Ripping apart baryons at the end of the universe creating new particles?

In summary, the article discusses the idea that the universe might be able to tear itself apart sooner than anyone thought due to the strong force getting stronger the further apart the quarks are. It goes on to say that this idea has been largely ignored in the professional research papers, and that it would require something other than the cosmological constant to be true. The article ends with mentioning that the "accelerating expansion of the universe" is what actually amounts to this tearing apart.
  • #1
The post might be in the wrong forum, and it's likely that a similar question has been asked earlier, but I couldn't find it with my feeble attempts at searching.It's apparently well known that you can't rip quarks away from each other and get singular quarks. The gluon bond gets stronger with increased distance, so when the quarks get sufficiently far away from each other, new quarks pop into existence due to the increased energy in the gluon bond.

However if the universe ends with a so called Big Rip, where dark energy forces everything apart, would that also rip quarks away from each other? I keep imagining that the very act of separating the quarks from each other would create lots of new quarks/baryons. It might even total up in a huge amount of new matter, with the consequences that might have.

I've never heard this mentioned anywhere, and it's been bugging me for a few weeks now. I'll be very glad for any answer to this. There's most likely a logical error somewhere, but I just don't see it.If one is to stretch this idea very far, it could open the possibility that the sudden increase in baryons could - through gravity - slow down the expansion of the universe. Then the dark energy would slowly increase the speed of the expansion and it all repeats, making the universe cyclic.
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  • #3
Interesting article, thanks for the link. I see your point.

I can't quite imagine how the strong force can be overcome seeing as its strength increased with distance, but then again when did stuff at the quantum level make sense.

Its sort of counter-intuitive that the sun would be destroyed before the Earth though. Is it the mass / size (extent) of the object or the strength of the gravity holding it together that makes the difference?

If it's the second option, then we would have a few minutes to watch black holes get very interesting before dark energy ruins the day.

Yes I know I'm really far off into the wild here, but I'm tired and my brain does whacky things.
  • #4
Wondrous said:
I've never heard this mentioned anywhere, and it's been bugging me for a few weeks now. I'll be very glad for any answer to this. There's most likely a logical error somewhere, but I just don't see it.
I think part of the issue here is the divide between evidence-based cosmology and the more wildly speculative kind (which shades off into fantasy).

We mostly deal with evidence-based here because that's what the professional research literature (peer-reviewed scientific papers) is largely about.

At some point the evidence began to pile up against the "big rip" idea and it gradually began to be ignored in the professional research papers.

It would have required that the cosmological constant not actually be a constant. But the evidence continues to mount up that it actually is a constant.

I think most of the "big rip" papers were from before 2005. I don't recall seeing one for quite a few years now.

One way to think about it is that the universe seems to be on track to a longterm percentage expansion rate of about 1/163 of one percent per million years. (give or take a little measurement uncertainty.)

That is, in the long run any given distance between two widely separated observers will increase by that tiny fraction of a percent in a million years.

You won't notice this on galactic scale. Galaxies don't experience this expansion effect because they are held together by their own gravity. Two observers in the same galaxy, say 100 thousand light years apart, will not notice any expansion between them. And of course on a SOLAR SYSTEM scale you wouldn't ever notice any expansion!

Galaxies like Milkyway and Andromeda tend to occur in groups called clusters. This longterm expansion is too gentle to affect our modest-sized cluster, but I suppose it could effect much larger ones that are less securely bound together by their own gravity. In any case it will effect only very large-scale structure.

This is what the so called "accelerating expansion of the universe" actually amounts to, in measured quantitative terms, as far as we can tell.
  • #5

I appreciate your curiosity and creative thinking in this matter. However, the concept of ripping apart baryons at the end of the universe is not something that has been scientifically proven or observed. It is still a topic of speculation and theoretical models.

While it is true that quarks cannot be isolated due to the strong force binding them together, the Big Rip scenario you mentioned is still a matter of debate and not a widely accepted theory. Even if it were to happen, the effects on baryons and the creation of new particles would depend on the specifics of the event and cannot be accurately predicted.

Additionally, the concept of gravity slowing down the expansion of the universe is also not supported by current scientific understanding. In fact, it is the opposite - the expansion of the universe is accelerating due to the presence of dark energy.

In conclusion, while your idea is interesting, it is important to approach it with caution and not make assumptions or conclusions without solid scientific evidence. The study of the end of the universe and the behavior of particles under extreme conditions is a complex and ongoing area of research, and we may never fully understand it. Let's continue to explore and expand our knowledge, but also remain grounded in scientific principles and evidence.

FAQ: Ripping apart baryons at the end of the universe creating new particles?

1. What are baryons and how do they relate to the end of the universe?

Baryons are subatomic particles that are made up of three quarks, such as protons and neutrons. They make up the majority of visible matter in the universe and are important in understanding the structure and evolution of the universe. As the universe expands and cools over time, baryons may eventually break apart, leading to the creation of new particles.

2. How do scientists predict that baryons will break apart at the end of the universe?

Scientists use theoretical models and simulations, as well as observations of the universe, to predict the behavior of baryons at the end of the universe. These models take into account the known laws of physics and the current understanding of the universe to make predictions about its future evolution.

3. What new particles are expected to be created when baryons break apart at the end of the universe?

There are several theories about the possible new particles that could be created when baryons break apart at the end of the universe. Some theories suggest the creation of dark matter particles, while others propose the existence of new types of matter that have not yet been observed. It is also possible that no new particles will be created and that the baryons will simply disintegrate into smaller particles.

4. How will the process of baryon breaking impact the overall structure of the universe?

The breaking apart of baryons at the end of the universe will have a significant impact on the overall structure of the universe. As baryons break apart, they release energy and can alter the density and composition of the universe. This process may also contribute to the expansion of the universe and the formation of new galaxies and structures.

5. Is there any evidence of baryon breaking happening currently in the universe?

While there is evidence that baryon breaking may occur in the future as the universe continues to evolve, there is currently no direct evidence of this process happening. However, scientists continue to study the behavior of baryons and the evolution of the universe to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and its potential impact on the universe.

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