Revising Activity Series for Elements: A Personal Endeavor

In summary, the author is discussing the differences between the activity series and the electronegativity and ionization energies of the elements. He notes that there are only three measuring scales for electronegativity, and that all of them have a mathematical basis. He is looking for a unitless number to use as a correction factor for the activity series, and is grateful for the information provided by the other person.
  • #1
All right, before reading this, please understand that I am only in my second year of study in high school. Bear with me...

When looking at the activity series or metals and comparing it to the electronegativity and ionization energies of the elements, I noticed something quite interesting that I would like to tweak on my own accord. I won't go into the details here, but it deals with creating a revised table of activities for the elements based on a more solid approach. None of this is for school, simply personal endeavor.

Now, what I need to know is HOW Pauling developed his scale mathematically and in case it is as arbitrary as it seems, I would like to know of any other valid measurements of electronegativity that have come to be. Why I ask for these, is to find a scale that has some sort of REAL unit. I need a real unit that I could compare to the kJ/mol measurement of ionization energy, allowing subtraction possibly. I can't work with them the way they are, obviously. It's like adding apples and oranges.
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  • #2
Are you asking for a measurement of electronegativity in kJ mol-1?

Well anyway, I think there are only three measuring scales: The Mulliken scale, The Pauling scale and The Allred-Rochow scale.

Try looking:

I can't say I fully understand why or what you are looking for but I will try to help.

The Bob (2004 ©)
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  • #3
Electronegativity in kJ mol^-1 would be amazing. I just need some sort of real value like that. Thanks much for naming a few other scales for me. That should prove to help me. I haven't been able to find out if they use any type of unit I could use, but with more research, I'm sure I will figure it out. If anyone KNOWS mathematical values for electronegativity, please speak up. Thanks.
  • #4
Ionization energies are quantities of energy and hence have units of energy (kJ/mol). Electronegativities are not, and so can not be expected to have such units. As for the activity series, the half-cell reactions have associated value of potentials (in volts), from which energies can be derived (G = -nFE). So, the activity series is based on solid mathematical values.

Just because the Pauling (or Sanderson, or Allred or Mulliken-Jaffe or Allen) Electronagativity is a unitless number does not mean it has no strict mathematical basis. Consider other such unitless quantities like the dielectric constant, or relative premeability, or emissivity. They are all corrections to some "ideal" quantity and are hence unitless. The same is true with electronegativity. Pauling's electronegativity is a correction factor that relates the excess bond energy of an ionic bond (A-B) over the mean value of the parent covalent bonds (A-A, B-B). Since it is a ratio of energies, it is unitless.
  • #5
PERFECT. Thank you much for the very informative response. This is exactly the type of answer I was looking for, and it all makes sense now. I was just getting frustrated... not a single teacher or professor I have spoken to was able to explain it or even understood it themselves.
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
Since it is a ratio of energies, it is unitless.
The exact reason I stated it as a shocked question. Atleast I know for sure, suer, sure now.

The Bob (2004 ©)

FAQ: Revising Activity Series for Elements: A Personal Endeavor

What is the purpose of revising the activity series for elements?

The purpose of revising the activity series for elements is to update and refine the list of elements in order of reactivity. This is important for predicting and understanding chemical reactions and for making informed decisions in various industries such as metallurgy and environmental science.

How is the activity series for elements determined?

The activity series for elements is determined through experiments and observations of how different elements react with each other and with different substances. The elements are then ranked in order of their reactivity based on these observations.

Why is it necessary to revise the activity series for elements?

The activity series for elements is not a fixed list and can change as new data and research becomes available. Revising the activity series allows for more accurate predictions and understanding of chemical reactions, as well as keeping up with advancements in scientific knowledge.

Who benefits from the revised activity series for elements?

The revised activity series for elements benefits scientists, researchers, and industries that rely on accurate knowledge of chemical reactions and reactivity. It also benefits students and educators who use the activity series in their studies and teaching.

What challenges are involved in revising the activity series for elements?

Revising the activity series for elements can be a complex and time-consuming process. It requires careful consideration of multiple factors, such as the reliability of data, the experimental methods used, and the potential impact of the changes on various industries and fields of study.
