How Do You Calculate the Minimum Banking Angle for a Car in a Turn?

In summary, the minimum angle the car needs to bank to stay in the turn is 41.53 degrees. If the car changes tires, the maximum velocity it can reach is at an angle of 0 degrees (assuming the same banked angle).
  • #1
I need some help, I am a relative noob at physics. I need this to get credit on test corrections to boost my test grade. Here's the problem,

A 1300 kg car goes around a turn with radius 50 m, at a speed of 75 km/h. The coefficient of static friction is .45, (a) what is the minimum angle of the bank needed to keep the car in the turn? (b) If the car changes tires, which increase the coefficient of static friction to .65, what will be the maximum velocity with which the car will be able to take the turn, assuming the same banked angle?

This is probably easy for you guys. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
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Physics news on
  • #2
1) The car moves in a horizontal circle; what is its (centripetal) acceleration?
2) List the forces acting upon the car, and their directions.

Relate 1) and 2) by Newton's of motion.
  • #3
1) It's centripetal acceleration is 20.83^2/50= 8.68 m/s^2
2) The forces acting on it are gravity, the normal force (perpendicular to the incline), and friction (down the incline)

so Fnx+Fsx=ma
Fn*(Sin theta)+.45*Fn*Cos (theta)= 11284.72

This is where I get stuck, I was taught to use another equation to solve for Fn, but I just can't get Fn. the equation I used was Fny+Fg+Fsy=0, so Fn*(Cos theta)+.45*Fn*(Sin theta)=-fg (=12740). After this I don't know what to do.
  • #4
1) Try to write this in VECTOR form
2) Do NOT introduce numerical values; they just confuse you.
Pay attention to the structure of the equation instead.
  • #5
I just tried to solve for (a) and I got 41.53 degrees, do you know if this is right?

Thanks for all of the help, I have to go to school now. Thanks again.
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  • #6
I haven't bothered to check.
Here's one way of solving this properly:
1) Centripetal acceleration: [tex]\vec{a}=-\frac{V^{2}}{R}\vec{i}_{r}[/tex]
where V is the constant speed, R the radius, and [tex]\vec{i}_{r}[/tex] the outward radial vector in the horizontal [tex]\vec{i},\vec{j}[/tex]-plane.
2) Forces:
a)Weight: [tex]-Mg\vec{k}[/tex]
(M being the mass, g the acceleration of gravity)
b) Normal force: [tex]N\vec{n}[/tex]
c) Frictional force: [tex]-F\vec{t}[/tex]
where [tex]\vec{n}[/tex] is normal to the banked curve, and [tex]\vec{t}[/tex] the appropriate tangent vector. (F and N being magnitudes of forces)

By geometry, we have:

Hence, Newton's of motion states:
Taking the dot product of this equation with [tex]\vec{n}[/tex] yields:
Taking the dot product with [tex]\vec{t}[/tex] yields:
Or, F and N must satisfy for a purely horizontal motion:

In addition, if we have achieved the critical value of static friction, [tex]F=\mu{N}[/tex]
we can solve for the (minimum) angle:
If [tex]\frac{V^{2}}{R}\leq\mu{g}[/tex] then the minimum angle is 0.

Now, you can plug&chug numerical values into this to your heart's content.
(Use a consistent set of units, though.)
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FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Minimum Banking Angle for a Car in a Turn?

1. How does turning a car affect its velocity?

Turning a car involves changing its direction of motion, which means it is changing its velocity. This change in velocity is caused by the centripetal force acting on the car as it turns.

2. What is the centripetal force in turning a car?

The centripetal force is the force that pulls an object towards the center of a circular path. In the case of turning a car, it is the force that keeps the car on its curved path and prevents it from moving in a straight line.

3. How does the mass of a car affect its ability to turn?

The mass of a car affects its ability to turn by influencing the amount of centripetal force needed to keep it on its curved path. A heavier car requires a greater centripetal force to turn, while a lighter car can turn with less force.

4. What role does friction play in turning a car?

Friction is an essential factor in turning a car. It is the force that provides the necessary grip between the car's tires and the road surface, allowing the car to turn without slipping or sliding. Without friction, the car would continue to move in a straight line instead of turning.

5. Can the speed of a car affect its turning ability?

Yes, the speed of a car can affect its turning ability. The faster a car is traveling, the more centripetal force is needed to turn it. Therefore, a car traveling at high speeds will require more force to turn than a car traveling at a lower speed. This is why it is essential to slow down when making sharp turns to avoid losing control of the car.
