Higgs mechanism and relativity

In summary: Also, the Higgs boson is not the same as the Higgs field. The Higgs boson is the particle that results from the excitation of the Higgs field. In summary, the Higgs mechanism gives mass to particles in different ways - for leptons, it allows them to change their helicity, while for quarks, it connects right-handed and left-handed fermions. There is no "flipping" going on, as the situation is time-independent. The Higgs field is not the same as the Higgs boson and contributes a term to the Hamiltonian that connects right-handed and left-handed fermions. It is important to distinguish between helicity and chirality, as they are not the
  • #1
Hi all,

Having looked into the Higgs mechanism a bit (I am a physics undergrad, so my understanding is pretty basic if even correct), I have come up with a question. I understand that the way that the Higgs field gives mass to the W and Z bosons is different to the way that it gives leptons their mass, and the most accessible description of how leptons gain their mass is that the Higgs boson allows leptons to change their helicity. In the standard model, if leptons could not change their helicity, they would be massless. The Higgs boson essentially allows them to get away with changing their helicity, and the frequency with which they do this is related to their mass. The top quark supposedly flips its helicity very often, the electron not so much. That is my understanding so far anyway.

My question is this: When we change reference frame so that particles are moving very quickly, their mass appears to increase. I am wondering what implications this has for the Higgs mechanism - it would seem to imply that particles interact more heavily with the Higgs field if they are moving faster relative to you, but this sounds like nonsense for obvious reasons. I couldn't help but notice that there is no dependency of the other coupling constants on the choice of reference frame (charge is the same even if you move it quickly), but mass does appear to be dependent. Is the answer to this question known, and if so, is it insightful in any way?

My first thought is that the frequency of interaction of particles with the Higgs field would appear to increase due to time dilation, and if mass is proportional to this frequency, it would surely explain the phenomenon.

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  • #2
You're confusing rest mass with relativistic mass. Rest mass does not depend on the reference frame and is indeed related to a coupling constant (Talking about fundamental fermions here). Relativistic mass is the one that depends on the movement of the particle and is just another name for energy. The concept of relativistic mass is redundant and hardly ever actually used (People use the word energy instead), it leads to more confusion than what it's worth and should, in my opinion, be entirely abolished from physics books.
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  • #3
jbar18 said:
In the standard model, if leptons could not change their helicity, they would be massless. The Higgs boson essentially allows them to get away with changing their helicity, and the frequency with which they do this is related to their mass. The top quark supposedly flips its helicity very often, the electron not so much. That is my understanding so far anyway.
The Higgs field contributes a term to the Hamiltonian that connects right-handed and left-handed fermions. But there is no "flipping" going on. The situation is time-independent.

Say you had a two-state system with a Hamiltonian
V connects state 1 with state 2. Would you say it is "causing the system to flip back and forth between state 1 and state 2"?? I hope not! You should diagonalize the Hamiltonian and look at the eigenstates. The correct statement is that V causes the eigenstates to be time-independent superpositions of state 1 with state 2. Likewise the eigenstates of a fermion, in which the eigenstates are mixtures of right- and left-handedness.
  • #4
I think you're also confusing helicity with chirality. The two are only the same for massless particles
  • #5
Thanks for clearing that up, I had gotten confused as you say. Also I think I meant to say "Higgs condensate particles" at one point, not "Higgs bosons" (are they the same?). Other than that, is the rest of my understanding correct?
  • #6
Bill_K said:
The Higgs field contributes a term to the Hamiltonian that connects right-handed and left-handed fermions. But there is no "flipping" going on. The situation is time-independent.

Say you had a two-state system with a Hamiltonian
V connects state 1 with state 2. Would you say it is "causing the system to flip back and forth between state 1 and state 2"?? I hope not! You should diagonalize the Hamiltonian and look at the eigenstates. The correct statement is that V causes the eigenstates to be time-independent superpositions of state 1 with state 2. Likewise the eigenstates of a fermion, in which the eigenstates are mixtures of right- and left-handedness.

Yes, I wrote it in very basic (and incorrect) terms because that is pretty much the only way I've seen it written.

I think you're also confusing helicity with chirality. The two are only the same for massless particles

Also correct. Apologies.
  • #7
Actually I retract my comment. You were talking about the fields before the gauge fixing that gives them mass, so technically helicity and chirality would be the same. However, I think part of your confusing is from thinking of chirality as a vector, rather than an intrinsic property

FAQ: Higgs mechanism and relativity

1. What is the Higgs mechanism?

The Higgs mechanism is a theoretical explanation for how particles acquire mass in the universe. It proposes the existence of a field, called the Higgs field, that permeates all of space. This field interacts with particles as they move through it, giving them a property we perceive as mass.

2. How was the Higgs mechanism discovered?

The Higgs mechanism was first proposed in the 1960s by physicists Peter Higgs, Francois Englert, and Robert Brout. It was later confirmed through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012, where the Higgs boson, a particle associated with the Higgs field, was discovered.

3. How does the Higgs mechanism relate to the theory of relativity?

The Higgs mechanism is closely related to the theory of relativity, specifically the theory of special relativity proposed by Albert Einstein. This theory explains how the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the Higgs mechanism helps to reconcile this with the existence of particles with mass.

4. Why is the Higgs mechanism important?

The Higgs mechanism is important because it helps to explain one of the fundamental mysteries of the universe - the origin of mass. It also plays a crucial role in the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current best understanding of how particles and forces interact in the universe.

5. Are there any implications of the Higgs mechanism beyond particle physics?

Yes, the Higgs mechanism has implications beyond particle physics. It is believed that the Higgs field may have been responsible for the rapid expansion of the universe in its early stages, known as inflation. It also has potential applications in fields such as materials science and technology, as it could potentially be used to manipulate the properties of particles and materials.

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