Free Flash Program - Find a Download Now

In summary, the conversation is about finding a free flash program. The speaker suggests checking out the Macromedia website to download Flash Player, Shockwave Player, or Authorware Player. The original poster clarifies that they are looking for a flash creator program, and the speaker mentions that Swish is a decent option for beginners. However, they also mention that there are no free options available and express their hesitation to use a keygen without supporting the creators financially. The conversation ends with the original poster thanking the speaker for moving the topic to a more appropriate forum.
  • #1
The Grimmus
Dose anyone know where i can get a free flash program?
Computer science news on
  • #3
sorry i should have been more specific, A flash creator program, like marcimedia
  • #4
"swish" is decent for beginners, you won't find anything that is free though
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  • #5
yea i had swish but the license ran out and the keygen...i was expermenting with and not willing to use without supporting the fine poeple at swish finacialy...the key gen was supposed to be used before the license ran out. Oh and thanks for moving this, i figured it wouldent get much hits so i just put it in the junk pile aka general discussion

FAQ: Free Flash Program - Find a Download Now

1. What is a free flash program?

A free flash program is a software application that allows users to create and manipulate vector graphics and animations. These programs use the Adobe Flash file format and are commonly used to create interactive content for websites and games.

2. Is the free flash program safe to download?

Yes, most free flash programs are safe to download. However, it is always important to download from a trusted source and to have up-to-date antivirus software on your computer to protect against any potential risks.

3. Can I use the free flash program for commercial purposes?

It depends on the specific program and its terms of use. Some free flash programs may have restrictions on commercial use, while others may allow it. It's important to check the program's license or terms of use before using it for commercial purposes.

4. What features can I expect from a free flash program?

Free flash programs typically offer basic features for creating vector graphics and animations, such as drawing tools, animation timelines, and the ability to import and export files. However, they may not have all the advanced features of paid programs.

5. Can I use the free flash program on any computer?

It depends on the program's compatibility. Some free flash programs may only be compatible with certain operating systems or require specific hardware. It's important to check the program's system requirements before downloading.

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