Book for introduction in aerodynamics

In summary: Peddle's "Aerodynamics for Model Aircraft" is a good choice for someone with little aerodynamics experience. It's more geared towards the modeller, but it covers the basics well.
  • #1
Which book would you recommend for introduction to aerodynamics? One which is mathematically rigorous as well as comprehensive?
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  • #2
sid_galt said:
Which book would you recommend for introduction to aerodynamics? One which is mathematically rigorous as well as comprehensive?

Maybe Aerodynamics is a too wide field. I doubt there is only one book which treats it accurately in one volume only. Aerodynamics is a mix of several fluid mechanics theories. So that, the first thing you should do is to know very well Fluid Mech: you will be indirectly learning Aerodynamics.
  • #3
Could you then recommend me some good fluid mechanics books?

And how is Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John Anderson?
  • #4
sid_galt said:
And how is Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John Anderson?


IMO the best introductory text in aerodynamics.

Depending on your current skill level, if that book is a little too math-heavy, I'd suggest you check out "Introduction to Flight" by the same author. It covers most of the basics of aerodynamics and also covers topics which delve into the actual design of aircraft (control surfaces, engine performance, maneuvers, etc.) and even a little bit into astrodynamics.

I still reference both from time to time, although the Intro to Flight book mostly gets referenced for the standard atmosphere tables which are included in the appendix... a marvelous resource to have.

And no, I'm not just saying all that because he taught my introduction to aerodynamics course...
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  • #5
enigma said:
And no, I'm not just saying all that because he taught my introduction to aerodynamics course...

I have the CFD book of Anderson, and I was wondering if you had him as professor because I read he is /was at Maryland U. But now you have confirmed it.

How is he?. Is he the typical strange man?. Is he a human being?. Or is he connected to some machine which provides him with additional neurons?. :biggrin:
  • #6
He's a Professor Emeritus here, and he's curator of aerodynamics at the Smithsonian (or some other similar prestigious title).

In class he seems like a friendly grandfather. He's as concerned about your grade as you are, it seems. A great guy, and a wonderful professor.
  • #7

Model Aeroplane Aerodymanics by Martin Simmons.

Very easy to understand and full of math based performance analasys.


FAQ: Book for introduction in aerodynamics

1. What is aerodynamics?

Aerodynamics is the study of the motion of air and other gases, particularly as it relates to objects moving through them. It is a branch of fluid dynamics and is used to understand and improve the performance of vehicles such as airplanes, cars, and rockets.

2. Why is aerodynamics important?

Aerodynamics is important because it allows engineers and scientists to design more efficient and effective vehicles. By understanding the principles of aerodynamics, we can reduce drag, increase lift, and improve stability, resulting in faster, more fuel-efficient, and safer transportation.

3. What are the key concepts in aerodynamics?

The key concepts in aerodynamics include lift, drag, and thrust. Lift is the force that keeps an object in the air, while drag is the force that opposes motion through the air. Thrust is the force that propels an object forward. Other important concepts include airfoil shapes, boundary layers, and the Bernoulli principle.

4. How can I learn more about aerodynamics?

There are many resources available to learn more about aerodynamics. You can start by reading books on the subject, taking classes or workshops, or watching online tutorials. You can also conduct experiments and simulations to gain a better understanding of aerodynamics in action.

5. How is aerodynamics applied in real life?

Aerodynamics is applied in many areas of our daily lives, such as in the design of airplanes, cars, and even sports equipment like golf balls and bicycles. It is also used in the construction of buildings to reduce wind resistance and in the development of renewable energy technologies like wind turbines. In short, aerodynamics plays a crucial role in making our world more efficient and sustainable.
