30k as a fisherman and 30k as an employee. From 1/3 taxes to 0 taxes.
  • #73
I never ran successfully for President so I am reluctant to give advice to others on how to do it. However, I was attracted to Romney's half plan to reduce taxes 20%. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time before the election to enumerate the other half of the plan, the tax loopholes and deductions that would be eliminated. Here is the advice I would give to anyone who wants to run.

Promise the 20% reduction, but point out that it will be given in installments. That way, some egregious loopholes can be closed quickly, and deductions can be phased out instead of eliminated in one swell foop. During my 8 year administration, income taxes will be reduced across the board 2.5% each year. Left-handed albino dwarf style tax loopholes will be closed and new ones will not be tolerated. Deductions we all have come to love will be reduced each year so as to make up the difference, should there be any, between revenue lost due to tax reduction and revenue gained due to loophole depletion.
  • #75
Neil Boortz has a message for the Republican party:

The Republican Party as it currently stands needs to die. Like a phoenix, it needs to burst into flames and from its ashes rebuild into a party focused on …

Limited government
Tax reform
A strong military
The rule of law
Reducing regulations
Promoting capitalism – especially small businesses
Restoring self-reliance
Honoring the Constitution

Did you see abortion or gay marriage on that list? Didn’t think so. The Republicans need to become more Libertarian and less religiously authoritarian or the Party is dead. It’s amazing that these social conservatives have managed to screw this country they claim to love so much by handing Democrats victories this week thanks to these social issues.
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  • #76
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