Accidentally Discovering Something Mathematical: How to Publish?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of getting a mathematical discovery published in a journal as well as the likelihood of amateurs making significant discoveries in math. It is suggested that the best course of action would be to discuss the discovery with a local math professor for guidance and potential publication opportunities. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of meeting high standards and having proper stylistic requirements for a paper to be accepted for publication.
  • #1
This is a very random question.

Let's say, that a regular person who dosn't know very much about math just *HAPPENS* to stumble upon something mathematical and unheard off... and works a little bit on it...

Cases like these are not unheard off...many inventions and/or discoveries happened by accident.

So, if somebody happens to find something mathematical by accident and has no idea how to write it up in a proper publishable way...then how would the person get it published?

Do they just write it up as best as they could and submit it to a Journal?

See... I told you it was completely random!
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  • #2
If you don't know much about math and "stumble upon something mathematical and unheard of" then you should (a) listen more carefully and (b) learn more about math and what others have done.

Also, your expression "something mathematical" is way too vague to be meaningful. Last week, I saw four digits in the closing Dow-Jones Industral Average that represented my telephone number in reverse. That's "something mathematical" but I'm surely not about to get it published or to even try.

Perhaps you would care to elaborate on your "discovery?"
  • #3
Oh yeah... that's true...

Tide said:
Perhaps you would care to elaborate on your "discovery?"

I don't have a discovery, I was just asking out of general curiosity...

You are very right that if somebody happens to discover something new in mathematics is very unlikely...but I was just curious on how stuff gets published and out their...
  • #4
I've never published in a (real) mathematical journal but I suppose it's similar to physics publications. Generally, you submit your paper to the editor and if he/she deems it suitable then the manuscript gets sent out to a number of referees for peer review. If they recommend publication then the paper will be published (page charges often apply).

However, your manuscript had better pass muster because the standards (technically, stylistically, etc.) are quite high. Your work will be judged by highly competent and knowledgeable people in the field who have little patience for amateurs "stumbling upon something mathematical and unheard of."
  • #5
Probably the best thing such a person could do would be to discuss it with a local mathematics professor. (Ramanujan and Hardy come to mind- although I wouldn't say Hardy was "local" to Ramanujan!)
  • #6
Tide said:
I've never published in a (real) mathematical journal but I suppose it's similar to physics publications. Generally, you submit your paper to the editor and if he/she deems it suitable then the manuscript gets sent out to a number of referees for peer review. If they recommend publication then the paper will be published (page charges often apply).

However, your manuscript had better pass muster because the standards (technically, stylistically, etc.) are quite high. Your work will be judged by highly competent and knowledgeable people in the field who have little patience for amateurs "stumbling upon something mathematical and unheard of."

wow... that is so complicated...

Let me give you an example.

Fermats Last Theorm, 4 Colour Problem, and Goldbachs Conjunteure are problems amatures take on since they don't need a professional education in math.

Let's just say some amature solves one of these (i know FLT has been solved) for reall and it all makes perfect sense.

However, since he/she is an amature, the paper is not going to be highly sytlistic and will be missing a lot of requirements for it to be published in a journal.

So what would this individual do with his work? Who would he send it too for review?
  • #7

It's not really all that complicated but it is stringent - and rightfully so!

Halls gave a really good suggestion above - discuss it with a local math prof - which, in my opinion, is far better than discussing it with strangers in an online chatroom.

FAQ: Accidentally Discovering Something Mathematical: How to Publish?

1. How do I know if my accidental discovery has mathematical significance?

Determining the significance of your discovery can be a challenging task. You can start by consulting with other experts in the field and conducting a thorough literature review to see if your discovery has been previously documented. You can also seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to get a better understanding of the potential impact of your discovery.

2. What steps should I take before publishing my accidental discovery?

Publishing any scientific discovery requires careful consideration and preparation. You should make sure to conduct thorough research, gather sufficient data, and analyze your results before submitting your work for publication. It's also crucial to follow the guidelines and procedures of the journal you intend to submit to.

3. How do I choose the right journal to publish my accidental discovery?

The choice of journal depends on various factors, including the scope of your discovery, the target audience, and the publication's impact factor. You can consult with your colleagues and mentors for recommendations, or use online databases to find journals that specialize in your field of study. Additionally, make sure to carefully review the submission guidelines and requirements of each journal before making a decision.

4. What are the potential challenges of publishing an accidental mathematical discovery?

Publishing any scientific discovery can come with its own set of challenges. For accidental mathematical discoveries, some potential challenges may include proving the validity and significance of your findings, navigating through complex mathematical concepts and theories, and finding the right platform to publish your work. It's essential to seek guidance and support from experienced researchers and mentors to overcome these challenges.

5. How can I ensure that my accidental discovery is properly credited?

Accidental discoveries in mathematics can often lead to groundbreaking advancements in the field. To ensure that your work is properly credited, it's essential to keep detailed records of your research and findings, properly cite any existing literature that has influenced your work, and follow the ethical standards and guidelines of the journal you intend to publish in. Additionally, consider collaborating with other researchers to further validate and expand on your discovery.

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