Mysterious Orange Light in the Sky

  • Thread starter Chris_Gottschal
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    Light Sky
In summary, the speaker saw an orange light in the sky while looking out their window at night. It appeared suddenly and disappeared about thirty seconds later. The speaker initially thought it could have been a plane, but it did not move and just looked like a stationary orange star. The suggestion was made that it could have been a stray meteor, but this was unlikely as meteors would move and leave a trail. The speaker also mentioned that the light did not twinkle and there were no clouds that night.
  • #1
This happened about a month ago. I was looking out my window at the sky at about 10 o'clock at night. I was looking West and I noticed an orange light. It hadn't been there moments earlier. About thirty seconds later it was gone. I figured it might have been a plane, but it didn't move. It just looked like an orange star appear, and then dissapear. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
It could've been a stray meteor heading along your line of sight.
  • #3
Meteor would move and wouldn't last for 30 seconds.
  • #4
yenchin said:
Meteor would move and wouldn't last for 30 seconds.

Not something that is heading directly at you. When you look at regular meteor showers, the pieces of tiny rocks move from one part of the sky to other, leaving a trail behind them. There have been many cases where people have seen these things grow brighter and somewhat bigger as time passed but never leaving a trail. These were the times when it was moving parallel to the line of sight - like a truck or a train, or anything else for that matter, moving towards you. Also, it could have lasted for 30 seconds if it was sufficiently large...something like a bolide maybe. It's a possibility.
  • #5
Chris_Gottschal said:
I figured it might have been a plane, but it didn't move.
A plane can look stationary if it's moving in your direction (the brightness of the light would just change). Then the light can seem to disappear if the plane turns.

Any info about the brightness of the light?
Big or small?
Was it low to the horizon or high up?
Did it twinkle or was it steady?
Any clouds that night?

FAQ: Mysterious Orange Light in the Sky

What is the mysterious orange light in the sky?

The mysterious orange light in the sky is an unexplained phenomenon that appears as a bright orange glow in the sky. It is often described as a ball of light or orb that moves in a controlled manner. It is not a natural occurrence and has been reported in various locations around the world.

What causes the mysterious orange light in the sky?

The cause of the mysterious orange light in the sky is still unknown. There are many theories and speculations, but no scientific explanation has been confirmed. Some believe it could be a natural occurrence such as ball lightning or a type of aurora, while others believe it could be man-made, such as a military experiment or a hoax.

Can the mysterious orange light in the sky be harmful?

There have been no reports of the mysterious orange light in the sky causing harm to people or the environment. However, it is important to exercise caution and not approach the light if you see it. It is also advised to report any sightings to local authorities or scientific organizations for further investigation.

How long does the mysterious orange light in the sky last?

The duration of the mysterious orange light in the sky varies. Some people have reported seeing it for a few minutes, while others have claimed it lasted for several hours. It is also possible for the light to appear and disappear multiple times within a short period of time.

Is there any scientific research being done on the mysterious orange light in the sky?

Yes, there are ongoing scientific studies and investigations being conducted on the mysterious orange light in the sky. Scientists and researchers are trying to gather more evidence and data to better understand this phenomenon and determine its cause. However, due to the elusive nature of the light, it is a challenging subject to study.

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