Absolute value of complex exponential equals 1

In summary, the conversation revolves around finding the absolute value of e^it, where i is the imaginary unit. The correct way to find the magnitude of a complex number is to square the real and imaginary parts separately and take the square root of their sum. This is different from the definition of absolute value for real numbers. Another method is to use the complex conjugate to simplify the expression and find the magnitude. Ultimately, it is shown that the absolute value of e^it is equal to 1.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm having trouble showing that |e^it|=1, where i is the imaginary unit. I expanded this to |cos(t)+isin(t)| and then used the definition of the absolute value to square the inside and take the square root, but I keep getting stuck with √(cos(2t)+sin(2t)). Does anyone have any suggestions for how to show this equals 1?
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  • #2
Why would you square cos(t)+isin(t)? To find the magnitude of a complex number you square the real and imaginary parts separately and take the square root of their sum (or alternatively, take the square root of the complex number multiplied by its conjugate). Absolute value is defined this way so that it still means the 'distance' from the origin.

Edit: Oh, I see your mistake. A definition of absolute value for real numbers is [itex] |x|= \sqrt{x^2} [/itex]. This is no longer true for complex numbers. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number#Absolute_value_and_argument
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  • #3
Make sure you are applying absolute value correctly. The absolute value of a complex number is not equivalent to the square root of the square unless the number has no imaginary part. It is generalized to adhere to being the positive distance of the complex number from the origin in the complex plane.
  • #4
GridironCPJ said:
Hello all,

I'm having trouble showing that |e^it|=1, where i is the imaginary unit. I expanded this to |cos(t)+isin(t)| and then used the definition of the absolute value to square the inside and take the square root, but I keep getting stuck with √(cos(2t)+sin(2t)). Does anyone have any suggestions for how to show this equals 1?

so you got this right:

[tex] e^{i t} = \cos(t) + i \sin(t) [/tex]

but this is not:

[tex] |\cos(t) + i \sin(t)| = \sqrt{ \cos(2 t) + \sin(2 t) } [/tex]

the quantity inside the square root is not always non-negative. in the domain of real numbers, how do you deal with the square root when the argument is negative?
  • #5
[itex]|z|= \sqrt{zz^*}[/itex]
where * indicates the complex conjugate. In particular
[itex]|cos(t)+ i sin(t)|= \sqrt{(cos(t)+ i sin(t))(cos(t)- i sin(t))}[/itex]
That should give what you want.
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  • #6
Yet another way: in coordinates, cost+isint corresponds to the point (cost,sint) in the plane, and then apply a basic identity using squares of sine and cosine.
  • #7
e^(it) is in polar form already with r = 1

If you want to put it in rectangular form

[tex] e^{it} = cost + isint = a + ib [/tex]


[tex]|e^{it}| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} = \sqrt{cos^2t + sin^2t} = \sqrt{1} = 1[/tex]

or consider...

[tex] |e^{it}| = e^{it} \cdot e^{-it} = e^0 = 1 [/tex]
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FAQ: Absolute value of complex exponential equals 1

What is the absolute value of a complex exponential?

The absolute value of a complex exponential, written as |eix|, is always equal to 1. This means that the distance of the complex exponential from the origin on the complex plane is always 1 unit.

How is the absolute value of a complex exponential calculated?

The absolute value of a complex exponential can be calculated using the formula |eix| = √(cos2x + sin2x) = √(1) = 1. This is because the exponential function has a magnitude of 1 and the sine and cosine functions cancel out each other's squares.

Why is the absolute value of a complex exponential always 1?

The absolute value of a complex exponential is always 1 because of Euler's formula, eix = cos(x) + i sin(x). This formula shows that the exponential function is always equal to a point on the unit circle, which has a radius of 1, on the complex plane.

What does the absolute value of a complex exponential represent?

The absolute value of a complex exponential represents the magnitude or distance of the complex number from the origin on the complex plane. It is a measure of the number's size without taking into account its direction.

How is the absolute value of a complex exponential used in mathematics?

The absolute value of a complex exponential is used in many mathematical applications, such as in Fourier series, which involves decomposing a function into a sum of complex exponential functions. It is also used in solving differential equations and in signal processing.
