Geometry of Sphere: Find All Points on Circle in Sphere

In summary: This is exactly what I was looking for. I solved a similar problem a few weeks ago where I was constrained to pass through a point and the center of the sphere generated by slicing the sphere at that distance from the center. However, in that case I was trying to find the center of the sphere, not all of the points on the sphere. So your solution is much more clear and concise than mine was.
  • #1
Subject wise, this seems the most appropriate forum, so I'll post here. Feel free to move.

Given a circle of radius r, whose center is distance R from point P and which always lies in a plane perpendicular to line defined by P and center of circle (r) at distance R. All points of the circle will always lie within the surface of a sphere centered on P of radius= sqr( r^2 +R^2). I'm pretty confident on my result but intuitively I didn't expect this.
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  • #2
kevinalm said:
Subject wise, this seems the most appropriate forum, so I'll post here. Feel free to move.

Given a circle of radius r, whose center is distance R from point P and which always lies in a plane perpendicular to line defined by P and center of circle (r) at distance R. All points of the circle will always lie within the surface of a sphere centered on P of radius= sqr( r^2 +R^2). I'm pretty confident on my result but intuitively I didn't expect this.
I am a little confused by your terms, but I think this is equivalent to slicing a sphere at a distance R from the centre. This generates a circular cross section and the points on the circumference of that circular cross section are all on the surface of the sphere.

  • #3
Yes, that is what I'm doing. I just came at it from a strange viewpoint. I was setting up some kinematic equations for a gyro rim, the axel of which is constrained to pass through point P, and the center of which is constrained to distance R from P. What surprised me was that for all r,R >0 all points of the gyro rim (idealized to a circle of course) lie within a sphere. On reflection, I see this is to be expected. Thanks.
  • #4
Take any of the points, X, on the circle and draw the line from the center of the circle, O, to X, the line from O to P, and the line from X to P. Since the circle is in a plane perpendicular to OP, those three line segments form a right triangle. The distance from X to O is r and the distance from O to P is R. Use the Pythagorean to find the distance from X to P.
  • #5
Yes, that was my original solution, in essence. I was looking at the "axel" rotating in the xy plane and was curious as to the nature of the surface of revolution. What I wasn't expecting was that for all non-negative R,r all points of circle (r) lie in a single sphere of radius= sqr(r^2 +R^2) . It even fails sensibly in the cases R=0, r=0 and R,r=0,0 collapsing to sphere radius r, sphere radius R and point P respectively. For some silly reason I was thinking of varying oblateness, depending on R,r. Didn't want to believe myself. Leads to some interesting implications I may explore, like the instantaneous v always in the tangent plane.(to the sphere at that point.)

Again Thanks.

FAQ: Geometry of Sphere: Find All Points on Circle in Sphere

1. How do you find all points on a circle in a sphere?

To find all points on a circle in a sphere, you can use the equation x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2, where (x,y,z) are the coordinates of a point on the circle and r is the radius of the sphere. This equation represents the Pythagorean theorem in three dimensions and can be solved for any point that lies on the sphere's surface.

2. What is the relationship between a circle and a sphere?

A circle is a two-dimensional shape, while a sphere is a three-dimensional shape. However, a circle can be thought of as a cross-section of a sphere that passes through the center of the sphere. This means that all points on a circle are equidistant from the center of the sphere, and the radius of the circle is equal to the radius of the sphere.

3. Can all circles be found on a sphere?

Yes, all circles can be found on a sphere. This is because any circle can be thought of as a cross-section of a sphere as mentioned above. However, the size of the circle will depend on the radius of the sphere, and the center of the circle will be the center of the sphere.

4. How does the radius of a sphere affect the size of a circle on its surface?

The radius of the sphere will directly affect the size of the circle on its surface. The larger the radius of the sphere, the larger the circle on its surface will be. Similarly, a smaller radius will result in a smaller circle on the sphere's surface.

5. Can circles on a sphere have different radii?

No, all circles on a sphere must have the same radius. This is because a sphere is a symmetrical shape, and all points on its surface are equidistant from the center. Therefore, all circles on a sphere must have the same center and radius.
