BLACK MATTER what is it? wheres it come from?

  • Thread starter arashbh
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In summary, Dark matter is an unidentified type of matter that is thought to be affected by gravity, but does not interact with normal matter or light. It is believed to make up a large percentage of the universe, and plays an important role in the formation of gravitationally bound structures like galaxies. Dark energy is the name given to the hypothetical source of the expansion of the universe.
  • #1
"BLACK MATTER" what is it? wheres it come from?

"BLACK MATTER" what is it? wheres it come from?
how is it related to its opposite force the BLACK ENERGY?
why is it so powerful?
why and why indeed LIGHT wouldn't go through it?
put your thoughts here and let's if we can come up with something...
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DaveC426913 said:
There is no such thing as black matter or black energy.

Perhaps you mean dark matter and dark energy?
i think only the words are different
i wanted to have a little discussion over here about it if that's not a problem!
  • #4

arashbh said:
i think only the words are different
Well, your questions don't apply either.

They are not opposite forces. Dark matter is the name applied to an undetermined type of matter that seems to be affected by gravity but does not seem to interact with normal matter or light at all.

Dark energy is a term applied to whatever is causing the expansion of the universe.
  • #5

and the dark matter basically make stuff stick together is that right?
galaxies would stay stiff by dark M and the universe being made of galaxies is expanding caused by dark E.. why is that?
im sorry if i ask basic question I am new to cosmology
  • #6

That's basically the correct distinction. Dark matter gravitates like ordinary visible matter, but it doesn't interact electromagnetically so it's effectively pressureless. This means that it easily clumps and plays an important role in the formation of gravitationally bound structures like galaxies.

As for dark energy, it gravitates differently. It is assumed to be smoothly distributed throughout the universe, not clumping like dark matter. Its gravitational behavior instead results in an accelerated expansion.

Though not directly detected, dark matter is supported by a variety of observations, including evidence from structure formation, the cosmic microwave background, and gravitational lensing. Dark energy, as DaveC mentions, is rather speculative; it's the name we give to the hypothetical source driving the expansion.
  • #7

wow thanks
so here's the part i don't really get .. how it doesn't interact electromagnetically? based on that its not following the rules of physics as other matters would do.
because even energy cannot go through it, it should be intact am i right? then can we trace its root?
  • #8

arashbh said:
how it doesn't interact electromagnetically? based on that its not following the rules of physics as other matters would do.
because even energy cannot go through it, it should be intact am i right? then can we trace its root?
First, not all matter interacts electromagnetically -- only matter with a net electric charge does. For example, neutrons are electrically neutral. I'm not sure what connection you are making between electromagnetism and the "intact" nature of matter. There are fundamental particles that are electromagnetically neutral yet still constitute matter, like the Z_0 boson.
  • #9

arashbh said:
wow thanks
so here's the part i don't really get .. how it doesn't interact electromagnetically? based on that its not following the rules of physics as other matters would do.

Well, unlike the known fundamental particles, we don't know anything about dark matter. We presume it is simply uncharged and only interacts through gravity, as odd gravitational interactions are our only clue that it exists. As Bapowell said not all matter interacts through electromagnetism. Neutrinos don't either, allowing them to pass through normal matter almost as if it wasn't there. The average neutrino could penetrate about a light year of lead before being stopped. Dark matter could simply be another particle that only interacts through gravity.

because even energy cannot go through it, it should be intact am i right? then can we trace its root?

Energy is not something that can get around on it's own. It's a property of matter and light, not something that exists on it's own. Since dark matter doesn't interact through any force other than Gravity, both matter and light will go completely through and bring their energy with them. (I've neglected talking about changes in gravitational potential energy for simplification through)
  • #10

bapowell said:
. I'm not sure what connection you are making between electromagnetism and the "intact" nature of matter. There are fundamental particles that are electromagnetically neutral yet still constitute matter, like the Z_0 boson.
my misunderstanding about behaviors of dark matter, i remember an episode of HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS that they were saying some galaxies seemed to be disordered it was caused by dark matter, their(galaxy's) lights couldn't get directly through it, they were forced to get around it.. that's why i said that nothing can make changes in their formation so they're intact.
now I am thinking of something ... this universe is full of exact particles that are found in atoms
dark matter explains the neutron(sort of) and electrons are energy and protons generate gravity; if we put it this way this universe is actually an atom !
let me get back to dark energy.. isn't it just the "time" ? it is clearly causing us move forward. galaxies, clusters, super clusters are going somewhere in all directions, they are spending time due to the dark energy, make sense?
  • #11

arashbh said:
if we put it this way this universe is actually an atom !
I really don't see this. Yes, the universe consists of all the fundamental particles that we know of, including bound states like atoms. How does this make the universe itself an atom?

let me get back to dark energy.. isn't it just the "time" ? it is clearly causing us move forward. galaxies, clusters, super clusters are going somewhere in all directions, they are spending time due to the dark energy, make sense?
Dark energy is causing space to expand (accelerate, actually). A stationary object in a static spacetime still experiences the passage of time. I'm unclear on the connection you are trying to make here.
  • #12

Dark matter does not consist of neutrons, and there are not nearly enough neutrinos to account for all the missing mass in the universe [at least not any species currently known to science]. Neutrinos do, however, behave very much like dark matter in that they barely interact with other forms of matter. The big difference appears to be mass. There are three 'flavors' of neutrinos we currently know of and their mass is somewhere in the rage of .05 - .28 electron volts. The electron is a mountain by comparison at 931 MILLION electron volts. A more massive version of the neutron [e.g., WIMP] would be a perfect dark matter candidate. Neutrinos are enormously abundant in the universe, almost as numerous as CMB photons. If dark matter particles are similarly abundant, their mass need not be more than a few electron volts - still little more than a gnat compared to the 800 lb gorilla we call the electron.
  • #13

Chronos said:
Dark matter does not consist of neutrons, and there are not nearly enough neutrinos to account for all the missing mass in the universe [at least not any species currently known to science]. Neutrinos do, however, behave very much like dark matter in that they barely interact with other forms of matter. The big difference appears to be mass. There are three 'flavors' of neutrinos we currently know of and their mass is somewhere in the rage of .05 - .28 electron volts. The electron is a mountain by comparison at 931 MILLION electron volts. A more massive version of the neutron [e.g., WIMP] would be a perfect dark matter candidate. Neutrinos are enormously abundant in the universe, almost as numerous as CMB photons. If dark matter particles are similarly abundant, their mass need not be more than a few electron volts - still little more than a gnat compared to the 800 lb gorilla we call the electron.

Just to correct a typo: mass of electron is just over .5 Mev = 500 Kev. Mass given is closer to proton/neutron mass. This doesn't change the main argument at all.
  • #14

I believe he is making a comparison:

dark matter is to neutrons as energy is to electrons and gravity is to protons (whether this is a valid comparison at all is something I won't comment on)

and not trying to state what comprises dark matter.
  • #15

jagatpalv said:
dark matter is really mysterious it is having lots of mysteries in it you should refer this
but still it is a mystery
It's still a mystery in the sense that we do not know what constitutes dark matter; however, we do know much about its properties. This knowledge is compiled from several observational sources. In addition, it might be possible to theoretically account for dark matter within fairly well-motivated extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. So, it's not so mysterious -- why do you think it is still such a mystery?
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  • #16

Lai, Xiao-Yu of Peking University proposed that " Strange quark nuggets (SQNs) could be the relics of the cosmological QCD phase transition, and they could very likely be the candidate of cold dark matter if survived the cooling of the later Universe, although the formation and evolution of these SQNs depend on the physical state of the hot QGP (quark-gluon plasma) phase and the state of cold quark matter. We reconsider the possibility of SQNs as cold dark matter, and discuss the astrophysical consequences of primordial SQNs in the early and present universe. In the early Universe, the formation of black holes inside primordial halos could be faster than that in the standard scenario, and speed up the formation of the supermassive black holes at high redshift. In the present Universe, the capture of SQNs by pulsars could trigger star-quakes, which could be the mechanism for pulsar-glitches." - 1st Caribbean Symposium on Cosmology, Gravitation, Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics: STARS2011
1-4 May 2011: La Habana, Cuba

where as

Tomohiro Abe, Mitsuru Kakizaki, Shigeki Matsumoto, Osamu Seto. proposed that "Weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) is well known to be a good candidate for dark matter, and it is also predicted by many new physics models beyond the standard model at the TeV scale. We found that, if the WIMP is a vector particle (spin one particle) which is associated with some gauge symmetry broken at the TeV scale, the higgs mass is often predicted to be 120--125 GeV, which is very consistent with the result of higgs searches recently reported by ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider experiment. In this letter, we consider the vector WIMP using a non-linear sigma model in order to confirm this result as general as possible in a bottom-up approach. Near-future prospects to detect the vector WIMP at both direct and indirect detection experiments of dark matter are also discussed.-UT-HET-063,IPMU12-0029,HGU-CAP-14
e-Print: arXiv:1202.5902 [hep-ph]

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FAQ: BLACK MATTER what is it? wheres it come from?

1. What is black matter?

Black matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to make up approximately 85% of the total matter in the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to telescopes and other instruments. Its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. How is black matter different from regular matter?

Black matter is different from regular matter in that it does not interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light, and is therefore invisible. It also does not have the same chemical or physical properties as regular matter, and its exact composition is still unknown.

3. Where does black matter come from?

The origin of black matter is still a mystery. It is believed to have existed since the very early stages of the universe, and may have been created during the Big Bang. Some theories suggest that it may be made up of exotic particles that have yet to be discovered.

4. How do scientists study black matter?

Since black matter is invisible, scientists cannot directly observe or study it. Instead, they use indirect methods such as measuring its gravitational effects on visible matter, studying the distribution of galaxies, and using particle accelerators to try and detect its presence.

5. What are the implications of black matter?

Understanding black matter is crucial for understanding the structure and evolution of the universe. It is thought to play a major role in the formation of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe. It also has implications for the search for dark energy and our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.
