Understanding Absorption and Transmission in Spectroscopy

In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion surrounding chemical concentrations and their corresponding absorption and transmission readings. There is a discrepancy between the expected absorption of 40% and the actual reading of 22.2%. The equation A = LOG(1/T) is used to determine absorption, but there is confusion about how spectrometers measure absorption and transmission. Reflection also plays a role in the readings, and the conversation suggests consulting a manual for clarification. However, it is concluded that the equation and readings are correct, and it was likely an introductory experiment for understanding light absorption.
  • #1
Gold Member
I'm a little confused, we have tested chemical concentrations based on how much light it can absorb. What i don't understand is why something can have a reading of 60% transmission yet also have an absorption of 22.2% via the equation A = LOG(1/T), T being tranmission, A being absorption. Seems like it should be a 40% absorption. Then i realized i might not quite understand what it means when a spectrometer is reading "Absorption and Transmission". Can someone explain?
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  • #2
The rest goes to scattering processes I guess. One can split the mass-energy absorption factor to elastic and inelastic scattering and photoabsorption.
  • #3
You may have got something wrong with your equation. Maybe you should consult the manual again.
  • #4
Ich said:
You may have got something wrong with your equation. Maybe you should consult the manual again.

No that's how the math works. The meter has a transmission and an absorption scale on the same dial going opposite ways but the Absorption is logarithmic.
  • #5
Reflection accounts for some of the difference...

[tex] R + T + A = 1 [/tex] for all processes.
  • #6
Hey, when T<0.1 -> A>1. That surely does NOT work. You must have forgot something crucial.
  • #7
Ich is right, not only does that allow for absorption to be more than 100%, but A+T > 100% whenever the transmission is less than 13.7%.
  • #8
Ich said:
You may have got something wrong with your equation. Maybe you should consult the manual again.

This is the key to the argument... start consulting.
  • #9
It was a lab for our chem course, we didn't have manuals to consult, we were just told "here, use this equation" and did as we were told haha.
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
It was a lab for our chem course, we didn't have manuals to consult, we were just told "here, use this equation" and did as we were told haha.

Ich is right that reflection does come into play, but the percent of light absorbed, transmitted, and reflected depends on what compound you are talking about. Are you sure it wasn't a sort of "introductory thought experiment" to get to used to using equations to model light A&R&T?
  • #11
It was probably the only time we used the spectrometer this semester haha. It was one of those "hey look, you can determine concentration via light absorption, how bout that" experiments.
  • #12
Got it now - You´re measuring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorbance" , not absorption.
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  • #13
It's less complicated than that...

Your reading of 22.2 is about right. If transmission = T is 60%, or 0.60, then per your formula absorption = A is log(1/T). Well, 1/.60 is 1.66, and the log of that is .2218, or about 22.2%. So your work stands.

FAQ: Understanding Absorption and Transmission in Spectroscopy

What is the difference between absorption and transmission?

Absorption refers to the process in which energy or particles are taken in by a material, while transmission refers to the process in which energy or particles pass through a material without being absorbed.

How do absorption and transmission affect light?

When light hits a material, it can either be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The amount of light absorbed and transmitted depends on the material's properties and the wavelength of the light. Materials that are good absorbers of light appear dark, while materials that are good transmitters appear transparent.

What factors affect the absorption and transmission of a material?

The properties of a material, such as its chemical composition and physical structure, can affect its ability to absorb or transmit energy. The wavelength of the energy also plays a role, as some materials may absorb certain wavelengths more than others.

How are absorption and transmission measured?

Absorption and transmission are typically measured using spectrophotometry, which involves passing light of various wavelengths through a material and measuring the amount of light that is absorbed or transmitted. This data can then be used to calculate the material's absorption and transmission coefficients.

Why are absorption and transmission important in scientific research?

Absorption and transmission play a crucial role in many areas of scientific research. For example, they are important in understanding the properties of materials, determining the composition of substances, and studying the behavior of light and other forms of energy. They also have practical applications in fields such as medicine, environmental science, and materials engineering.

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