Static + Hypersurface Orthogonality

In summary, Static spacetimes are defined as having no g_{tx} component of the metric. This can also be described as being foliated by spacelike hypersurfaces that are orthogonal to the Killing vector field \frac{\partial}{\partial t}. These two statements are consistent because the condition g_{tx}=0 is equivalent to the dot product of the two vectors \frac{\partial}{\partial t} and \frac{\partial}{\partial x} being zero, indicating orthogonality. This definition of orthogonality is connected to the concept of distance through the dot product, which can be seen as a measure of length. In summary, the idea of a static spacetime is coordinate invariant and can be described
  • #1
Static spacetimes can be defined as having no [itex]g_{tx}[/itex] component of the metric.

Alternatively we can say that they are foliated by a bunch of spacelike hypersurfaces to which the Killing vector field [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}[/itex] is orthogonal.

How are these two statements consistent?

[itex]g_{tx}=0 \Rightarrow g(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial}{\partial x})=0[/itex] but I always thought this meant there was no distance between timelike and spacelike vectors rather than a statement about them being orthogonal?

Can someone please clear this up for me.

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  • #2
latentcorpse said:
Static spacetimes can be defined as having no [itex]g_{tx}[/itex] component of the metric.

Alternatively we can say that they are foliated by a bunch of spacelike hypersurfaces to which the Killing vector field [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}[/itex] is orthogonal.

How are these two statements consistent?

[itex]g_{tx}=0 \Rightarrow g(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial}{\partial x})=0[/itex] but I always thought this meant there was no distance between timelike and spacelike vectors rather than a statement about them being orthogonal?

Can someone please clear this up for me.


√g(v1,v2) is the definition of dot product. Dot product=0 is the definition of orthogonality, in this case, 4-orthonality.
  • #3
PAllen said:
√g(v1,v2) is the definition of dot product. Dot product=0 is the definition of orthogonality, in this case, 4-orthonality.

Why do you have a square root? This would correspond to "ds" rather than ds^2 and I though ds was an infinitesimal line element i.e. a measure of distance?

If the metric is just a statement about orthogonality, how is it connected to length? Or is it only a statement about orthogonality when it vanishes? I seem to be getting myself very confused about this haha
  • #4
latentcorpse said:
Static spacetimes can be defined as having no [itex]g_{tx}[/itex] component of the metric.
No, for example the dear old Friedmann cosmology has gtx = 0 but is not static. And contrariwise you can take a static spacetime like Schwarzschild and write it in a coordinate system for which gtx ≠ 0
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  • #5
Bill_K said:
No, for example the dear old Friedmann cosmology has gtx = 0 but is not static. And contrariwise you can take a static spacetime like Schwarzschild and write it in a coordinate system for which gtx ≠ 0

So the correct defn is the hypersurface stuff because it is coordinate invariant.

Is it correct to say that if it's static then it's always possible to find a coordinate system with [itex]g_{tx}=0[/itex]?
  • #6
Static means stationary and hypersurface orthogonal. In geometric terms this means there exists a time-like Killing field ##\xi## for the space-time and this Killing field is hypersurface orthogonal i.e. (locally) there exists scalar fields ##f,g## such that ##\xi^{\flat} = g df##. It is very easy to show that this implies there exists a coordinate system ##\{x^{\mu}\}## on the space-time such that ##\partial_t g_{\mu\nu} = 0## and ##g_{ti} = 0##. You will find this shown in e.g. Wald, see chapters 6 and 7.
  • #7
there might be a notational problem in the above, g(V,V)=g^{ab}V_aV_b
  • #8
macrobbair said:

You have the indexes backwards, at least if you are referring to the implicit statement in the OP that ##g_{tx} = g \left( \partial / \partial t, \partial / \partial x \right)##. That translates to ##g \left( V, V \right) = g_{ab} V^a V^b##, with the metric indexes lower and the vector indexes upper. Also, the two vectors aren't the same, so you should really be writing ##g \left( V, W \right) = g_{ab} V^a W^b##.

Then, if ##V## and ##W## are coordinate basis vectors, as ##\partial / \partial t## and ##\partial / \partial x## are, then the components ##V^a## and ##W^b## are either 1 or 0, depending on which basis vector we are looking at. Thus, ##\partial / \partial t = (1, 0, 0, 0)## and ##\partial / \partial x = (0, 1, 0, 0)##, so the formula reduces to ##g \left( \partial / \partial t, \partial / \partial x \right) = g_{ab} \left( \partial / \partial t \right)^a \left( \partial / \partial x \right)^b = g_{tx}##, as the OP wrote.

FAQ: Static + Hypersurface Orthogonality

1. What is static + hypersurface orthogonality?

Static + hypersurface orthogonality is a concept in physics and mathematics that describes the relationship between two surfaces or objects. It means that the surfaces are both stationary (static) and perpendicular (orthogonal) to each other.

2. How is static + hypersurface orthogonality used in science?

This concept is used in various fields of science, such as relativity, fluid dynamics, and geometry. It helps us understand the behavior and properties of objects and surfaces in different environments.

3. What are some examples of static + hypersurface orthogonality in nature?

One example is the relationship between a static fluid surface and the orthogonal boundaries of the container it is in. Another example is the orthogonal relationship between the surface of a black hole and the event horizon surrounding it.

4. How does static + hypersurface orthogonality relate to the concept of equilibrium?

In some cases, static + hypersurface orthogonality can be used to determine the state of equilibrium of a system. If two surfaces are both static and orthogonal, it means that the system is in a balanced state and no further changes are occurring.

5. What are some current research topics related to static + hypersurface orthogonality?

Some current research topics include using this concept to study the properties of black holes and their event horizons, as well as applying it to fluid dynamics and understanding the behavior of fluids in various environments.

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