Calculating Op-Amp Input Resistance in Non-Ideal Circuits | Tips & Tricks

In summary, the conversation discusses finding input resistance for circuits with op-amps, taking into account the finite open-loop gain. An example circuit is provided and a method for solving it is explained. The purpose of the Rout resistor in the second image is also discussed.
  • #1
Certain questions involve finding input resistance for circuits (e.g. inverting or non-inverting configuration). I know ideally the op-amp has infinite input resistance but i don't know how i would be able to calculate the input resistance for non-ideal circuits? Thank You.
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  • #2
Give an example of a circuit where you are asked to determine the input resistance, and we can help.

Post an image of a circuit schematic.
  • #3
Ok, unitiled1 the question asks to find expression for input resistance taking into account the finite open-loop gain A. And regarding untitled2, like i know that's the inside of an op-amp and that ideally the resistance is supposed to be infinite, and idealy V+ = V-, so how are you going to get a gain if the v-inputs are the same? isn't, Voutput = A(V+ - V-)? And it would help if someone could elaborate on untitled2 diagram because i don't see the point of having the Rout resistor because wouldn't that lower your gain? Or is that there so we can measure the the Vout? Thanks Alot.


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  • #4
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  • #5
For the 1st circuit, point 1 is considered a "virtual ground". This is because the op-amp's feedback keeps the - and + terminals at nearly the same potential, and the + terminal is grounded.

That fact greatly simplifies things, and helps with figuring out the input impedance.
  • #6
For the first one, proceed as follows to solve the circuit.

Using KCL, calculate the current in the two resistors and set their sum, which occurs at V1, equal to zero.

(V1-Vi)/R1 + (V1-Vo)/R2 = 0

Also knowing that Vo = -A*V1 (A is the opamp gain) we can substitute this in the first equation.

(V1-Vi)/R1 + (V1 + A*V1)/R2 = 0

After a little algebra, we get:

V1 = Vi * R2/(R2 + A*R1 + R1)

From this we can get the current into R1 from Vi:

Ii = (Vi-V1)/R1 = Vi*(1 - R2/(R2 + A*R1 +R1))/R1

The resistance seen at the left end of R1 is the voltage there, Vi, divided by the current into R1:

Zin = Vi/Ii = R1*(R2+(1+A)*R1)/((1+A)*R1) = (R2+(1+A)*R1)/(1+A)

Notice that in the case of an ideal opamp where A -> infinity, this expression reduces to R1, which is what you would expect the input resistance to be.

To account for the finite open loop gain, substitute an expression for finite open loop gain for the symbol A in the expression above.

For example, if the opamp has a simple one pole roll off, then a suitable expression for the finite gain would be:

A = Ao/(1 + s*to) where Ao is the DC gain and to is the time constant of the roll off.

You can solve your second example similarly.
  • #7
gambit1414 said:
And it would help if someone could elaborate on untitled2 diagram because i don't see the point of having the Rout resistor because wouldn't that lower your gain? Or is that there so we can measure the the Vout? Thanks Alot.

I see that what I said in my previous post doesn't really apply to the second image.

The second image is just showing a simple model for an opamp open loop.

The output resistance has a very small effect on circuit behavior when an opamp is used with substantial feedback, as is the usual case. Even though the effect is usually negligible, it can be included in an analysis if you want.

FAQ: Calculating Op-Amp Input Resistance in Non-Ideal Circuits | Tips & Tricks

1. What is the definition of input resistance for an operational amplifier?

The input resistance of an operational amplifier, often referred to as Rin, is a measure of the resistance between the input terminals of the amplifier. It represents the total resistance that the input signal sees when it is applied to the amplifier.

2. How is the input resistance of an op-amp calculated?

The input resistance of an operational amplifier can be calculated by dividing the voltage difference between the two input terminals by the input current. This can also be represented by the ratio of the input voltage to the input current.

3. Why is the input resistance of an op-amp important?

The input resistance of an operational amplifier is important because it determines the loading effect on the input signal. A high input resistance allows for a larger range of input signals without distortion, while a low input resistance may cause distortion and affect the accuracy of the output signal.

4. How does the input resistance of an op-amp affect the overall circuit?

The input resistance of an operational amplifier affects the overall circuit by determining the amount of current that flows through the input terminals. A high input resistance means that the op-amp draws less current from the input source, while a low input resistance draws more current. This can affect the overall performance and stability of the circuit.

5. What factors can affect the input resistance of an op-amp?

The input resistance of an operational amplifier can be affected by several factors, including the design and characteristics of the op-amp itself, the load resistance connected to the output, and any external components or feedback networks used in the circuit. Temperature and other environmental conditions can also impact the input resistance of an op-amp.

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