Where Will Fixed-Point Iteration Method Converge?

  • Thread starter khdani
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In summary, theFixed-Point iteration method will converge to the unique fixed point p in [a,b] if the conditions of the theorem are satisfied.
  • #1
How do i find the interval in which using Fixed-Point iteration method, the iteration will converge ?
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  • #2
Let g Є C[a,b] such that g(x) Є [a,b], for all x Є [a,b]. Suppose, in addition, that g' exist on (a,b) and that a constant 0 < k < 1 exists with |g'(x)| <= k, for all x Є (a,b)

Then, for any number Po in [a,b], the sequence defined by

Pn = g(Pn-1), n >= 1

converges to the unique fixed point p in [a,b].

Of course this is for just a fixed point for a function of one variable. Just work with your interval so that those conditions are satisfied.
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  • #3
The theorem you've written tells me that the iteration will converge to the fixed point
Po in [a,b], according to the terms of the theorem.
But my question is, how do i find the interval [a,b], especially for some non trivial function ?
  • #4
The thing about numerical analysis as that the majority of the time you are going to run into functions or systems that are ill-conditioned. The theorem I wrote down is the fixed point iteration theorem which guarantees convergence. That is, those conditions are sufficient for convergence but not necessary. I haven't seen any other theorems about fixed point iteration that guarantee convergence, at least not in my Numerical Analysis textbooks.

Then the only way to find an interval that guarantees convergence is to make educated guesses about what interval you should use and then check if the conditions are satisfied. This is where programs like Maple/Matlab, etc come in handy, you could written a program that checks interesting intervals until you find an interval that works. I can't think of any other way, otherwise It would have probably been written a textbook right beside the theorem. Of course as you said, non-trivial functions probably won't satisfy one of the two conditions.
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  • #5
I understand now, Thank you!

FAQ: Where Will Fixed-Point Iteration Method Converge?

What is the Fixed-Point Iteration Method?

The Fixed-Point Iteration Method is a numerical method used to approximate the solution of a given equation. It involves repeatedly applying a fixed function to an initial guess until the desired level of accuracy is reached.

How does the Fixed-Point Iteration Method work?

The method starts with an initial guess of the solution, denoted as x0. Then, the function f(x) is applied to this initial guess to obtain a new value x1. This new value is then used as the next guess, and the process is repeated until the desired level of accuracy is achieved. The formula for this method is xn+1 = f(xn).

What are the advantages of using the Fixed-Point Iteration Method?

The Fixed-Point Iteration Method is relatively simple to implement and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge. It can also be used to approximate the solution of a wide range of equations, including nonlinear equations. Additionally, the method can easily be adapted to handle multiple equations simultaneously.

What are the limitations of the Fixed-Point Iteration Method?

One limitation of the method is that it may not always converge to the true solution. This can occur if the initial guess is chosen poorly or if the function f(x) does not meet certain criteria, such as being continuously differentiable. The method also requires a significant number of iterations to achieve a high level of accuracy, which can be time-consuming.

How can the Fixed-Point Iteration Method be improved?

To improve the convergence of the method, techniques such as Aitken's delta-squared process or Steffensen's method can be used. These methods involve using multiple iterations in each step to accelerate the convergence. Additionally, choosing a good initial guess and checking the conditions for convergence can help improve the accuracy of the method.

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