Ecosystematic Evolution (symbiosis in the importance of evolution)

  • Thread starter TreeofSkills
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In summary, ecosystems play a crucial role in evolution as species do not evolve on their own, but are dependent on the ecosystem they are a part of. This idea has been around for 150 years and is known as coevolution. Ecosystems are in a constant state of change and can be greatly influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. Organisms are adapted through a combination of their genetic makeup and their environment. Quick changes in organisms, climate, and resources can impact ecosystems and potentially lead to their extinction.
  • #1
Ecosystematic Evolution:

Simple idea
Its that, species do not evolve alone, but are reliant upon the ecosystem at the time. (anyone familiar with this).
So, an ECOSYSTEM, evolves, not just a singular animal.
Each facet, attaining some semblance of balance, with everything else or bye bye.

Covered already?

Extra Useless Stuff:

Hey Guys,
This is my first post, my name is TreeofSkill, duh :P

I hope you enjoy, I have some interesting takes on evolution, and hope to, by meshing with some of my betters (you.. not the other guys, just you), to gain a better and more refined concept of evolution. (personally I love evolution ever since this one time, when this girl and I.. Well, that's another story for another forum ;))

If this is already fleshed out, I appologise for being the guy that brings it up.. AGAIN. However, if its unique, I'm totally calling dibs on this, deal?

Mostly I'm just looking for some examples :)
Appreciated ;)
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  • #2
I'm afraid you're a bit late to be calling dibs on this one. 150 years at least. ;) I just read On the Origin of Species where Darwin wrote that interactions between species have at least as much impact on evolution as abiotic factors.

That put aside, you're reasonably right, of course. No species can survive evolving to the point where it has nothing to eat.
  • #3
Both of you need to understand the subject. The environment has impact but is not genetically maintained in evolution.
  • #4
I wasn't saying that.
  • #5
Coevolution is the term used to describe the accelerated one-upsmanship of symbiotes.

Ecosystems - the habitats or environments - are observed as changing at different rates in response to changes in species and populations, as well as other factors, including nonbiological, involved in the multidimensional cascades always occurring.

Some persist for immense lengths, as the redwood forests until the last 150 years when attacked or infested by a particularly destructive invasive species.

Since Sequoia sempervirens is a rather ancient tree, we can know that its described ecosystem had numerous niches occupied by changing supporting casts. Until losses to a system produce perhaps permanent changes in the dominant species, we can call the ecosystem intact.

Yet it can be perceived as evolving, as the component species, and to a small extent, nonbiological constituents change.

Since I was one of those guys who took Latin, evolution merely means unrolling, or we might take it to mean spreading from or through movement. The term has a more specific meaning, as Jorge Lobo suggests, in biology.

Biological evolution concerns changes in heritable traits mediated through genes and environment. The phenotypes differ in more or less detectable ways, and often we look for genetic differences, whether of gene activity in producing molecules at certain developmental stages, or tissues.
The environment, including what may be called psychological environments and other stresses of numerous kinds, are increasingly known to affect both stages and expression in tissues, at least partly through organisms' complex homeostatic responsiveness.
Thus organisms are adapted (or not!) through interaction of cellular heritage with environment.

It might be more true to state that ecosystems appear to persist or evolve through adaptive development - sort of metabiological evolution, looking at organism rather than gene as the mutable component.

Quick change in organisms, climates, even relatively random weather for a very few years, and manipulations such as changing the timing or availability of of resources or nutrient components, can extinguish an ecosystem.
  • #6
Please stop posting to old threads.

FAQ: Ecosystematic Evolution (symbiosis in the importance of evolution)

1. What is ecosystematic evolution?

Ecosystematic evolution refers to the study of how ecosystems and their components, such as species and their interactions, evolve over time. It examines the role of symbiosis, or the close relationship between different species, in the process of evolution.

2. How does symbiosis contribute to evolution?

Symbiosis plays a crucial role in evolution by promoting the exchange of genetic material between different species. This can lead to the development of new traits and adaptations, allowing species to better survive and thrive in their environment.

3. What are some examples of symbiosis in evolution?

Some well-known examples of symbiosis in evolution include the relationship between pollinators and flowering plants, as well as the mutualistic partnership between certain fungi and plant roots. Other examples include the symbiotic relationship between gut bacteria and their animal hosts, and the cooperation between different species in a predator-prey relationship.

4. How does the study of symbiosis in evolution impact our understanding of ecosystems?

Studying symbiosis in evolution helps us to better understand the complex relationships between species in an ecosystem and how they have evolved over time. It also highlights the importance of maintaining a diverse and balanced ecosystem in order to support the survival and evolution of different species.

5. What are some potential future implications of ecosystematic evolution?

The study of ecosystematic evolution may have important implications for conservation and management of ecosystems. By understanding how species have evolved and adapted to their environment through symbiosis, we can better predict and mitigate the effects of environmental changes on these ecosystems. It may also aid in the development of new technologies and solutions for environmental challenges.

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