Problem with fopen in xcode (C)

  • Thread starter chasely
  • Start date
In summary, xCode is not recognizing the data file and I need to move it to the correct location for it to work.
  • #1
Hello all, I'm having a very frustrating time with this piece of code. For some reason, I can't seem to open the file I'm trying to read data in from. This piece of code works in everything I've tried, except xCode. This wouldn't bother me, but I really only use my laptop for coding, so I need it to work in xCode.

The debugger stops at the fopen command line, like it can't find the file.

If any of you can give me any help I would really appreciate it. I've included the original code and a screenshot of the XCode setup.

What is wrong with this in xcode?

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

FILE *fp;
int tokens;
int wager;
int CompDie;
int UserDie;

fp = fopen ("data.txt","r");
srand((int)time(NULL) + 1);

fscanf (fp, "%d", &tokens);

printf ("%d", tokens);
fclose (fp);

printf ("Description\n");

printf ("What is your wager\n");
scanf ("%d", &wager);

UserDie = (rand() % 6) + 1; /* produce a random number 1 to 6 */
CompDie = (rand() % 6) + 1; /* what is the % used for? */

printf ("User: %d Computer: %d", UserDie, CompDie);

if (UserDie > CompDie)
tokens = tokens + wager;
if (CompDie > UserDie)
tokens = tokens - wager;

printf ("Tokens left: %d", tokens);

fp = fopen ("data.txt","w");
fprintf (fp, "%d", tokens);
fclose (fp);

return 0;


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  • #2
It stopped because you set a breakpoint?
Press f5 (or whatever in xcode) or clear the breakpoint.
  • #3
Thanks for that advice. That fixed one problem, but brought up another...

When compiling I get a "signal 10 (SIGBUS)" error. I looked it up and according to "Step Into Xcode"...

"In a C program, this almost always means that a proper value has not been supplied for a pointer."

I've gone through it and found that I get the error in the fscanf command...this is just the simple line I tried to compile...

Any more help would be appreciated. I hate spending time on these computer using problems, I'd much rather spend my time learning to write code!

What is wrong with this in xcode?

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

FILE *input;
int tokens;

input = fopen ("data.txt","r");

fscanf (input, "%d", &tokens);

return 0;

  • #4
Check the return from fopen, input will be null if the open failed.
if ( input = fopen("data.txt","r") ) { fscanf(input...) }

My guess would be that xcode puts the build in a debug subdir and data.txt is in the current dir.
  • #5
mgb_phys said:
Check the return from fopen, input will be null if the open failed.
if ( input = fopen("data.txt","r") ) { fscanf(input...) }

My guess would be that xcode puts the build in a debug subdir and data.txt is in the current dir.

You sir, have made my week.

You were correct. The program puts the code in a debug subdir where the data file was not. If I move the data file to the subdir, all is fine.

Although that is somewhat inconvenient to do, it solves my problems for the near future.
  • #6
There is probably an option in the debug setup somewhere to set the starting directory for the debug session.

FAQ: Problem with fopen in xcode (C)

1. Why am I getting an error when using fopen in Xcode?

There could be several reasons for this error. One possibility is that you are not including the correct header file for fopen (stdio.h). Another reason could be that you are not specifying the correct file path or the file you are trying to open does not exist. It is also possible that there is an issue with your Xcode installation. Check your code and make sure all necessary files are included and try reinstalling Xcode if the issue persists.

2. How do I use fopen to read a file in Xcode?

To use fopen to read a file in Xcode, you will first need to open the file using the "r" mode. This will allow you to read the file. Then, you can use a loop to read the contents of the file line by line using fgets or character by character using fgetc. Make sure to close the file using fclose when you are finished reading.

3. Can I use fopen to write to a file in Xcode?

Yes, you can use fopen to write to a file in Xcode. To do so, you will need to open the file using the "w" mode. This will allow you to write to the file. You can then use fprintf or fputc to write to the file. Make sure to close the file using fclose when you are finished writing.

4. How do I handle errors when using fopen in Xcode?

To handle errors when using fopen in Xcode, you can use the perror function. This will print an error message to the console if there is an issue with opening the file. You can also use the feof function to check for the end of the file while reading it.

5. How can I improve the performance of fopen in Xcode?

To improve the performance of fopen in Xcode, you can try using the "rb" or "wb" modes instead of "r" or "w". This will open the file in binary mode, which can be faster for large files. You can also try using the fseek function to move to a specific position in the file if you only need to read or write a certain portion of it.
