Survived a Near-Death Experience While Cycling?

  • Thread starter ╔(σ_σ)╝
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In summary: What happened was that I was given two doses of a painkiller called Dilaudid. The first dose made me extremely dizzy, and I complained about it, but no one took it seriously. The second one had me curled up in fetal position unable to breathe and sure that I was about to die. It occurred at a moment when I was literally surrounded by doctors and nurses who all went into immediate action. Even then they didn't know what had caused my seizure, so later in the day I was given a third dose. That seizure finally made a doctor.
  • #36
DBTS said:
The first time I almost choked to death.. The second time I almost drowned to death. The third time, one of my parents hunting rifles was loaded and my brother pointed it at my head without the safety and pulled the trigger, luckily the gun jammed.

Choking... nothing is worse that choking when you're alone! The second is still relatively usual for people, but your third... holy crap. I hope your brother was VERY young... but to hold a rifle... *shudder*
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  • #37
DBTS said:
The first time I almost choked to death.. The second time I almost drowned to death. The third time, one of my parents hunting rifles was loaded and my brother pointed it at my head without the safety and pulled the trigger, luckily the gun jammed.

Wow. You, sir, are lucky as hell...
  • #38
discrete* said:
Wow. You, sir, are lucky as hell...

Yep, but let's be honest... not as lucky as all of the of people who haven't choked, drowned, or had a loaded rifle fired at them and survived by a misfire only. Those other people are MUCH LUCKIER. :bugeye:
  • #39
DaveC426913 said:
Ferchrissake, where do you people live??

I had some tapes stolen from my car once.

This crazy part is that I actually live and grew up in a pretty nice suburban neighborhood. But there's crazy people and drug addicts everywhere, I suppose -- you know, the kind of people that steal tapes. ;)
  • #40
nismaratwork said:
Yep, but let's be honest... not as lucky as all of the of people who haven't choked, drowned, or had a loaded rifle fired at them and survived by a misfire only. Those other people are MUCH LUCKIER. :bugeye:

  • #41
discrete* said:

Pas de quoi, mon ami, pas de quoi.
  • #42
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
Not cool!

I have been robbed so many times but only once at gun point.

What did he take from you ?

Where do you live? How could you got "robbed so many times"? I know someone lives in Houston but never got robbed for even once.
  • #43
Oh yea, I just remembered someone who had one: this female person I know works in New York, and one day she found herself shaking like a mouse sitting on razor blades, she thought she caught a cold, so she decided to rise up a little bit late, as for the cold, she was going to snap out of it.

Then she was waken by her brother's call, and was told that she might not need to go to work for sometime. Two airliners just crashed in the twin towers, where she worked.

It was quite early in the morning, so a lot senior company members didn't survive the attack, while a lot blue collars dodged the bullet.

The whole incident was quite traumatic to her, and her brother went to Iraq later (joined the military before the attack).

I also know some marines who were sent to Iraq then Afghan, but under most cases, they were shooting others so I guess that doesn't count. But if I ask them, they would likely tell me every mission is one, because they keep complaining the hmmmv being a paper coffin.
  • #44
Alex_Sanders said:
Where do you live? How could you got "robbed so many times"? I know someone lives in Houston but never got robbed for even once.
I have gotten robbed in different countries. Nigeria 3 times, Canada twice and britian twice.
  • #45
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
I have gotten robbed in different countries. Nigeria 3 times, Canada twice and britian twice.

How does one get robbed in Canada?? Do you carry your money roll in a shirt pocket?
  • #46
DaveC426913 said:
How does one get robbed in Canada?? Do you carry your money roll in a shirt pocket?

I thought robbery in Canada was paying too much tax... didn't realize they had street crime. :wink:
  • #47
DaveC426913 said:
How does one get robbed in Canada?? Do you carry your money roll in a shirt pocket?

nismaratwork said:
I thought robbery in Canada was paying too much tax... didn't realize they had street crime. :wink:

The first time I got robbed was in a bad neighbourhood which is expected.

The second time I got robbed in downtown toronto a few blocks away from my school. There are a few crack heads and drugged out aboriginals around downtown.

Canada has it's own share of crime; every country does.
  • #48
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
The first time I got robbed was in a bad neighbourhood which is expected.

The second time I got robbed in downtown toronto a few blocks away from my school. There are a few crack heads and drugged out aboriginals around downtown.

Canada has it's own share of crime; every country does.

I know man... I know DaveC does too... it was more a joke about Canada and its relative safety.
  • #49
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
The first time I got robbed was in a bad neighbourhood which is expected.

The second time I got robbed in downtown toronto a few blocks away from my school. There are a few crack heads and drugged out aboriginals around downtown.

Canada has it's own share of crime; every country does.

Yeah, I just wonder if you were advertizing 'rob me'.

I suppose that's my myopia. I've lived here almost a half century, but not living downtown, so my downtown experiences were
a] during more normal hours - not a lot of late night activity like you do if you actually lived there
b] in groups and in more populated areas
c] decades ago.
  • #50
DaveC426913 said:
Yeah, I just wonder if you were advertizing 'rob me'.

I suppose that's my myopia. I've lived here almost a half century, but not living downtown, so my downtown experiences were
a] during more normal hours - not a lot of late night activity like you do if you actually lived there
b] in groups and in more populated areas
c] decades ago.

I feel like I'm supposed to raise my hand and yell, "C!, C is the answer that is the largest contributing factor to Dave's experience!"...

...Then I feel baaaaad. :cry:
  • #51
nismaratwork said:
I feel like I'm supposed to raise my hand and yell, "C!, C is the answer that is the largest contributing factor to Dave's experience!"...

...Then I feel baaaaad. :cry:

Aaaahahaha...that was my reaction too...
  • #52
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
Near death any?
Some free climbing routes I've picked in the past have had a spot or two where a fall wouldn't have been very good - I don't suppose that counts as near enough death, which is generally my plan for life (to get close enough for the challenge, but not too close). I'm hoping to make it through the coming week without a near-death experience. Will report back.
  • #53
I was on a Boeing 767 plane leaving Buenos Aires March 14 2005 when one of it's engines caught fire during takeoff. MY passport has the stamp crossed out with "cancellado" to prove it. When I saw the flames flare up a second time, I thought we would be toasted on my side of the plane (but held my cool and told everyone to "get your shoes on and prepare to evacuate"... since the first thing I do in an international flight is take my shoes off so my feet don't get stinky)." says there was an "engine surge" but it was really an engine fire:
On March 14, 2005, United Airlines flight 846, a Boeing B767, N656UA, experienced a left engine surge during takeoff at Ezeiza International Airport (EZE), Buenos Aires, Argentina. The flight crew aborted the takeoff and the 10 crew and 168 passengers performed an emergency evacuation. The incident is being investigated by the Junta de Investigaciones de Accidentes de Aviación Civil (JIAAC), Republic of Argentina.

The injuries were from when a few people went down the blow up ramp too fast. Yes... I did get to go down one of those blowup ramps! Fun! (tho the hours in the nager bay before getting back to a hotel in Buenos Aires, not fun. The $100 voucher for your next flight seemed a bit low in terms of compensation too.
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  • #54
physics girl phd said:
I was on a Boeing 767 plane leaving Buenos Aires March 14 2005 when one of it's engines caught fire during takeoff. MY passport has the stamp crossed out with "cancellado" to prove it. When I saw the flames flare up a second time, I thought we would be toasted on my side of the plane (but held my cool and told everyone to "get your shoes on and prepare to evacuate"... since the first thing I do in an international flight is take my shoes off so my feet don't get stinky)." says there was an "engine surge" but it was really an engine fire:
On March 14, 2005, United Airlines flight 846, a Boeing B767, N656UA, experienced a left engine surge during takeoff at Ezeiza International Airport (EZE), Buenos Aires, Argentina. The flight crew aborted the takeoff and the 10 crew and 168 passengers performed an emergency evacuation. The incident is being investigated by the Junta de Investigaciones de Accidentes de Aviación Civil (JIAAC), Republic of Argentina.

The injuries were from when a few people went down the blow up ramp too fast. Yes... I did get to go down one of those blowup ramps! Fun! (tho the hours in the nager bay before getting back to a hotel in Buenos Aires, not fun. The $100 voucher for your next flight seemed a bit low in terms of compensation too.

Consider it a trip to Argentina's wonderland(Canada) with a $100 coupon:-).
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  • #55
Gokul43201 said:
Some free climbing routes I've picked in the past have had a spot or two where a fall wouldn't have been very good - I don't suppose that counts as near enough death, which is generally my plan for life (to get close enough for the challenge, but not too close). I'm hoping to make it through the coming week without a near-death experience. Will report back.
Hahaha. Lmao.

I too am hoping to get through this week!
  • #56
Ivan Seeking said:
This was a very close call for me.

Tsu and I were doing landscaping maintenance work and needed to light a burn barrel. Just for fun I poured gasoline into the barrel. Tsu wanted to light it [she likes playing with fire] so I got an eight-foot two-by-four and stuck a piece of paper on the end - in essence it was an eight-foot match. I warned her that it was going to be pretty dramatic as I had poured gasoline into the barrel. What I didn't think about was the time between pouring the gas, and lighting the barrel. During that time, fumes had accumulated in the barrel.

Tsu grabbed the "match". I lit the paper and stood back. When she got the flame over the barrel, instead of a igniting and quickly becoming a roaring fire as expected, the thing went off like a battleship cannon - KABOOM! Neither of us was expecting this. Tsu fell backwards and landed on her butt.

I started cracking up! As you can imagine, that was a close one. She nearly killed me!

Aw man! You know what a rednecks last words are? "Watch this!" :)
  • #57
I had a police officer point a loaded gun at my head while I was in the shower in my bathroom.

I was in a "near miss" circling Chicago's O'hare airport. It was extremely crowded and we kept circling, then we started to descend, then suddenly we shot straight up, the oxygen masks dropped, the overhead compartments opened and we were hit with luggage, people were screaming.

Turns out we had just narrowly missed crashing into a plane directly below us.

When I was 10 I was in the hospital with kidney damage. A team came in and started prepping me for heart surgery, they had almost finished when my mother showed up and asked them what they hell they were doing. They looked at my room number, said "wrong room", and left.
  • #58
One weekend years ago I was invited to go camping with a couple roudy guys, and a gal, in a motorhome. Sounded like fun at the time, but by Sunday morning we got kicked out of the private campground after raising hell all night (some other campers joined in). It wasn't so much that as in the morning one of the guys stands out in the road in front of all creation to empty his bladder. "Your outta here!" (campground owner) Well, we were in no condition to be driving anywhere but, we had to go.

About 5 miles from home on a two lane highway the person stuck driving us back hit the curb at beginning of bridge, breaking the axel, careening us across the opposing lane, slammed into the opposite sidewall, flipping the motorhome onto it's side.

I landed on the gals bosum, she, those, saved my life. I saw some flames and tried to swat them out but little did I know that we split the completely full gas tank and had burning fuel flooding the road. We kicked out the windshield as people who had stopped in the oncoming lane were running off the bridge yelling, "run! it's going to blow!"

We got off the bridge and looked back as it was completely consumed with flames and the large full propane tanks began to howl very loudly. That howling alone freaked me out the most. It was freakin loud and demonic sounding!

All four of us walked away from that one. How we did I'll never really understand.
  • #59
Evo said:
I had a police officer point a loaded gun at my head while I was in the shower in my bathroom.

I was in a "near miss" circling Chicago's O'hare airport. It was extremely crowded and we kept circling, then we started to descend, then suddenly we shot straight up, the oxygen masks dropped, the overhead compartments opened and we were hit with luggage, people were screaming.

Turns out we had just narrowly missed crashing into a plane directly below us.

When I was 10 I was in the hospital with kidney damage. A team came in and started prepping me for heart surgery, they had almost finished when my mother showed up and asked them what they hell they were doing. They looked at my room number, said "wrong room", and left.

Oh my lord... I totally forgot... I was a kid... maybe 10?... on a night-flight to Costa-Rica, and our plane was struck by lightning. We lost a LOT of altitude... then just recovered. Thanks for the reminder Evo. :wink:

Oh, and the loaded gun in your shower... I'd kill for a bit more detail as to how THAT came about!
  • #60
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
I have gotten robbed in different countries. Nigeria 3 times, Canada twice and britian twice.

Dude, you got stop looking burglar-friendly.
  • #61
nismaratwork said:
Oh, and the loaded gun in your shower... I'd kill for a bit more detail as to how THAT came about!

And pictures!
  • #62
Ivan Seeking said:
And pictures! at least 10 MP please, I like to examine my future victi- errr... friends... for any flaw in their perfect skin. MOTHER WOULD NOT WANT HER BABY BOY WEARING A FLESH-SUIT that is LESS than perfect!

Oh, I just went to a dark place there didn't I? Damn you Silence of The Lambs!

...but yeah, I've seen Evo's pic here on PF and um... can I have copies Ivan? I promise, no pit-dungeons or night-vision hunts.
  • #63
Evo said:
I had a police officer point a loaded gun at my head while I was in the shower in my bathroom.

It's criminal not to provide details. In fact, if you don't explain how this happened, I'm going to report you to the local police. I assure you, they will come around the next time you're washing up.

EDIT: Incidentally, that would create a really interesting meta-event.
  • #64
FlexGunship said:
It's criminal not to provide details. In fact, if you don't explain how this happened, I'm going to report you to the local police. I assure you, they will come around the next time you're washing up.

EDIT: Incidentally, that would create a really interesting meta-event.

One word: Webcam.
  • #65
nismaratwork said:
One word: Webcam.

Two words, one emoticon: Jail time :frown:

EDIT: Sounds disgustingly like some other "two___, one ___" internet memes.
  • #66
FlexGunship said:
Two words, one emoticon: Jail time :frown:

EDIT: Sounds disgustingly like some other "two___, one ___" internet memes.

but... but... Evo is pretty and smart and she's a STEM lady. Throw the nerds of the world a freakin' bone man! :wink:

...But yeah, it'll be funny when my cellmate is taking me for my nightly "ride", to reflect on THAT particular 'poor choice'.

Edit: just got your edit reference. No longer hungry... :cry:

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