Charges on an Outer & Inner Shell w/ -5.0E-6C Center

In summary, the conversation discusses a thin spherical shell with a charge of -5.0E-6 C at the center and a total charge of 33.0E-6 C distributed uniformly on its surface. It is unclear if the shell is made of a conducting material. The conversation also explores the concept of induced charges on the inside surface of a conductor and the distribution of charges on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell to maintain overall neutrality.
  • #1
A shell with a charge of -5.0E-6 C at the center. What will the charge be on the inner surface of the shell? The outer?
Physics news on
  • #2
Is the shell made of a conducting material?
  • #3
It doesn't say. The first part of the question says, "A thin spherical shell of radius 15.0cm with total charge of 33.0E-6 C distributed uniformly on its surface."
If there was a ball of charge of -5.0E-6...
  • #4
I presume it's a conductor, since the charge on the inner surface changes with the introduction of charge in the centre. So, what do you know about induced charges on the inside surface of a conductor?
  • #5
I would think that the charge on the inner shell would be +5E-6, so would that make the outer 0 to keep an overall neutral charge on the shell?
  • #6
If there's an induced charge of +q on the inside, where's the -q gone, to keep the shell have overall zero charge? How can a charge of 0 on the outer surface keep it neutral, as you've written?
  • #7
Because the charge in the center is (-), that would make the charge closest to it (inner) opposite in sign (+5E-6) leaving the outer surface zero.
  • #8
The conductor was initially neutral. You've put -q at the centre, and saying that now there's +q on the inner surface and 0 on the outer surface, which makes the system overall neutral. How can that be, when you've introduced some -q in the system?

If +q is induced on the inner surface, there must be a -q somewhere to balance it.
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  • #9
So would the outer surface also be +5E-6?
  • #10
-5E-6; -q at the centre, +q on the inner surface, and -q on the outer surface.

FAQ: Charges on an Outer & Inner Shell w/ -5.0E-6C Center

1. What do the charges on the outer and inner shell represent?

The charges on the outer and inner shell represent the distribution of electric charge on a spherical object. The outer shell has a negative charge while the inner shell has a positive charge, and the center has a negative charge.

2. How is the electric field affected by these charges?

The electric field is affected by the charges on the outer and inner shell in a few ways. The negative charge on the outer shell creates an outward electric field, while the positive charge on the inner shell creates an inward electric field. The negative charge at the center also creates an outward electric field, but with a weaker magnitude compared to the outer shell.

3. Why is there a negative charge at the center?

The negative charge at the center is due to the principle of charge conservation. In this scenario, the total charge on the outer and inner shell is equal, but opposite in sign. Therefore, to maintain a neutral overall charge, there must be a negative charge at the center.

4. How does the charge distribution on the outer and inner shell affect the potential energy of the object?

The charge distribution on the outer and inner shell affects the potential energy of the object by creating a potential difference between the outer and inner shell. This potential difference is responsible for the electric field and the movement of charged particles, resulting in potential energy changes.

5. Can the charges on the outer and inner shell change over time?

Yes, the charges on the outer and inner shell can change over time due to various factors such as external electric fields, contact with other charged objects, and redistribution of charges within the object. However, the total charge on the outer and inner shell will always remain equal and opposite for a neutral object.
