Graduate School vs. REU Personal Statement

In summary, there are several key differences between personal statements for graduate school and those for REUs. Graduate school personal statements should be more detailed and specific, addressing career goals and desired field of specialization, as well as highlighting any relevant research experience, skills, and awards. While personal statements may be of low importance in the overall application process, it is still important to make sure they accurately reflect the applicant and their potential.
  • #1
Science Advisor
What are the main differences between personal statements ( / statements of purpose) written to support a graduate school application versus one for an REU?

I have now written two successful REU personal statements, so one might assume that I was doing something right when writing them. In those personal statements I discussed: brief mention of career goals and desired field of specialization, past research experience, special skills I have acquired, and honors / awards I have received.

Now I am in the process of writing a personal statement to apply to graduate school. What should I be doing differently?
I would assume that this one should be more detailed (since they can generally be longer) and include a more specific idea of one's grad school, and career, goals (since now, hopefully, one should have some idea as to what sub-field(s) one is interested in).
Obviously, if a particular school lists things to include in the personal statement, these should defiantly be addressed.

I have also been told that the personal statements are of relatively low importance in the overall application; they are more for keeping someone who cannot write well or has the wrong impression of what graduate school is for out, than getting qualified applicants into the program. So that might lead me to believe that content is not all that important, rather just write a well-worded statement with adequate content and do not worry so much about it.
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  • #2
mrjeffy321 said:
I have now written two successful REU personal statements, so one might assume that I was doing something right when writing them. In those personal statements I discussed: brief mention of career goals and desired field of specialization, past research experience, special skills I have acquired, and honors / awards I have received.

That's exactly my SOP content, plus 1 paragraph answering why this particular university, and which faculty I wanted to work with.

mrjeffy321 said:
I have also been told that the personal statements are of relatively low importance in the overall application; they are more for keeping someone who cannot write well or has the wrong impression of what graduate school is for out, than getting qualified applicants into the program. So that might lead me to believe that content is not all that important, rather just write a well-worded statement with adequate content and do not worry so much about it.

Regardless of its importance, every part of your application should reflect you (potential, interests, skills, etc.).
  • #3
Thanks, Cyclovenom, knowing this will make writting my 'new' SOP much easier.

FAQ: Graduate School vs. REU Personal Statement

1. What is the difference between a graduate school personal statement and an REU personal statement?

A graduate school personal statement is typically longer and more detailed, as it is meant to showcase your research interests and qualifications for a specific program or institution. An REU personal statement, on the other hand, is typically shorter and more general, as it is meant to demonstrate your interest and potential for research in a broader field.

2. Can I use the same personal statement for both graduate school and REU applications?

It is not recommended to use the same personal statement for both graduate school and REU applications, as they have different purposes and audiences. It is important to tailor your personal statement to the specific program or institution you are applying to in order to effectively convey your qualifications and fit.

3. What should I include in a graduate school personal statement?

A graduate school personal statement should include your research interests, relevant academic and professional experiences, and future career goals. It should also highlight any skills or qualities that make you a strong candidate for the program.

4. How should I approach writing an REU personal statement?

An REU personal statement should focus on your interest in research and how the program aligns with your academic and career goals. It should also highlight any relevant academic or extracurricular experiences that demonstrate your potential for research.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid in a personal statement for graduate school or an REU?

Some common mistakes to avoid in a personal statement include using generic or cliché language, not following the guidelines or word limit, and not proofreading for grammar and spelling errors. It is also important to avoid exaggerating or fabricating experiences or qualifications.

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