Good Physicist and Mathematical Problem Solving.

In summary, it is not necessary to be able to solve every problem at the back of each chapter in order to become a good physicist. It is important to challenge oneself and strive to solve difficult problems, but it is also okay to seek help for ones that are particularly troublesome. With practice and exposure to the material, one's problem-solving skills will improve and they will eventually be able to solve all of the problems with ease. It is important not to waste excessive amounts of time on difficult problems, as it is important to also focus on developing skills in other subjects.
  • #1
I have this problem that if I'm not able to solve each and every, or almost all, of the problems at the back of each chapter, I get extremely frustrated and start thinking that I can't really make a good physicist since a good physicist should be able to solve any kind of problem related to physics.

Is it OK if I can't solve some of them? Or do I have to practice constantly until and unless I develop the ability to solve all of em? BTW, I'm an undergraduate Electrical Engineering student, though I intened to do my masters in theoretical Physics.
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  • #2
No, you don't need to be able to do each and every one. Still, I don't want to disuade you not to try hard on the difficult problems because this is what really gets your brain working. I'd say be able to do about 90% of them, and get help for the ones that troubled you. It seems problem solving is a skill that sort of grows on you. By the end of the year, you more than likely will be able to solve all of them and wonder what held you back at the beggining. What holds one back is that they are being exposed to the material for the first time and still don't see all the connections. This comes with practice. Also, some problems are just worded poorly and/or are too imaginative. Don't waste insane amounts of time on a compulsion to do them all when that time can be devoted to honing other skills in other subjects. Then, if free time permits, obsess all you want.
  • #3

First of all, it is completely normal to struggle with some problems in physics. It is a complex and challenging field, and even the most experienced physicists encounter difficulties in problem solving. It is important to remember that problem solving is a skill that can be developed over time with practice and patience.

As an undergraduate student, it is not expected for you to be able to solve every problem in your textbooks. It is important to focus on understanding the concepts and principles behind the problems, rather than just memorizing solutions. This will help you approach new and more challenging problems in the future.

Furthermore, it is not necessary to constantly practice until you can solve every problem. It is important to find a balance between practicing and taking breaks to prevent burnout. It is also helpful to seek guidance from your professors or peers when you encounter difficulties. Collaboration and discussion can often lead to a better understanding of the material and problem solving techniques.

Lastly, it is great that you have a goal to pursue a masters in theoretical physics. However, it is important to keep in mind that theoretical physics requires a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and problem solving techniques. It is important to continuously work on improving your mathematical skills and seeking out additional resources and practice problems to strengthen your abilities.

In summary, it is normal to struggle with some problems in physics and it is not necessary to solve every problem to be a good physicist. Focus on understanding the concepts and principles, find a balance between practice and breaks, and continuously work on improving your skills. With perseverance and dedication, you will become a strong problem solver and a successful physicist.

FAQ: Good Physicist and Mathematical Problem Solving.

1. What are the key qualities of a good physicist?

A good physicist is someone who is curious, creative, and persistent. They have a strong foundation in mathematics and problem solving, and are able to think critically and analytically. They also have excellent communication skills and are able to work well in both individual and collaborative settings.

2. How important is mathematical problem solving in the field of physics?

Mathematical problem solving is essential in the field of physics. It is the primary tool used to describe and understand the physical world. Without a strong foundation in mathematics, it would be difficult to make accurate predictions and interpretations in physics.

3. What strategies can a physicist use to improve their problem solving skills?

A physicist can improve their problem solving skills by practicing regularly, breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, and seeking out different perspectives and approaches. They can also benefit from discussing problems with peers and seeking guidance from experienced physicists.

4. How do physicists approach problem solving differently from other scientists?

Physicists approach problem solving with a strong emphasis on mathematical modeling and theoretical analysis. They also tend to focus on fundamental principles and laws that govern the behavior of the physical world. This allows them to make predictions and explanations based on mathematical equations and concepts.

5. Can anyone become a good physicist with enough practice and effort?

While certain qualities and aptitudes may make it easier for someone to excel in physics, anyone can become a good physicist with enough practice and effort. Like any skill, problem solving and understanding of physics can be improved with dedication and hard work.

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