Black holes and dark matter holding galaxies together?

In summary: This is why its existence is inferred by its gravitational effects, which are seen to be much larger than the gravitational effects of the visible matter.In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that dark matter may use the electromagnetic field of a black hole in the center of galaxies to keep them in place and prevent collisions with other galaxies. It also touches on the role of black holes in the formation of galaxies and the expansion of the universe, as well as the potential existence of a fifth force, the cosmological constant. However, there is some disagreement on the role of dark matter and the source of its force.
  • #1
This is just an idea but if galaxies have or develop a black hole in their center couldn't it be possible that darkmatter uses the electromagnetic field of the black hole to keep the galaxy in place and also keeps it from colliding with another galaxy. I can't really explain what i am thinking but I am trying to explain why a large number of galaxies have black holes in their centers and the expasion of the universe. please correct me if this i am completely uninformed and if this makes no sense at all.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
I am mot an expert here!

Recently, scientist have discovered a force that overcome the force of gravity. Stars are found to be circulating or in other mode about a black hole.
The expansion of the universe is resulted due to this special kind of force.
Every thing in the universe is in motion. We togther with our planet and our star(sun) and other stars and also galaxies are in motion. A collection of stars represent a galaxy. Two stars expreiance a force on each other. This force which the stars experience on each other is known to be action and reaction force. One star pull the other towards it self and the other also pull the star toward it self.
However, the stars don't collide.

Possible reason,
The two stars are in continious motion. And they will create magnetic property. So this magnetic property will overcome the force which this stars expreiance on each other. If the stars were not moving they would have collided with each other. In such a way the total force on the system is balanced.
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  • #3
Themuffinman said:
This is just an idea but if galaxies have or develop a black hole in their center couldn't it be possible that darkmatter uses the electromagnetic field of the black hole to keep the galaxy in place and also keeps it from colliding with another galaxy. I can't really explain what i am thinking but I am trying to explain why a large number of galaxies have black holes in their centers and the expasion of the universe. please correct me if this i am completely uninformed and if this makes no sense at all.

-- Well, the Black Hole is what keeps the galaxy together, and dark matter is what pulls things towards each other (on the large scale). Dark matter WOULD be the reason why galaxies collide with each other in the first place. It works just like gravity, but instead of repeling, it attracts everything. I hope this answers your question, :approve:
  • #4
pnjabiloafer said:
-- Well, the Black Hole is what keeps the galaxy together, and dark matter is what pulls things towards each other (on the large scale). Dark matter WOULD be the reason why galaxies collide with each other in the first place. It works just like gravity, but instead of repeling, it attracts everything. I hope this answers your question, :approve:

Gravity is suppose to be what attracts, it doesn’t repel... dark matter/energy is what is suppose to be .
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  • #5
Black holes in the center of galaxies appear to be the rule, not the exception. Gravity is attractive, but, not at cosmological distances. I think [that is usually my first mistake] there is a fifth force at work in the universe... the cosmological constant. We have the known forces... strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravity... I boldly propose the cosmological constant is a fifth constant. Gravity is the weak sister in current theory, but, it doesn't hold a candle to the cosmological constant: who's effect is so weak it can only be measured in mega parsecs. Yet, it drives the large scale structure of the universe. I would not propose this had I not derived it from the field equations of GR [sounds good, but I am really hoping no one will ask me to prove it].
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  • #6
And how is conservation of energy maintained with these new forces and potentials from dark matter and dark energy?
  • #7
sorry about that, i just read my own post again, like Arctic Fox said, gravity attracts, and Dark Matter Repels.
  • #8
pnjabiloafer said:
sorry about that, i just read my own post again, like Arctic Fox said, gravity attracts, and Dark Matter Repels.

dark energy is the expansion force, if there is such a thing
dark matter has normal gravity, like any other matter,
if there is dark matter
  • #9
Themuffinman said:
This is just an idea but if galaxies have or develop a black hole in their center couldn't it be possible that darkmatter uses the electromagnetic field of the black hole to keep the galaxy in place and also keeps it from colliding with another galaxy.
What electromagnetic field of a black hole? I've never heard of anything of that sort. Of course, that is not to say there isn't one, but I see no reason that there should be one.

Edit: as for galaxies colliding, our own gallaxy has an appointment with our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, scheduled for about 3-6 billion years from now.

I can't really explain what i am thinking but I am trying to explain why a large number of galaxies have black holes in their centers and the expasion of the universe. please correct me if this i am completely uninformed and if this makes no sense at all.
Actually, all galaxies have a super-massive black hole in their center. And the reason for that is that the BH are instrumental in the process of the very formation of a galaxy.

The expansion of the univesre is thought to be caused by the big bang, but also assisted by the cosmological constant.
Didd said:
The two stars are in continious motion. And they will create magnetic property.
AFAIK, a star has a net electrical charge of 0. So the motion of a star cannot produce a magnetic field. That said, stars do in fact have magnetic fields, but these arise from different effects, mostly the motion of plasma *within* a star.
So this magnetic property will overcome the force which this stars expreiance on each other.
I think the stars' magnetic fields are much weaker than their gravitational pull.
If the stars were not moving they would have collided with each other.
Actually, the reverse is true. If they were not moving, they could not collide, since a collision requires movement. The reason they do not collide, is because their orbits around the gallactic center do not intersect (at least not usually... which raises an interesting question - I will start a new thread).
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  • #10
alpha_wolf said:
What electromagnetic field of a black hole? I've never heard of anything of that sort. Of course, that is not to say there isn't one, but I see no reason that there should be one.

In my thoughts; a black hole should have an extremely powerful EM field around it. Yet, at the same time I think that the intense gravity may compress or suppress the field... sounds like something to brainstorm about - anyone want to start a new thread on it?

FAQ: Black holes and dark matter holding galaxies together?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This is caused by a huge amount of mass being compressed into a small space, creating a strong gravitational field.

2. How do black holes hold galaxies together?

Black holes hold galaxies together through their immense gravitational pull. The gravity of a black hole keeps stars and other matter in orbit around it, and this helps to hold the structure of the galaxy together.

3. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that is believed to make up a large portion of the universe, but it does not emit or absorb light and therefore cannot be seen. Its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars and galaxies.

4. How does dark matter contribute to the structure of galaxies?

Dark matter plays a crucial role in the structure of galaxies by providing the gravitational force needed to hold them together. It is thought to be responsible for the formation of large-scale structures, such as galaxy clusters and superclusters.

5. Why is studying black holes and dark matter important?

Studying black holes and dark matter is important because it helps us to understand the structure and evolution of the universe. It also allows us to test and improve our understanding of gravity and the laws of physics. Additionally, understanding these phenomena can potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in space exploration.

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